On My Bookshelf | Conquering Chronic Disorganization by Judith Kolberg. A classic I reread annually for its creative organizing ideas.

What is an Organizer Coach? | Certified Organizer Coaches blog
Organizer Coach credentialing
Professional Organizers who have learned and are using coaching skills in their organizing client work have better results.
Their clients become clearer about what they want from their lives and from the organizing work.
They partner with the Organizer Coach in the creation of new structures and systems.
Because clients are more engaged in the process, the transfer of skills and commitment to maintenance is greater.
Follow-up and accountability are built into the relationship.
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Sue West, Certified Organizer Coach(R)
 | How often do you hear advice about your financial questions or about organizing your life? Often, I bet.
My friend, colleague & Certified Financial Planner(R) Sherrill St. Germain and I both believe that our role is to work with people on ways they can use - or not use - the advice that comes at us all, from so many directions -TV, print, online, family and friends. Figuring out what will work for you, in your life.
How do you sift through it and know what's right for you? Key is knowing your views on the topic -- our article below is about deciding what to embrace and what to let go. Creating your own idea of what is "organized enough."
If you read Sherrill's main article this month here you'll read her ideas on this question: "Truth is, it
wouldn't be that hard to spend all your time managing your money or your
stuff but, for sure, there is the point of diminishing returns. So how do you
find it?"
We are planning several months of similar themes to our newsletters, which we hope you will find useful. Two experts, same time, same place - see you again next month!
To your organized life.Sherrill St. Germain, MBA, CFP  |

p.s. Would you offer your opinions on class topics for 2011? Please take our six question survey below!
The Three P's: People, Products, Process
Back in the days of old, when I attended grad school for business &
marketing, we learned the "four P's" of the marketing mix.
My new version, created specially for the organizing world is the "three P's."
People, process and product.
An organizing system works well for you if all three elements are tuned to how you work and live. It's a quick diagnostic, too.
It's your instruction set, your recipe or your mantra.
The most critical ingredient is you, the "people" part of the recipe. That's what this issue focuses on.
Whether it's your "stuff" or your time, at home or in your office, the "people" ingredient means figuring out:
What's going to motivate you to start and finish your organizing challenge.Tying to your values is especially powerful; How you'll remind yourself to start using this new system; How you will stick with the new system over time -- making it a habit. How does this apply to your financial life? Read this practical example in this article by Sherrill.
Embrace ... and Let Go | |
There is no singular, correct way I
can give you to organize anything, whether it's your stuff, your space or your
time. Wait a minute isn't that what an
organizer does? Remember when your parents told you not to do something? Or you told your
children? Many of us ignored the advice. We had to learn it on our own because
we learn by doing and experiencing it ourselves. And
boy did we learn and remember the
lesson when we figured it out ourselves. We need to know ourselves well enough to have a good sense of which organizing systems will work and which will not. Sometimes it takes working with an Organizer Coach (R), to give you time to figure it out. We need organizing systems
to remember where our keys are, what to do today, how to be on-time, and how to
keep our clothes closets from spilling over. We use them all day long. My Step-by-Step Advice with Client Examples You have the answers inside you. Here are some pointers to get you thinking. Some client examples follow each point. No real names are used and some details are changed but the story illustrates the point in a practical way. Embrace: Embrace
your own living, breathing definition of "organized enough." Only you know what it feels like to feel organized. (Read Ali's story.) Notice
what currently feels organized in your life. How did it get to that point? Transfer skills and ideas to your new challenge. (Read Donna's story.) Believe that you can get this done... ...even if you need to try something very new. The
organizing challenge you face is overwhelming sometimes. (Read Julie's story.) And let go of: The
word "should." As in, " My home should look like my
sister's." Or "I should be able to organize my time more effectively." Thinking
"I can't do this," whatever your organizing
challenge is. Comparisons to other people's organization, to TV shows,
and to organizing articles. I encourage you to read the three client examples above, so you have an example of how this advice can work for you practically. |
Collaborate with Space4U.
| |
1, 2, or 3 hour meetings. By phone or in person. Workbook, too!
Need a Jumpstart? We offer a flat rate, 2 hour, "Jumpstart"" consultation. Ideas, expertise and a plan to get you started on your own. The do-it-yourself option! Side-by-Side Assistance Not sure how to get started? Need moral support or a date to get motivated? Tried on your own but life just keeps getting in the way? Need education or skills while we work together reorganizing?Get started with a side-by-side appointment.
Coaching Services/Virtual Organizing This option works well for clients who:
- aren't sure they are ready to begin;
- want the accountability of checking in occasionally;
- want to organize on their own but can't get motivated or aren't sure if they are ready;
- are too far from southern NH to have an in-home organizing;
- want to establish new habits, which can be hard to instill on our own.
Coaching time can complement side-by-side organizing assistance, or has proven to be valuable on its own.
Classes & Workshops Downsizing, Figuring Out Your Next Chapter, A Life in Context: Telling Your Story.
Next: Give Your Life a Makeover; What's Your Next Chapter (10/27, evening)... and stay tuned for an announcement about another NEW class.
Check classes schedule here.
Downsizing Workbook Whether you are staying or moving; do it on your own with our workbook. Advice, forms, expertise: Click here for more detail |