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News from Ah-Man November 2009
In This Issue
It's Not Just About Thanksgiving
Where's Michael?
Retreats & Speaking Events
EFT Teleclasses in December
Quick Links

Hello Friends:

Look!  Up in the sky!  It's a bird.  It's a plane.  It's the HOLIDAY SEASON!

Halloween just flew by.  Thanksgiving is on the runway waiting for takeoff, and the December holidays are about to pull away from the gate.  The holidays are coming, folks, whether we're ready for them or not.

For many of us, the season brings excitement!  Some of us dwell on what the holidays mean to us and how we observe them.  Others love the thrill and rush of it all: seeing family members; buying presents; eating our favorite foods, then eating them again.  And again!

Lots of families have holiday rituals.  Some of them we like; others not so much.  And even though we might start off being excited for the holidays, these feelings at times are replaced by others that are not as positive.

Then there are some of us who are, well, let's just say we may be a tad overwhelmed by the magnitude of the emotional baggage that the holidays unpack for us.  Not to mention all the preparations that must be coordinated with full-time work and family life and all of our day-to-day commitments.  On the other side of the spectrum, some of us face the holidays without family or friends or without emotional or financial resources. 

Not surprisingly, the Ah-Man Newsletter and the Ah-Man Blog articles this month will focus on the holiday season.  Be sure to visit the blog often as I focus on:

  • Staying Present and in Our Hearts during the Upcoming Holidays
  • Gratitude and Attitude
  • The Saints Among Us
  • Honoring Each Other

I'll be reflecting on how we can maybe open our hearts and be more "present" (remember last month's discussion on being present), to allow us to come from our heart and not from fear and a few other helpful insights.

Also this month I'm sharing news about a valuable and timely program: Emotional Freedom Technique - Integration for Lasting Change & Transformation, a series of teleconferences led by my life partner, Elizabeth Brown, a Certified Empowerment Coach and a Certified Public Accountant.

As always, I thank you for taking the time to read the Ah-Man Newsletter.  I hope it helps connect you a bit more to your spirituality.

Until next month.



Elizabeth Brown NOVEMBER: It's Not Just About Thanksgiving

Did you know that the month of November includes several holidays other than Thanksgiving?  And Thanksgiving is not the only holiday on which we acknowledge the people and things we are grateful for.

The season starts off with the Christian holidays of All Saints Day (a feast day when we honor all saints, known and unknown).   Believe me when I tell you that there are saints in your life, and can help if you ask for their help.  Mind you, you won't see halos around their heads as they walk around.  They are everyday people who may work at your company or stand in line with you at the grocery store.  You can tell who they are by sensing how open there hearts are.  They can be stern, yet compassionate, and you can feel their love and their peace, and they are usually someone you want to be around often because of the peace you feel when you're around them.

All Saints Day is followed by All Souls Day, which is a day to be reminded of the faithful departed: those who have touched our lives and helped make us better persons, but who are no longer here.

Then there is Veterans Day, also known as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day. Regardless of your views of current and/or past wars, this is a day to put aside our differences and honor the men and women who have served and are serving in the military, especially those who have given their lives for our country.

Also occurring this month is Eid al Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice.  This Moslem holiday commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael as an act of obedience to God.

And, of course, there is Thanksgiving; a time to pause and be thankful for all that we have.  To be grateful for those first pilgrims who came searching for a place where they could honor the God of their understanding without being persecuted, and for the natives who helped them survive the first few winters.  To this day, some of us continue to act as pilgrims, helping others honor the light within and find their own path back to The Source.  And we honor our native brothers and sisters all around the world.  Although we might look different, speak different languages and practice different customs, we know in our hearts, just as the pilgrims and natives knew long ago, we are all brothers and sisters.

I don't think it is a coincidence that Thanksgiving falls at the end of a month full of things to be grateful for. Who among us can deny feeling gratitude on one or all of the special days that are being celebrated in November?


On Wednesday, February 3, 2010, from 4pm to 5pm Eastern, I will be interviewed on the BlogTalk Radio Show "Getting On Top," hosted by Paul Morris.  I'll be talking about how I dealt with huge life trials, as described in my book "I AM Ah-Man," and how I help men and women deal with their own significant life challenges by helping them remove the road blocks that keep us all from a peaceful and happy journey, and teaching them how to reach the foundations of Trust, Forgiveness and Acceptance. 
You can listen to the show via live streaming on the Internet by visiting the Getting On Top Web Site
You can share comments and ask questions by calling 347-215-9456. 

I also want to take this opportunity to give a shameless plug for the Awaken Wellness Fair, scheduled for Saturday, November 21, from 10am to 5pm at the Doubletree Tarrytown Hotel in Tarrytown, New York.  It's true that I will be presenting a talk at the event, but beyond that, I really believe that attending this event will be time well spent for young and old alike, and all those in between!  There will be something for everyone, including speakers, vendors, readers, psychics, food and entertainment. 
This is an indoor event, which means you won't be exposed to inclement weather.  So bring the entire family out to the Hudson Valley's BIGGEST Wellness Fair and Marketplace.  It will be a great kick-off to the holiday season!
You can find more information at the Awaken Wellness Fair Web Site.


When it comes to learning how to cope and enrich your life, sharing the thoughts and experiences of others via blog can be effective, but nothing beats the healing impact of human interaction.  And that's what I provide at my retreats.  You will better understand your own life experiences and the resulting disconnection from your heart.  My goal - and passion - is to help you open your heart and find the freedom and joy we are all meant to experience.  Please share this information with those who have a need.


This retreat is designed for anyone who has experienced hurt in their life.  The pain we feel from being hurt continues to manifest itself in our lives.  Resentment and pain continue to affect our thoughts and the decisions we make, either knowingly or, in most cases, unknowingly.  During the retreat, I will share my own miraculous experiences with forgiveness and show how forgiveness cannot happen without healing on the Emotional, Spiritual and/or Mystical levels.  I will also expose some of the myths about forgiveness.  During the session, I will also guide attendees through meditations of forgiveness.  This retreat will invite you to see opportunities to grow where there were none.

Following are the dates and times of upcoming retreats and presentations:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Joshua's Place
30 Sanford Place
Southampton, NY 11968
10:00am to 2:30pm
Fee: $60.00
Register at 631-287-4100 or Online Here 

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Doubletree Tarrytown Hotel
455 South Broadway
Tarrytown, NY 10591
10:00am to 5:00pm
Fee: $10.00 (early bird registration) or $15.00 at the door

During this talk, I will present an overview of the new Ah-Man Freedom Retreats, with special emphasis on the "Finding Peace Through Forgiveness" Retreat.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Oaks
570 Davenport Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10805
10:00am to 2:30pm
Fee: $60.00
Register at 914-632-8084 or Online Here 


Through the month of December, Elizabeth Brown, a Certified Empowerment Coach and Certified Public Accountant, will conduct a series of teleclasses designed to help solidify the practice of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  EFT is a healing modality which involves tapping energy meridian points (like acupuncture) to release blocked energy (Chi.)  The basic premise behind EFT is that all negative emotions and / or physical symptoms stem from a disruption in the body's energy system.  It can be utilized to address and shift every emotional, physical, and performance problem and often works where nothing else will.  EFT has proven highly successful in thousands of clinical cases. 

The teleclasses will help individuals integrate EFT into their lives within a supportive group of like- minded people.  The sessions will also incorporate principles of The Law of Attraction.

Classes will be conducted every Tuesday in December (12/1, 12/8, 12/15 and 12/22), from 7pm to 8:30pm Eastern.  The dial-in number will be provided to all prepaid registrants.

The fee is $30 per session.  Participants must commit and prepay for a minimum of three of the four weeks.

To register or to obtain more information, call 914-345-1040.

To learn more about Liz Brown and the programs she offers, visit Transformation Through Empowerment.

Ah-Man Hoodie for Women

As we approach winter -- and the heart of the football season -- make sure you're prepared for cold afternoons in the bleachers or a
t tailgate parties with the new Ah-Man Zip Hoodie for men and women.  It's hip.  It zips.  It's now. 
Michael Hoare is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs.
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at