News from Ah-Man
September 2010
Once again, we are approaching that bittersweet time of year when summer draws to a close and we reluctantly prepare to let go of the freedom and fun of summer, while looking forward to the onset of fall sports and the holidays. I wish each of you a peaceful seasonal transition.
As you know, each month I focus on a theme in the Ah-Man Newsletter, and then I go into more depth on that theme in my weekly blogs during the month. I plan to continue that format will going forward.
For the month of September, the newsletter centers on the spiritual experience of acceptance, the realization of what acceptance means to us, how that realization can be taken into the world we live in and the steps we take to continue to nourish the flower of realization: our enlightenment.
And for the next few weeks, the Ah-Man Blog will explore each of those topics. It's especially important to me that you join me at the blog in September, as I will be asking you to share some of your profound experiences with spiritual acceptance, with an eye toward publishing some of those experiences in my next book.
You'll find more details in my article below.
and Love
 Over the next year, I would like us to have a dialogue on the topic: "What comes after recovery?" I will share with you some of my experiences and I would like to hear from you about yours. If you prefer, anything you share can be anonymous.
I am finishing the second edition of my Ah-Man book, which will be published under a new title, "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man," and I am starting on my second book which focuses on, "What comes after recovery."
The new book will address issues such as how we are able to get through difficult life situations such as recovering from: addictions, abuse, loss of relationships (through death, divorce, etc.), and loss of health, job, home, those people, places or things that were taken from us, whether expectedly or unexpectedly.
All of the life events described above (and many others) can shake you to your core. They can suck the very air out of your lungs. They make us question everything we ever thought we knew...and then some.
And yet, after all was said and done, many of us who have gone through these life events emerged as stronger, more empowered and more whole, with a fuller understanding of life and at more peace with ourselves. Our relationship with our higher self and with the God of our understanding is deeper than ever. We are able to love and live a more complete life than before, even after experiencing a life event that brought us to our knees with feelings of devastation, abandonment, defeat, humiliation, powerlessness and more.
The essence of my second book will be the spiritual experience that happened for different individuals and how they continue to nourish and enhance that wholeness and the peace that emerged.
I am not talking about emotional peace. What I am referring to is how each of us was able to come to that place of acceptance, and then take that acceptance to the next level and nurture it.
Recently, I was the lead speaker at a meeting and the topic I chose
to speak on was spiritual growth and the important need to continually "up
the ante." Someone else agreed and
observed, "The sit-ups I did in high school aren't benefiting me
today." In other words, the things
that brought us to a place of acceptance in the past must be enhanced going
forward. I look forward to hearing from you about an event in your life that started out as a disaster but, by the time you went through it, you had a change of heart and now view it from a wider perspective. You now see that experience as just a piece of what you had to experience to get to where you are now.
Join me at the Ah-Man Blog in September to hear about the experiences of others and to share your own stories.
When it comes to learning how to cope and enrich your life,
sharing the thoughts and experiences of others via blog can be effective, but
nothing beats the healing impact of human interaction. And that's what I
provide at my retreats. You will better understand your own life
experiences and the resulting disconnection from your heart.
My goal -
and passion - is helping men and women free themselves from pain caused by different
types of trauma, neglect and abuse and to begin using the foundational
elements of Trust, Forgiveness, and Acceptance to live fuller and more
peaceful lives on their journey to becoming WHOLE.
Finding Peace Through Forgiveness
Half-Day Retreat
This retreat is designed for anyone who has experienced hurt in their life. The pain we feel from being hurt continues to manifest itself in our lives. Resentment and pain continue to affect our thoughts and the decisions we make, either knowingly or, in most cases, unknowingly. During the retreat, I will share my own miraculous experiences with forgiveness and show how forgiveness cannot happen without healing on the Emotional, Spiritual and/or Mystical levels. I will also expose some of the myths about forgiveness. During the session, I will also guide attendees through meditations of forgiveness, and invite you to see opportunities to grow where there were none. Join me to find out how to have more peace in your life about your past, and to learn the secret of being human.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Joshua's Place 30 Sanford Place Southampton, NY 11968 Time: 10:00am to 2:30pm (includes 1/2 hour lunch break)
Fee: $60 on the day of event Register before August 28 and pay only $45. To register, call Joshua's Place, 631-287-4100.
Hoare, D.D., is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has
a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others
heal theirs.
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web
site at www.ah-man.com and his blog at http://www.blog.ah-man.com/.