365 Verses

                        Notes on Living Life in a Sacred Way
                        No. 9

today's notes
:: Visualizing Your Roots
:: The Inner Solid Ground
Dear friends

This class is about inner strength, foundational strength-- what provides our souls (and thus our lives) with core, unshakable presence.

I've included a meditation visualization that I learned many years ago.  I have been using it again recently; I find it very nourishing!

With love, light, & roots,
Intuitive Coaching and Sound Healing
Extraordinary Coaching Using Extraordinary Means
[email protected]
Tel. 609-799-6071

Visualizing Your Roots
With feet firmly planted on the floor, imagine that your legs and feet sprout roots that go down through the floor boards, through whatever construction is there, and into the earth.  You may find this easy, or you may find that the roots get blocked by something.  If the roots get blocked, see if you can use your imagination to cut away the obstruction, or just allow the roots to go as far as they can. 

Using your imagination, draw energy up from the earth through these roots, into your entire body, allowing the energy to cleanse and strengthen you.  Then release any negative energy down into the roots to be purified by the soil.  You can repeat this many times, until you feel the peacefulness of the quiet earth.
The Inner "Solid Ground"

squirrel --stockxpertToday, I was sitting by my back window, and spotted a squirrel squatting in the doorway of our shed, eating something from its little hands. 
It instantly lifted my mood. 

I had been focused on my to-do list, and the appearance of this little squatting fur ball brought me into the present, where everything that needed to be done was already done.  There was nothing in that moment that I had to do but watch the squirrel and enjoy it.

I know from my years of practicing meditation, that when we focus our attention for a period of time like this, we create a foundation of attention that is a kind of mental "solid ground." The circumstances of life are mere leaves blowing in the wind. Inside, we are solid.

My habit (and the habit of our western religious heritage) is to think of meditation and contemplation as connecting to something transcendent and vast--beyond the natural world.  I have experienced this transcendence, but I am beginning to appreciate the transcendence of the particular. 

A squirrel, simply eating its snack, when attended to with appreciation and love, can bring a sense of belonging in the moment -- a solid ground of being -- that is the goal of many spiritual paths.

"Let us first be as simple and well as Nature ourselves, dispel the clouds which hang over our brows, and take up a little life into our pores."  Henry David Thoreau

Thank you for participating in "365 Verses".  I welcome your comments and suggestions, and feel free to pass this along to friends.  Some of these notes will also posted on my blog, www.magicdreamhouse.com

Copywrite:  All text and most photos on these pages are the property of Cynthia Yoder, copywrite 2008.  Some stock photography is used by permission.  Nothing may be duplicated electronically or in print without permission from Cynthia Yoder.  Exception:  forwarding of this email in its entirety to others with the inclusion of this notice is welcome!
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