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HiringHiring Exceptional
CNAs and CHHAs

If you know of a special CNA or CHHA that may be interested in joining Visiting Angels, ask them to call us at 609-883-8188 or complete our online job application at

We offer:
� Top Salaries
� Hourly Schedules with 4-Hour Minimums
� Live-In Care
� Inspiring Work!

humorSenior Humor:
Knock on Wood

Three sisters, ages 92, 94 and 96, live in a house together.

One night the 96-year-old draws a bath. She puts her foot in and pauses. She yells to the other sisters, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"

The 94-year-old yells back, "I don't know. I'll come up and see." She starts up the stairs and pauses "Was I going up the stairs or down?"

The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful, knock on wood."

She then yells, "I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door."

 kitchenHalf Hour
Vegetable Couscous 
Visiting Kitchens Logo Try this healthy all-vegetable recipe, a delicious Tunisian specialty. Click here for the recipe.

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August 2012
August picnics

August--the last of the summer months. We hope you enjoy family reunions, the NJ State Fair, picnics, and other summer fun.
   In this issue of "Home Care News by Angels": Buying in Bulk, Senior Gadgets, Staying Active, Senior Humor, a vegetable couscous recipe, and the latest happenings at Visiting Angels home care NJ. 
   We appreciate your comments and suggestions. Please email us at or write on our Facebook page.

bulkIn the Market for Personal Care Products? Buy In Bulk and Save!

shopping bag Older adults and/or family caregivers can pocket significant savings by buying in bulk.

Click here to read more. 

gadgetGadget Corner


Our Gadget Corner features unique products which have extra benefits for the NJ senior care population.*  


Dyson fans Dyson Air MultipliersTM (Bladeless Fans)    

These sleek, stylish fans have no blades or grilles. Dyson fans are safe for the grandkids, easy to clean, and don't cause annoying buffeting. Visit for more information.   


Magic Opener Magic Opener� 

The Magic Opener to makes it easier to open any kind of cans with tabs or bottles with pop-off or twist-top caps. Great for athritic hands. Go to to watch a product demonstration.  


Click here to see featured gadgets from past issues.   


*Visiting Angels does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. Items shown are for informational purposes only.  


croquet activeThe Importance of Maintaining Activities As We Age 


Anyone for a game of croquet? Not your thing? That's OK, but it IS important to stay active and maintain our interests and hobbies as we age. Click here to read more.

WhatsHappeningWhat's Happening at Visiting Angels

hands with heart OFFICE NEWS
We're happy to report our office was buzzing with activity in July!
    Managing Director and Co-Owner, Rudy Tervooren, was hard at work all month visiting referral sources, attending client meetings, and giving Veterans presentations at the John O. Wilson Center in Hamilton and at the Sam Naples Senior Center in Trenton.
     With many new and existing families to care for, the Care Management Team, led by Managing Director and Co-Owner, Nora de C�rdenas, was also in full gear. The team was scheduling "just the right" aides for our families; responding to families' changing care needs; monitoring our aides; and both recruiting and training home care professionals to Visiting Angels' unique "philosophy of care."  
   We are the experts on NJ elder care. If you would like to book an eldercare presentation with Rudy, please call him at 609-883-8188 or email him at

We frequently post new information on our company website,, Facebook and Twitter! We are excited about connecting with clients, employees, referral sources, internet searchers, and our fan base. We do our best to help make our website/blog your "Go To" resource for NJ senior care and Home Care NJ. Check it out today by clicking!

Cataract Awareness Month

This month's Community Resource Bulletin focuses on "Cataract Awareness Month." Press here to download a printable copy of our current month's bulletin. You will also find back issues of our "Community Resource Bulletin" from previous months on our website's resource page.


AboutOurCareAbout Our Care

Visiting Angels is a New Jersey-licensed, non-medical home care company committed to going well beyond the "industry standard" to provide an exceptional level of security, comfort and peace of mind to our clients and their loved ones. Our "Angels", all certified home health professionals, are ready to provide compassionate and dependable assistance with the activities of everyday living to seniors, the disabled, those recovering from surgery and to those who are simply frail. Our services include such simple tasks as light housekeeping, meal preparation, errands and shopping to more personal tasks such as hygiene assistance, bathing, dressing and grooming.
Visiting Angels' in-home care helps make it possible for seniors and other adults to continue to live at home and maintain the independence of their daily routines and familiar surroundings, safely. We truly understand how challenging and alien the entire home care selection process can be...and we are experienced in working with families; with loved ones "resistant" to receiving care; and with third-parties payors (such as insurance companies and the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs) to help insure that the best interests of the family and their loved ones are met.

Visiting Angels' services help families spend more mutually-rewarding and meaningful time with their loved ones and also helps provide comfort and peace of mind to those who face the challenge of long-distance caregiving.  
For more information, please call us at 609-883-8188, visit our website or contact us by email at