Greetings and Happy New Year! Mark your calendars and save the date to participate in ACES and Ecosystem Markets 2012! This year the ACES Community, Ecosystem Markets Conference, and ESP will all join together to form one of the world's largest meetings on Ecosystem Services.
ACES and Ecosystem Markets 2012 will be held December 10-14, 2012 at the Marriott Harbor Beach in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We hope that you will make plans to attend this innovative conference which we anticipate will attract more than 600 participants and will feature presentations from every aspect of Ecosystem Services.
Following is important information on ways for you to participate in the conference as a session, workshop, tour, or town hall organizer. Read on for more information and be sure to check out the updated website. |
Call for Proposals!
Are you looking for a way to participate in building the program for the ACES and Ecosystem Markets Conference? Do you have a group of presenters or a topic that you want to lead a discussion on? Then check out our presentation opportunities on the conference website.
We are currently accepting proposals for
If you want to be a part of the program but don't have a group put together to make a complete session, don't worry. We will also have a call for abstracts which will be opened in the spring where we will accept individual abstract submissions.
If you want to build a group of presentations but need a place to connect, visit the in Ecosystem Commons!
Call for Tours: March 30, 2012
Call for Proposals: April 6, 2012
Who Should Attend?
ACES and Ecosystem Markets 2012 will bring together scientists, practitioners, federal, state, and local agencies, business and financial experts, and resource managers who are interested in natural systems and their relationship with human well-being. Participants will include individuals with interests in resource management, restoration, institutions and policy, government, business, conservation, and urban and non-urban development and will have expertise in areas such as:
- Natural sciences
- Economics and other social sciences
- Urban and regional planning
- Resource and ecosystem management
- Corporate Sustainability and Practices
- Conservation
- Development
- Policy, Institutions, and Law
- Geography
- Finance and marketing
- Tool development
Ecosystem Commons - Connect! It's Free!
The ACES and Ecosystem Markets Conference is excited to partner with Ecosystem Commons to provide a place where conference attendees and ecosystem service practitioners can go to meet each other and collaborate on projects.
If you are looking for new partners or to get feedback from the ACES community about your conference ideas here are a couple of tools on the Ecosystem Commons you can use.
- Discussions are the primary way to get feedback on an idea or start a group brainstorm. To start a discussion with the ACES group, follow this link, then select the blue "Create" button the right side of your screen.
- Polls are a great way to get quick feedback on a straightforward question or conduct a vote. To create a poll for the ACES group, follow this link, then select the blue "Create" button the right side of your screen.
- Once you gather a group of people together to plan a session or work on an abstract you can create your own group on the Commons, to do so use this link and select create a group the right side of your screen. With your own group you can have private, discussions or use wikis. Wikis are a great way to collaboratively develop an abstract, create a "to do" list, or develop an working document.
Ecosystem Commons is a FREE service, so register today to start building your network and your sessions!
Should you have any questions about the upcoming conference please do not hesitate to call on me. Please note that additional information on conference deadlines and announcements will be coming via this email listserv. Please be sure that you and your colleagues are subscribed to the ACES - A Community on Ecosystem Services listing.
 Jhanna Gilbert, CMP, CGMP | Conference Coordinator University of Florida | IFAS UF Leadership & Education Foundation, Inc. Office of Conferences & Institutes
PO Box 110750 | Bldg. 639 Mowry Rd. Gainesville, FL 32611-0750| USA PH 352-392-5930 | FAX 352-392-9734 |