News from Ah-Man | November 2010
For those of us who live in the Northeast, it has been a wonderful fall. The changing of the leaves has been vibrant and beautiful. It truly is a delicious time of the year. As the leaves begin to fade and we get closer to Thanksgiving, I want to wish everyone a peaceful and loving Holiday. No matter what life has thrown at us (and sometimes there is more than we want), I am sure there is something we can find to be grateful for. Bless it (or them) and let it go. But even the very things we are grateful for will eventually slip away. However, there is one thing that brings us joy and can never be taken away from us: our own Natural Spirituality. And that is the topic of this month's feature article below. Also over the next month in my weekly blog posts, I will talk about what Natural Spirituality is and is not, and share techniques that might help you discover your own Natural Spirituality.
Finally, if we're not already connected, don't forget to friend me on Facebook, using the link provided below.
As always, I thank you for taking the time to read the Ah-Man Newsletter. As your schedule allows, I invite you to visit the Ah-Man Newsletter Archives to browse past issues of the publication.
Namaste, Michael
 Natural Spirituality is the discovery of our real individuality. The knowledge is acquired by getting to the root of your own individual relationship with your Higher Self and with God. Natural Spirituality is our own unique relationship with God. Even when you are praying in a group, prayer is an individual act in which we are acknowledging our own relationship with God. Have you ever noticed that when you meditate in a group of people, after a while you are able to go deep within yourself, where it's just you and your awareness of that which you are meditating on; all the people have fallen away. They no longer exist. Then, when you come out of the deep meditation it can be jolting or surprising to you to be "back in the company" of all of those people. That is because you have been deep into exploring your own individual spirituality, and then you come back to the collective. The collective can be a group of people, society, religion, etc. The collective also can be a protective insulation from exploring, discovering our true identity and unique relationship with God, Natural Spirituality. Now, by no means am I condemning society. We all need to participate and do our part. Religion is a bona fide path for some folks and has help tens of thousands of souls to be Self Realized. Groups have their purposes as well. What I am saying is that for those of us who are looking for more than what we have found in (and were able to get out of) the collective, Natural Spirituality...awakening our own real individuality and unique relationship with God... can bring us back to wholeness. This Natural Spirituality is not something you can learn at a workshop, or read in a book. It is through your own personal and private journey within that it is discovered. Join me this month at the Ah-Man Blog and share your own stories and thoughts about Natural Spirituality. |
After fielding
many inquiries about when I planned to update my book I AM Ah-Man, published in 2008, I am excited to announced that I finally decided to take mouse in
hand and start working on a new edition, including a new title, Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man.
For those who
are not familiar with the book, it is designed to be a compass to
direct the reader to a fuller, happier, more engaged life. The book includes guidelines for It shows you
how to identify your self-destructive patterns and offers practical exercises
for reconnecting, rerouting, and rewiring your behaviors into more positive
ways of living.
The fundamental elements of trust, forgiveness, and acceptance can
help anyone become whole, and Returning
to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man can guide you to the life you always
dreamed of living.
We anticipate
a publication date in early 2011.
I would love to hook up with you on Facebook, my current social media platform of choice. If we're not already Facebook friends, please use the link below to connect with me.

Michael Hoare, D.D., is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at www.ah-man.com and his blog at http://www.blog.ah-man.com/. |