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California Seminars in Pathology

December 3-6, 2008
Hyatt Regency Century City
Los Angeles, CA 

61st Annual Convention

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California Society of Pathologists
One Capitol Mall Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814 
Tel : 916-446-6001
Fax :  916-444-7462

CSP Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee of the California Society of Pathologists nominates the following members to serve as Officers and Directors of the Board for 2008-09. The election will take place at the Annual Business Meeting on Friday, December 5, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency Century City in Los Angeles, California.
President              S. Robert Freedman, MD
Vice-President          Peter C. Kolbeck , MD
Secretary-Treasurer       Ellen Klapper, MD
Directors  ( 3 year term)  
Kim Dickinson, MD
David Kaminsky, MD
Ibrahim Ramzy, MD      
Director ( 1 year term)    
Gerald Weiss, MD
Proposed Bylaws Amendment
The Board of Directors has reviewed the existing bylaws provisions describing the duties of the Education Committee and proposes the following amendments. The new language is in italics and any deleted language is noted in underlined text.
Article XI Section 2
An Education Committee shall be appointed by the President. This committee shall plan the scientific and other programs of the meeting.
The Education Committee is charged with the planning and development of the Annual Meeting and other scientific programs. The Committee shall meet at least two times per year upon the call of the chair.
 The Committee consists of no more then ten (10) members of the CSP with at least one (1) and no more than three (3) who shall be members of the Board of Directors. The Chair shall be chosen by the Board for a term of three (3) years. The Chair may serve more then one (1) term and shall act as the liaison between the Committee and the Board.
The term for each member of the Committee shall be three (3) years. Individuals can serve additional terms subject to nomination by the Chair and confirmation by the Board. The terms of members shall be staggered so that there are no more then two potential vacancies per year.
Candidates for vacancies will be nominated by the Education Committee members and submitted by the Chair to the Board for confirmation.
The Chair is responsible, with assistance from the CSP staff and the Education Committee members, for maintaining CME accreditation for the Annual Meeting.