Hello Pepper Joe,
I am truly amazed at your site and the variety of peppers that you have available. I look forward to getting my seeds and growing the hottest peppers out there.
You have no competition!! I reluctantly ordered 10 varieties of peppers from Reimer seeds last year even after all the bad stuff that I read about them on-line. This year I tried re-order exactly what I ordered last year- What a mess!!! They added on 5 expedited service charges on my account for 30 bucks!!! After spending a whole day back and forth with them by email they tell me that their system is perfect and I am the problem. They accused me of "clicking" too many times- This was not the case. After 2 more tires and 2 more canceled orders they sent me this:
Sorry, we banned you from ordering because it is considered spamming if you continuously place the order over and over again and make the same mistake.
It would not have got to this point if their system prevented this problem in the first place and or they had an ounce of customer service. They made no attempt to fix the order and just kept on canceling the whole thing. WHAT A MESS!!!
people are shocked when I tell them I was "Blacklisted" from the site. I am happy that all this happened because now I am working with someone who genuinely cares about doing things the right way.
I can wait to get the seeds!! What about adding some banana peppers to the mix?
Thank you for not banning me from your site!! I am happy to spend my 50 bucks on your quality seeds and not with Reimer seeds. They loose you win!!
Keep up the great work!!!!
Chili Head JIM
P.S. Appreciate is spelled wrong below- Just want to help you look a bit more professional when someone completes an orders.
I sure do appreciate you and your business...thrilled to have you as a customer.
Hey Joe; Just a little follow up. I assume because of the lack of bees here, the ghost peppers will not set fruit. I went from bloom to bloom with a very small artists paint brush, and they set fruit right away. May be something you might want to pass on to your readers. Attachments are your ghost pepper, and the ten year old, nine foot pepper plant, growing through the roof of the green house.
That's typical for the Hab Family...as the plant gets larger/stronger the peppers will set.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
Editors note...this is the NUMBER ONE QUESTION that I receive...about plants dropping blossoms and small peppers. Most peppers do this with young plants...until they grow a little stronger then MOST of the flowers and Buds germinate.
Fiery Regards...Pepper Joe
hi i want to use sulfur powder, so i went to the drug store here in ontario canada, and they told me there r a number of different kinds of sulfur, so what kind of sulfur can i use with my hot pepper plants? p.s. i got my seeds from u. i am impressed with your survice and i will be looking forward to doing more business with u in the near future, thanks,craig strickland st.thomas ontario canada
I'm not familiar with the different types of Sulfur.
Tell them yo want organic sulfur for plants. It is used as an anti-fungicide and anti-bacterial. It's also a GREAT fertilizer as a foliar spray.
Fiery Regards,
Pepepr Joe Editors note: This year I'm going to pput a few tablespoons of Sulfur in teh hole before I transplant my Hot Peppers...To prevent soil borne diseases.