Meier Clinics
NewsletterInspiration, Insight & Information
January 2012
in this issue
:: Counselors: Scholars of God's Creations
:: Memories: A Devotional from Focus on the Family
:: Wishing You a Happy New Year
:: The Importance of Family Therapy in Treatment: A Message from Timberline Knolls
Counselors:  Scholars of God's Creations

By Susie Molek, MSCP, LPC, ICCE


     In the infamous quest for meaning, I am enlightened in my therapeutic work to the answer of one of life's greatest mysteries in need of infinite reflection; that, as I sit across from another human being, listening, responding, sometimes giving gentle psychological nudges forward, I have become a student. A student continually learning the individuality of meaning and in consequential return, I reflect on yet another significance to my own life.

     So, yes, we graduate; we become counselors, therapists, psychologists. Yet, we forget at times that in our field, we will forever be students and having the right answer in the exam of life, means learning and growing through our relations with others before their healing, and possibly yours, can begin.

     One of the world's greatest miracles is that of creation itself; the magic and mysticism of birth. Suspended in the womb, we spend the beginning of our life connected and embodied. We emerge, still connected, still nurtured from another life, anticipatory of an existence with others. We are surrounded by others. I can't stress enough the importance of this connection in our therapeutic work. I have heard patients who have come from other places feeling unheard or misunderstood. I was the young, na�ve therapist years ago who talked too much, didn't talk enough, and had no idea what balance was or how to achieve it. Then I began to grow and observe my surroundings. It was when I decided to be a student again and not as a therapist, that patients responded and began to heal through their own discoveries.

     I started to watch colleagues go through burn-out. I have read many articles on stress relief. I have assessed a great need for "meaningful" counseling. How is it that in a world of others, we find so much disconnect? It seems that when we stray from doing our work with God as our guidance and core, we tend to slide into doing too much - neglecting self-care of our temple. We sometimes take on a negative view of our work and that never results in effective healing for our patients as we are connected not just through discourse but through all the senses God has blessed us with, including intuition.

     One of my favorite scriptures assists me in maintaining a newness and a genuine aspect to therapy that keeps me fresh and always learning and growing. Galations 5:16-18 says, "My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit. Then you won't feed the compulsions of selfishness." My framework in therapy is just this - to live and work through God's guidance and assistance and always see God in our clients. We work through Him to serve others who have Him at their essence. For me, I contend that maintaining a curiosity about people and their lives keeps me connected to the person and maintains my interest for the session next week and the week after. Without curiosity, how can we truly be of assistance. Even when we work with family systems, whether this intimidates you or fascinates you, I believe a person must first get to know the nature of the beast in order to understand the organism itself in relation to an amalgamation of entities. To comprehend the system, from which is derived a configuration of convergences and divergences, one must observe the rituals. We must be inquisitive and discover patterns and be, as stated earlier, a student, before we become a helper.

   I always say that things don't happen because of you; things happen because of something greater than you. Being reminded of this, I believe, will keep us humble in our work and possibly happier. We are not above others, whether working with an individual, family, or couples - we are curious scholars of all God's creatures living freely, animated by the Holy Spirit.

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Susie Molek is a licensed counselor at the Meier Clinics in Pittsburgh, PA.  Prior to joining Meier Clinics, Susie had experience at a domestic violence and sexual assault center, at a center for overcoming problem eating, and providing labor and delivery assistance.  For more information about Susie and other therapists and services available at one of our Meier Clinics locations, please visit or call us toll free at 888-7-CLINIC.

By George Stahnke

   We all have them.  They are the events of our past woven together that help form the foundation of our lives.  For many, they cripple attempts to find joy and significance.  The healing of these traumatic memories is essential for physical, mental and spiritual health.
   As counselors, our goal is to position people spiritually to encounter that healing power.
    Isaiah 53: 4-5, "Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.  But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."
   As we move through this season, let us remember the hope and healing that we extend to all mankind through the Lord Jesus Christ.
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StahnkeGeorge Stahnke
is a Chaplain in the counseling department of Focus on the Family.  He is an ordained minister and founder of Renewal Ministries of Colorado Springs.  For more information about FOTF, call 855-771-HELP or visit 

Wishing You a Happy New Year!

   As we ring in another New Year and reflect on the past year, we hope that you will be able to see the many ways God has provided and cared for you, and be assured that no matter what happens in 2012, He will still be there, walking by your side.
   We want to thank those of you who have "walked by the sides" of those we serve at Meier Clinics.  Because of your financial support, many will be looking forward to a brighter future this year.
    If you would like to help make Christian counseling care available to those who otherwise can not afford it, tax-deductible contributions can be made three easy ways:
Mail:  Meier Clinics Foundation, 2100 Manchester Road, Suite 1510, Wheaton, IL 60187-4561
Phone:  800-848-8872

The Importance of Family Therapy in Treatment

     People enter treatment programs for a variety of reasons:  depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance use, and trauma, to name only a few.  While that individual may be the patient, he or she is not the only one in pain.  No matter what the disease or disorder, collateral damage exists in nearly every family.  Maybe it is a father who is heartbroken by his daughter's anorexia or a child who feels abandoned or rejected because the parental unit is so inordinately focused on the other "sick" family member.  Or perhaps the entire family is simply ensconced in shame, resentment, blame and secrets.  Just as "where there is smoke, there is fire," when one person is suffering, there is a family in need. An addiction or disorder can result in deep wounds, complete communication breakdown, broken relationships and family rifts.  This is precisely why family therapy should be such a key component of any treatment plan.   

     Family Systems Therapy offered at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center strives to first illuminate the degree to which the entire family has been impacted by the addiction or disorder, then helps each of them move toward health and healing.  This is accomplished through a variety of individual and group sessions designed to educate family members and cultivate greater understanding and improved communication. 

     This type of therapy is critical on so many levels.  Having family members engaged in the treatment process not only helps them, but often has a major influence on the patient's long-term recovery. In addition, interaction throughout treatment prevents a communication or relational gap between the patient and the family once treatment is concluded. 

     Clearly, the primary goal of any treatment program is to help the individual struggling with an addiction or disorder.  Yet, healing must be extended to every family member.  After all, the triumph of treatment success is short-lived if one person is helped today only to have a parent, brother or sister require treatment tomorrow.

Timberline Knolls with Tagline 

Timberline Knolls is a residential treatment center for females, ages 12 and older, nestled in a wooded area in a southwestern suburb of Chicago.  Meier Clinics provides Christian counseling services for those residents who request it.  For more information about this wonderful facility and program, call 877-257-9611 or visit    

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Meier Clinics Specialty Programs 

  • Day Program for Adults is available at the following Meier Clinics:  Wheaton, IL; Richardson, TX; Fairfax, VA; Bothell, WA.
  • Sexual Addiction Intensive Outpatient for Adults (Pathway to Freedom) at Meier Clinics in Richardson, TX.
  • After-school Intensive Outpatient Program for Teens (Breakaway) at Meier Clinics in Wheaton, IL.
  • Chemical Dependency Intensive Outpatient Program for Adults offered at Linden Oaks Hospital in Naperville, IL, with a Christian track led by Meier Clinics staff.
  • Residential Care for Women and Teens at Timberline Knolls in Lemont, IL, with a Meier Clinics Christian track.
  • For additional information about these programs, visit our website at www.meierclinics.orgor give us a toll free call at 888-7 CLINIC (888-725-4642).
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10 

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read our newsletter.  We hope it has been Meier Clinics Logoencouraging and helpful.  If you would like more information about Meier Clinics and how we might be of service to you, please call us at 888-7CLINIC to be directed to the Meier Clinics nearest you or visit us at