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stop being so darned professional and take a break today!


 Issue No. 41                                          August 2011
Welcome! If you enjoyed last month you'll be craaaaazy about this month!The purpose of this ezine continues to be inspiration, humor, business, personal and just plain fun: aka the don't-take-yourself-so-seriously ezine.
        Favorite Speaker
In This Issue
I Love This Book!
Mikki & Friends
Biz Bytes
Creative Captions
Shoe-Be-Doo Stories
Wonderful Website-ings
Mikki Mouth
Millennial Insights
Titillating Trivia
He Who Laughs...
Social Media Guru Guy
The Happy Cooker
Mikki's Mantra
Mikki on the Move
Speakers School
Visionary Volunteerism
Mikki Williams, CSP



To say July/August was busy would be an understatement and I didn't realize how busy until I started pulling all the photos together. After my birthday week (July 4th) I left for speeches in North Carolina: Here I am with Mark Wheelihan, President of Harley Davidson in Greensboro and Frank Kincaid, Premiere Finishing and Coating, LLC, Mark Wheelihan (Guess which one's which!)Frank Kincaid




The highlight of the month was spending time with good friends Todd and Barb Millar at the Calgary Stampede in Canada (me and Todd below - read more about this fabulous experience on my blog). Do you like my pink sequin cowboy hat that lights up?  Todd Millar  




Then I crossed from western Canada to eastern Canada to speak for FundEx, (with Jamie Kraemer and Chris Enright below). They are an awesome group and I'll be with them again in Whistler, Canada in September (a place I LOVE). FundExJamie heard me speak in Winnipeg about six years ago and he remembered me and helped me get this engagement. Thanks so much, Jamie!  

Then right back to Chicago for JHI (accountants. Yes, I said accountants, can you imagine?) and here I am pictured at right with Sander Berman and Dan Harris. Dan is Sander and Danone of the funniest men on the planet. I'm not kidding.  

No rest for the off I flew to South Dakota and a whirlwind of six speeches from Sioux Falls to Dakota Dunes for Premier Bank (me and Dianne Seefeldt below).  Dianne Seefeldt




Then...(are you exhausted?) off to my annual trade association convention of the National Speakers Association held in Anaheim this year. Imagine the energy (and egos) of 2000 speakers in one place. I was the envy of all as I walked the halls with my fabulous entourage of coaching clients and Vistage members (below - Alan Beaulieu, Brian Beaulieu, Jeff and Todd).






I  roomed with the wild and wildly successful Marjorie Brody (below right),Marjorie Brody and spent time with Maria Carlton (below left) Chief Editor of The Global Speakers Federation who sent me an amazing email about how she heard me speak 10 years ago. It's an example of what I call my psychic rewards of speaking. Read the email here. Maria Carlton

It's such a heartwarming story.  




Flew to Philly to continue this whirlwind of speaking. Pictured below  with Suzanne Caimi Lynn, CFO of MMS Education 

Suzanne Lynn

in Newtown,



And how's this for planning? I went to Baltimore then Atlanta then back to Baltimore. Duh...  

Below, with Jennifer Schoenhofer, Axis Technologies.  





And the part that makes all this work and travel less cumbersome is the ability and joy of catching up with dear friends like Harvey Goldberg in Baltimore (right) Harvey Goldbergand Kenny Shook in Atlanta Ken Shook(left).  












And last but not BFF Kat, the first person I became friends with when I moved to Chicago ten years ago had the NERVE to leave me and move back to California where her family is. KatI ask How did she make THAT decision? The only good thing is that I get to California often so we'll still get to see each other. But still...

Whew! What a month!  


Book -Aug11Brand New

Solving the Innovation Paradox-How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Services and Business Models

G. Michael Maddock, Luisa C. Uriarte with Paul Brown


For all intents and purposes this book was written by my friend, Mike Maddock.  I met Mike years ago when I spoke for EO, Entrepreneur's Organization, and we've maintained a mutually rewarding relationship ever since. I was thrilled when this book came out, as branding is one of my speech topics and I'm always looking for ways to innovate. To combine both of those was both intriguing and enlightening. Research shows people like new products and services, yet companies do not continue to create them at the interest level of our customers. As someone who is always reinventing herself I found Mike's processes invaluable. Simple yet profound techniques of finding needs and opportunities in your marketplace, coming up with significant market insights and creating compelling communication to convince people to try your new creations. I love his concept of "parallel engineering" which is basically not stealing but reinventing someone else's idea. There is so much info and inspiration in this book, now go get it!!!


I love this book!!


Mikki & Friends 

Join me and some of my fabulous friends for fun and informative tele-conversations!


Don't miss the next tele-conversation on  

Tuesday, August 23rd at 12:00 noon CST.


 No cost, no obligation. Just  CLICK HERE to register.    


KARR: Lead, Sell or Get Out of The WayRon Karr  

Ron Karr is a no-nonsense business development expert who pushes his clients to stop competing and start creating.  Inspired by his mother who commanded a battalion of 2000 women in the Israeli War of Independence, and later as a world renowned economist, she was the guiding influence that provided Ron with insights he now brings to his clients.    

Ron is a master strategist that can see opportunities well before others.  He is from NY so he has attitude and an accent.  But deep down he is a caring person who goes to the end to help his clients succeed.  Ron was recently elected to become the President of the National Speakers Association in 2013-'14. So buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life.  Join us on August 23rd as Ron talks about his latest book Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way - how to eliminate your competition and generate the results you want.


Coming in September:

The 42 Rules of Creating We 

Learn the new secrets of success with world renowned author, speaker, consultant Judith Glaser in her newest book of the same title on September 16th. 





My first three years of professional speaking was mostly international choice. A desire to "experience" the world was one of my primary motivators in pursuing this career. As a new feature I will share my fascinating journeys. Hope you will enjoy the recap with me.



Thomas Stanley, Georgia State University Researcher, claims that 80% of all millionaires are networkers.  

Networking began as a trend in the 1970s by Jerry Rubin, YIPPIE turned YUPPIE stock broker, who hosted parties at the "ever so in" Studio 54. He brought people together of similar backgrounds and interests, served wine and cheese and nurtured connections. His parties became as fashionable as Perrier and Reeboks and as a result Networking, Management's New Contact Sport emerged.  


If you take away the YUPPIE veneer, the process itself enriches the lives of those who use it. Networking is no longer a chance meeting. It has become and art form molded into a lifestyle and cultivated with valuable resources. In a recent presentation on networking for American Business Associates, one of my participants likened networking to "planting a garden, nurturing it, not knowing when it will bloom and eventually up comes the unexpected". Is your Net-Working? Do you know the actual skills involved? Unfortunately, colleges do not offer Networking 101, but there are techniques you can do to improve your networking abilities. INC Magazine ran an article on CEOs, entitled, "Getting Together for Getting Ahead" and reiterated several key points. 



I love creativity and as a wordsmith I love double entendres, alliteration, onomato... whatever the heck that one was. One of my quirky habits is collecting names of businesses that display any of the above. Here are two of my favorites:


DOODY CALLS (dog poop-scooping business)


  CARPET DIEM (carpet store) 



I hope you'll continue to send me ones you know of.

Please send to


This month's shoe from The Mikki Collection at Atelier Shoes...  


There is no shoe in the world that's worthy of a friendship of #@!# years so let me say I'm proud of this gorgeous shoe from The Mikki Collection because the wild animal pattern reminds me of the good ol' days when my BFF, Kathy Sirico and I were (as Steve Martin would say) "wild and crazy." Kathy lives in Westport, CT with her husband Tony and they remain two of my Kathy Siricoclosest friends in the Universe and godparents to my son, Jason. They own Greg and Tony Salon, one of the premier salons in all of Fairfield County. Their daughter September recently married and someday when you see me ask me how she got her name. No, it wasn't due to being conceived that month. Kathy has been all over the world with me...South Africa, Ireland, Panama Canal...and in so doing we have created memories and laughter to last a lifetime. As I celebrate our friendship, thought you might enjoy the photo of our wild and crazy days.  

Smiley Face 



For pricing or ordering the shoes, go to 

and mention you saw them here for a 20% discount.



I come across so many and so many are shared with me that I thought I'd share with you.

Etsy is the world's handmade marketplace. 




Mikki Mouth

Enjoy a quote each month from my new book - some funny, some poignant, some professional, some just darn cute! 

   Why make someone a priority when they make you an option?



Order the book today! 


Kristen DaRosa

Kristen DaRosa is an adventure-seeking young consultant specializing in relationship management and marketing. Her Chicago-based consultancy is dedicated to helping her nationally-based clients do just about anything related to the art of 'talk'. DaRosa is an ambassador for a premier MBA school where she facilitates relationship management with global corporations. She will be sharing with us her perspective on what many call "the entitled generation."   



Lessons from the Jersey Shore 


If you've never seen an episode of the Jersey Shore, surely you have heard about this pop culture phenomenon. The tale of six, uneducated 20-somethings from the east coast, spending three months together so that MTV can tell their story to a world audience. They drink, they work out, they do laundry and they are always "DTF" - an acronym they termed that stands for...well, 'Down To [get it on].'  

What is their talent? At best, nursing hangovers and mastering spray tans.

How do they earn a living? For starters, they make $100,000 each per episode. They have endorsement deals for products such as protein-infused vodka, weight management dietary supplements, pistachios, and even pickle-shaped slippers. Indeed, America has turned them into fiscally-jubilant mongrels with hair extensions and blowouts. And damn fine business people, too.
What's all the fuss about? What drives millions of viewers to their show, universities to develop 3-credit classes around Jersey Shore and American Pop Culture, advertisers to pay hundreds of thousands for use of their face and likeness?
Allow me to be the first to admit I chose to drink this morning's espresso while watching the end of the season three premier where the group takes on Florence. As much as I wish to say in good faith I'm a millennial marketeer seeking to understand their business successes, the truth is I enjoy - dare I say, LOVE - watching these guys! We're talking phone-silenced, laptop-shut, nobody-bother-me kind of love.
If there's one lesson I take away from my friends on the shore, it's to be authentic and consistent in your brand marketing and messaging, be it a product, personal identity or belief. Snooki and her entourage may violate every moral code and not know if Italy is a continent, state or country, but I can always trust the gang to be consistently ignorant, crass and hilarious.




Men can read smaller print than women can;
women can hear better.


Laughing baby

As kids get ready for the new school year, this seemed like appropriate humor  

"Mommy, can I take a picture of you for school?"  

Teacher:  Did everyone bring a picture today of the oldest thing in their  home?"



Dave Nelsen

Dave Nelsen

Dave's formal title is President, Dialog Consulting Group.

From 2005 to 2009 he was CEO of TalkShoe, a social media company now serving more than one million monthly listeners...and the fabulous company I use to produce my monthly teleseminars.


Google+ What?

When Google announced a new social network called Google+, I ignored it. Using a loose definition, Google had already "failed" at social networking three times, with Orkut, Wave, and Buzz. Are you using any of these? You never even heard of them, right?
I figured that Google engineers just didn't get social networking. My opinion changed when I discovered that more than 10,000,000 people had joined during the first two weeks. And you can't just sign up; you have to be invited by someone who knows you. Genius!
Now I'm using Google+ and am very impressed. It will change not just Facebook and LinkedIn (evolve or die) but, I believe, business-to-business (B2B) social networking. Have you noticed that B2B doesn't really work on Facebook? Here's why.
On Facebook, almost everything you do is shared with everybody you "friend." The problem is that I have my family and personal pursuits out there on Facebook. I don't want to share that with my professional associates. Do you dress the same for the office as you do at home? Didn't think so.
Google+ changes all that with "Circles." When I connect with a person on Google+, I indicate which circle they're a part of. So far I have "Family," "Friends." and "Professionals" (AKA "Work") circles, among others. Now, each time I post an update, a photo, etc., I specify which circle or circles of people I want to see it. Some things go just to my professional connections. Others go to friends and family. And yet others go exclusively to family members.
It's fabulous, save for one thing: If Google+ had been invented before LinkedIn and Facebook, it would be the only social network we'd ever need. Unfortunately, since 100 million professionals use LinkedIn, I must continue professional networking there. And with 750 million friends on Facebook, I must continue personal networking there. 
Still, Google+ is a new force that can't be ignored. So now we've got three important social networks to attend to. That won't be all bad because LinkedIn and Facebook will add comparable features soon enough. As such, B2B social networking will become ever more functional and valuable, and that will justify the additional time investment.  

You can find more formal details here: 

To contact Dave directly:


Little girl chef

Yes, that was the name of one of my businesses and oh, come on, I know guys cook too.  


Garlic fries

San Francisco Garlic Fries 

 Yield: 4 to 6 servings 





Nonstick vegetable oil spray
2 1/4 pounds russet potatoes, cut lengthwise into 3 x 1/3 x 1/3-inch batons
3 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley

Preheat oven to 450�. Coat a large rimmed baking sheet with nonstick spray. Toss potatoes with 2 1/2 tablespoons oil in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper. Arrange in a single layer on baking sheet.
Roast the potatoes, turning occasionally, until browned and tender, about 30 minutes. Increase heat to 500�. Continue roasting until fries are deep brown in spots, about 5 more minutes.
Whisk remaining 1/2 tablespoons oil, garlic, and parsley in a large bowl. Add hot fries, season with salt and pepper, and toss to coat. 


Be's the only place that isn't crowded.  
My quote was chosen again from over 5,000 submissions to be featured in The Woman's Advantage Shared Wisdom Calendar for 2011. I'm on July 3rd (a coincidence since my birthday is July 4th) and the chosen quote was "Life gives you choices, not chances and it's those choices that determine the quality of your life."
For more information call 919.841.0401 or visit The Woman's Advantage


The Magic Onion


Oh, I'm a magic onion  

Don't laugh, you're an onion too  

There's layers and layers and layers of me  

I'll never get down through.


I just try to peel myself  

To see what I'm about  

Whenever any insight comes  

I laugh and dance and shout.  


Now I'm not implying  

That self-search is such fun.  

Sometimes I scare myself to death  

I want to hide or run.


When I begin to understand  

What others plainly see  

I wonder how anyone can love  

The unformed self of me.  


If you gave me a crystal ball  

I'd throw it far away  

I only have the strength to bear  

The layer of today.  


Am I glad I'm an onion?  

Well, I used to be a rock.  

Nothing moved or breathed inside  

I was all locked and blocked.  


So now that I'm an onion  

Although I cry, I jive  

I hope to be a-peeling  

Until I'm ninety-five.  


All you other onions  

Who've never made a strip  

I'm not going to sugarcoat  

Your first colossal rip.


It may shake you up a bit  

But it won't break your heart.  

It may truly save your life  

Give you a brand new start.


So when you find a loving friend  

Who's wise and strong and kind  

Go to her and open up  

The onion of your mind.




Check out where Mikki will be speaking and piggyback your company or association event. Or just invite her to dinner or shopping!


Click here for her calendar:   

Mikki On The Move

Speakers School logo 
The next Speakers School is in session on    
September 22-24, 2011 in Chicago
Speakers School video 
Why Should You Come to Speakers School?

 Day One: Presentation Skills

Day Two: Learning Lab

(Your opportunity to practice what you learned in Day One. You must have completed Day One to participate.)

Day Three: Getting Booked

Speakers School is for people at all levels; novices, wannabes, CEOs, professionals or anyone who needs to improve their communication skills.  

And who doesn't?    

Upcoming Speakers Schools:

September 22-24, 2011

February 23-25, 2011 





Help your employees improve their presentation skills, whether they're

speaking in front of a group or in a one-on-one situation.  

Successful business people know it's important to have an edge these days, and Speakers School provides that with Mikki's how-to techniques you can use, not theories you'll forget. Excellent communication skills set you and your staff apart and help take your business to the next level.






Visionary - adjective (esp. of a person), thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom   

People Touching PeopleI speak of volunteerism is my speeches. I tell stories to inspire and challenge audiences to volunteer as individuals, as responsible business and community leaders. as parents/grandparents, and to get their children involved early. By the way, volunteerism is the number one way to raise self-esteem. What are you doing in this visionary effort? Each month I will give you a link to a site where you can volunteer. Please send me a link to your favorite volunteer opportunity to post. 

In observance of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, please explore how to post a tribute, donate your time, support a cause.

Become a fan on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, connect with me on LinkedIn, catch me on YouTube, look for me on Plaxo: 

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Don't forget to check out my blog every Sunday
for a  new post:  


 Would love for you to join my Facebook Fan page. Just click the icon below:

Find me on Facebook

In case you've missed past issues of the ezine
Click here to visit the archives.  

To book Mikki for your next event as a keynoter, emcee, panelist, seminar or workshop leader (she doesn't do floors or windows) or for more info on Vistage, Speakers Schools, Coaching or Consulting or anything else that's on your mind, contact Mikki or Samantha


Mikki Williams, CSP is a professional speaker/trainer, specializing in business dynamics and human potential as well as a Resource Speaker for Vistage International, the worlds largest CEO organization.  She is a small business consultant, runs tri-annual Speaker Schools, Chairs two Executive Think Tanks, affilated with Vistage International and is a Life Architect, helping people design their lives and businesses through a coaching model. To learn more about Mikki Williams Unltd. and all the services provided

CALL ME: 312.664.8447                     

FAX ME: 312.664.8460

E ME: 



 Thanks for spending time with us!     

                     Bathing Beauties

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All contents � 2008, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Duplication or reprint only with expressed permission from Mikki Williams. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. In our extensive research we've made every attempt to be accurate in attributing quotes, poems, jokes and the like and want to apologize in advance if we have not given proper credit or given it erroneously.