CaricatureHair She is...!
A Mikki Williams Quality-of-Life Ezine
Stop being so darned "professional" and take a break today!
Issue No. 10                      November 2008
Welcome to issue ten of my ezine. If you enjoyed last month you'll be craaaaazy about this month!  The purpose of this ezine continues to be inspiration, humor, business, personal and just plain fun: aka  the don't-take-yourself-so-seriously ezine.



          Mikki in Gold
Once again I write this on a plane (what a surprise) on my way to Texas where they love gals with big hair and big jewelry☺
It's November and I'm already getting giddy with thoughts of the holiday season.  I'm the proverbial "kid-on-sentimental-overload" at this time of year.
October was busier than ever, and eclectic in clients and personal events. Working for Hot Dog on a Stick was a totally unique experience. Mikki - Hot DogThis employee-owned company of millennials who started with the company in their teens and now are owners was so enthusiastic and fun-loving that I couldn't help but enjoy every minute of my work (who named it work when it's so much fun?). From Hot Dogs to convenience store petroleum distributors to corporate aviation specialists, then capped off by a solo rejuvenation retreat in Miami, ending on a festive and crazy Halloween night (check out my blog: for more details on that) it was another month to be thankful for. 

Nov. Thnksgvg.As Thanksgiving approaches I can't help but share my gratitude for the blessings I have...good health and vitality, great friends, an amazing career, Vistage, for Jason, THE son who walks on water, for Sam, my incredible Director of Everything, and an overall appreciation for the gift of life and the joy of living authentically and outrageously.


DestinyDiscover Your Destiny
By Robin Sharma

This book is about reclaiming your greatest life. It's about personal leadership, self-discovery and living from a place of authenticity. The path to authenticity involves living life on your own terms, according to your deepest values and highest ideals. Hmmmmm... does that sound like anyone you know?

Life is not just about our sole purpose but our soul purpose. The author discovered (as I have) that pain and adversity are powerful vehicles to promote personal growth. He believes (as I do) that we as human beings have an enormous amount of choice to create the beautiful lives of our dreams. Is life ruled by the silent hand of chance or the powerful fist of choice?

We come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing. I've never seen a U-Haul following a hearse on the way to the cemetery. Read this book, discover your destiny!!!


Customer Service or Lip ServiceDuring this month of giving thanks I get to do a lot of client appreciation programs for companies. When is the first or last time you did something like that for your good customers? In my customer service program I use a lot of examples and stories (you all know, I'm a story teller) to illustrate examples of good and bad service, to inspire leaders to manage "moments of truth." For those of you who may not be familiar with the term "moments of truth," it was coined by Jan Carlson at the time he was CEO of SAS Airways. "It is a can be in advertising, phone, face, cleanliness, service, billing...any time a customer comes in contact with some aspect of your business and uses that opportunity to judge the quality of service your business provides." 
So, if you have a grouchy receptionist, that could be my "moment of truth" when I come in contact by phone or in person that makes me now assume that everyone in your company has a bad attitude.
A service strategy is like a bath; no matter how well you do it this time you have to do it again and again, and frequently. Here is what your service strategy should look like;
1.    It's a non-trivial statement of intent, not just a slogan.
2.    It noticeably differentiates you from others, ie, FedEx, Dominio's, etc.
3.    It has value in your clients' eyes (a bank open late, no questions on returns, etc.)
4.    It's deliverable by your organization.

What is your service strategy?

I love creativity and as a wordsmith I love double entendres, alliteration, onomato... whatever the heck that one was. One of my quirky habits is collecting names of businesses that display any of the above. Here are two of my favorites:

Dali Mama  (a yoga company - I met the owner, Dawn Alane, at a party)
United Hairlines (a beauty salon)

I hope you'll continue to send me ones you know of.
Please send to
[email protected]

Yes, I own about a billion pairs of shoes. And each pair has a story to inspire, a lesson to be learned, a laugh or an "aha!"

November shoesI spent Thanksgiving 2007 on the luxury Crystal Cruise line traversing the Panama Canal. One of the many perks and advantages of my speaking career is the ability to travel to fabulous spas and cruises. It is truly The Ritz-Carlton of floating hotels. On Captain's Night, a formal affair, I had the pleasure of wearing these fabulous rhinestone-encrusted platform mega shoes. Oh c'mon now, you know I never met a rhinestone or sequin I didn't like. One of the dancers on board found out that I was a former hoofer, (that's hoofer and not a typo) and invited me to perform with him at the cocktail party. I'll be going back in February but this time to cruise to Tahiti. Eat your heart out.
I love my job, I love my job☺

I come across so many and so many are shared with me that I thought I'd share with you. (courtesy of Jeff Hathaway)
How wonderful to get inspiration whenever you need it!

Mikki Mouth - 2 booksEnjoy a quote each month from my new book - some funny, some poignant, some professional, some just darn cute!
Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.
                                                      --- Erma Bombeck   

"You never cease to surprise me. Each edition is as upbeat as the one before. What really comes out of these publications is your sense of joy, adventure, creativity, curiosity. and brilliance!!"
Lori Gersten
Professional Volunteer Extraordinaire
As a speaker resource for Vistage International for 15 years and Chair of two groups for seven years I have the opportunity to interact with some of the most dynamic business leaders. Vistage is the world's largest executive organization with 15,000 members worldwide. It is to my delight to profile one of them each month.
Chris Long
Chris Long

Chris was born in the Garden State -- exit 14.  He was only one of his
siblings lucky enough to have New Jersey as his birthplace and the only one with an exit.  He grew up in Chicago and in Chapel Hill, NC.  A stint as student council president ended his short political career.
While attending college at Yale he became interested in economics and finance, and worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of NY before attending business school at Stanford.  Chris had always been a fan of TV commercials - memorizing many of them from his childhood. He decided to use this talent along with his new MBA to pursue a career in marketing. He worked for several companies in marketing positions, ending with a few years at Microsoft where he decided to...
...completely change careers and become a Certified Financial Planner �.  Chris started Long & Associates as a Fee-Only™ firm in 2002.  He works with individuals and companies who sponsor 401k plans.
Chris enjoys spending his free time watching his partner Dan work on endless renovations to their 1890 brick Victorian in Chicago. He also finds time to serve on the board of a non-profit and is involved in the neighborhood association.

Chris was Member of the Year in my Key group last year and is one of the most popular and treasured members of the group with his energy, enthusiasm, volunteerism and participation.  My Key group is comprised of key employees such as COO's, CFO's, Sales Managers and all key employees as well as start ups and small entrepreneurial firms of any revenue size and sole practitioners. As the saying goes, "we are looking for a few good men. And women:-).

For more information call Chris at 312.373.9265 or email him at [email protected].
You can also visit his website: 

For more information on Vistage International click here:
Vistage International

If you are interested in becoming a member of a Vistage group anywhere in the world, or a speaker or a Chair, drop us a line:
[email protected]


Laughing baby         
Asked to write a composition entitled, "What I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving," a student wrote, "I am thankful that I'm not a turkey."
Little girl chefYes, that was the name of one of my businesses and oh, come on, I know guys cook too.

Sassy Spiced Cranberry Apple Cider
Apple Cider

4 cups sparkling Martinelli's apple cider

� cup chopped fresh cranberries
� cup maple syrup
3 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick

Bring all to a boil in a 2 quart saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and let simmer 5 minutes. Strain mixture.  Divide evenly among 4 mugs. Garnish with cinnamon sticks and fresh whole cranberries.

If any of you remember the movie or Broadway show "Auntie Mame" or if you're old enough to admit you remember it, then you might recall that Mame was famous for her eclectic circle of friends.  I pride myself on that same principle of knowing so many diverse people and calling many of them my friends. I would like to profile them and their expertise by offering this monthly addition of tips, tactics and techniques shared by experts in their field. Although someone once told me not to refer to myself as an expert as an ex is a has-been and a spurt is little more than a drip.

Steve Sirico was a fullback at the University of Tennessee when he came toD'Valda & Sirico my dance studio. He used the discipline of football to master dance, became a lead dancer in my dance company, went on to marry choreographer Angela D'Valda and together they became one of the leading adagio dance teams in the world. After they decided to retire from performing they bought my studio in CT, continued the tradition of turning out professionals and developing their own brand of exceptional dance. They had the privilege of performing for Princess Diana of Wales. D'Valda & Sirico's many television credits include "David Letterman" and  "Star Search." Their students have received scholarships and contracts to American Ballet Theater, Boston Ballet, Joffrey Ballet, Ballet Hispanico as well as the National tours of "Fosse", "Fame" and on Broadway in "A Chorus Line." They teach Master Classes in Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical Jazz and Partner work all over the world including residencies in England, Spain, Costa Rica and Mexico. In 2007 Steve and Angela launched Dance Teacher Web, an online creative and business resource for teachers and studio owners from all over the world.  It all came full circle when I invited their dancers to open my National Speakers Annual Convention in New York City this past summer and I am keynoting their first conference in Vegas in the summer of '09.


 Be's the only place that isn't crowded.

As the wordsmith that I have always been, from my high school honors in English (and French) to my calling as a professional speaker, each of the "inspirations" that I share every month are from years and years of collecting words that have inspired me.

'Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't sleep.
I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep.
The leftovers beckoned...the dark meat and white,
but I fought the temptation with all of my might.
Tossing and turning with anticipation,
the thought of a snack became infatuation.
So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door
and gazed at the fridge full of goodies galore.
I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes,
stuffing with gravy, green beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling so plump and so round,
til all of a sudden I rose off the ground.
I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky
with a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.
But I managed to yell as I soared past the trees,
"Happy eating to all...pass the cranberries, please!"


AirplaneCheck out where Mikki will be speaking and piggyback your company or association event. Or just invite her to dinner or shopping!

Click here for her calendar:  
Mikki On The Move
 SPEAKERS SCHOOL with Mikki Williams, CSP
The next Speakers School is February 19-20, 2009.
It's for people at all levels: novices, wannabes, CEOs, professionals.

Click here to register:
Speakers School

Read a testimonial from one of the fabulous attendees of the April School:
Everyone needs this program. There's so much practical advice
, just for every day interaction, whether it's business-related or personal. What I learned will not only help me be a better speaker but a better communicator.
Rick Herbst
Levi Littel Herbst & Co., LLC

To book Mikki for your next event as a keynoter, emcee, panelist, seminar or workshop leader (she doesn't do floors or windows) or for more info on Vistage, Speakers Schools, Coaching or Consulting or anything else that's on your mind, contact Samantha or Mikki


Thanks for spending
time with us!

Mikki Williams, CSP is a professional speaker/trainer, specializing in business dynamics and human potential as well as a Resource Speaker for Vistage International, the worlds largest CEO organization.  She is a small business consultant, runs bi-annual Speaker Schools, Chairs two Executive Think Tanks, affilated with Vistage International and is a Life Architect, helping people design their lives and businesses through a coaching model. To learn more about Mikki Williams Unltd. and all the services provided
CALL ME: 312.664.8447                    
FAX ME: 312.664.8460
E ME: [email protected]           
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All contents � 2008, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Duplication or reprint only with expressed permission from Mikki Williams. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. In our extensive research we've made every attempt to be accurate in attributing quotes, poems, jokes and the like and want to apologize in advance if we have not given proper credit or given it erroneously.