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October 23, 2009
Inside This Issue.....
CSA Mid Year Re Cap Series
Go With The Flow On Water Legislation
Safety Awareness Talks
JB Hunt Conducting CARB Seminar
2009 Seed Law is Available on CSA Website
CSA Mid Year Re Cap Series

Youth Activities Committee Recap
The Ginny Patin Scholarship tournaments have been quite successful in building a healthy fund for the CSA scholarship program.  It was recommended by the Youth Committee and subsequently approved by the CSA Board to increase the number of scholarships offered from two to three, and increase the amount of each award from $1500 to $2500. We will continue the same cycle for application deadlines, with   recipients to be announced as in the past, at the CSA Annual Convention. To continue our goal of providing a conduit between the students and our industry we will be inviting the scholarship recipients to join us at the CSA MY meeting, CSA members will be offered the  opportunity to sponsor the students attendance at the CSA MY meetings.
Our annual CSA Seed Tour was reported to be very successful with 35 attendees this year touring in Yolo and Solano County. This tour traditionally has a focus on the vegetable and field seed industry so the committee also decided to offer an additional seed tour focusing on our flower seed industry members with the tour coinciding with Spring Pack Trials.  Plans are currently underway for this event. 
Many thanks go out to our 2009 tour hosts, the SBC, Pioneer Hi Bred International, Harris Moran, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds, TS & L and to Todd Collins and Matt Linder for planning this very successful event.
Seed tours have been very successful in providing a conduit between the seed industry and students. During our visit this fall at Pioneer Hi Bred International we met two employees who had attended past CSA Seed tours. Recently I have learned that two of our attendees this year were invited back for an interview with one of our member companies. We invite you to provide CSA with any postings for jobs or internships and we will post them on the CSA website and distribute directly to the students who have attended the seed tours. 
If you or someone you know is interested in working on a future Seed Tour we encourage you to contact anyone on the youth activities committee or CSA staff. To learn about some of the behind the scenes work on the CSA Tour a link to the presentation "The Making of a Seed Tour" given at the meeting can be found  on our website. 

Go With The Flow On Water Legislation
                                           From Los Angeles Times
                                                    October 18, 2009
                                                       George Skelton

Negotiators are on the brink of achieving the most comprehensive California water legislation in half a century.   Both sides -- whether talking about Democrats vs. Republicans, environmentalists vs. farmers, cities vs. burgs -- have attained their top priorities, realizing gains that seemed almost impossible just 18 months ago.

GOP lawmakers and San Joaquin Valley growers have secured a pathway leading to probable construction of a long-controversial canal to carry fresh Sacramento River water around the fragile, brackish delta and directly into an aqueduct heading south. Also, a new state water planning process would likely result in an additional dam or two.

Democrats and environmentalists long have fought against both the so-called peripheral canal and what's euphemistically referred to as "above-ground storage," fearing they'd lead to increased water exports from north to south; more for irrigation and swimming pools, less for fish and wildlife.

But the trade-off for acquiescing to the canal and dams is an ecologically restored delta, a once-fertile estuary that's now in danger of becoming a dead sea for salmon and other fish. The Dems and enviros also would gain significantly improved statewide water conservation.

The politicians and "stakeholders" have been meeting for months and narrowed their differences to relatively small details. Issues within issues.  But the biggies basically are settled: the canal, dams, delta restoration, a new governing structure for the estuary and the conservation concept.

What's needed now are some handshakes and legislative votes.  The solution is simple: All sides should declare the victory they've won.
This article can be read at:

Safety Awareness Talks
How To Give A Brief Safety Talk
Choose timely topics. Gear your talks to safety problems you are encountering or that you anticipate in upcoming jobs. The seasons can be important here.
  • Review recent injuries: What happened? Why did it happen? What should have been done?
  • Review recent safety violations: What was the violation? What hazard did it create? What injury could have occurred?
  • Review upcoming work schedule: What hazards are you concerned about? What safety equipment should be used? What procedure should be followed.

The Place and Time

  • We recommend holding the meeting first thing in the morning.
  • Hold the meeting once a week to reinforce your company's philosophy that job safety is important.
  • Keep the safety awareness topics handy. Like any tool,
    they can't help unless you use them.
  • Make sure everybody signs an attendance sheet that includes, date, topic and presenter of the topic.

                                                       Source: InterWest Insurance Services

JB Hunt Conducting CARB Seminar in Irvine on November 13th

As part of a Federal Grant Award, J.B. Hunt will be hosting a CARB Seminar in November to discuss the upcoming CA CARB Regulations and how it will effect all of us operating Diesel Trucks in CA.  The seminar is November 13, 9AM - 12PM at the Irvine Marriott in Irvine,
All diesel vehicles and equipment operating in California, even those based out of state, are currently subject to the new regulations.  To RSVP or for more information please contact: Raul Cavazos mail to: raul_cavazos@jbhunt.com
C.A.R.B. Seminar Topics
  • Overview of California Requirements & Timelines
  • Basic Requirements for Truck and Bus Regulations
  • Trucks Entering Rail Yards and Ports
  • Trucks Not Entering Rail Yards and Ports
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Regulations
  • Tractor Requirements
  • Trailer Requirements
  • Phase in Plans vs. Full Compliance
  • Reporting to C.A.R.B.
  • Enforcement of Regulations
  • Overview of J.B. Hunt's Sustainability Initiatives

CSA membership might find this helpful in de-cluttering the CARB conversation and what the options are moving into 2011. Click below for more information:

2009 Seed Law is Available on CSA Website
The 2009 Version of the California Seed Law - click here 2009 Seed Law
APRIL 25-28, 2010 ~ CSA Annual Convention - Resort At Squaw Creek