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November 19, 2010
Sunday Schedule

Choir Rehearsal
9am - 10am

Early Childhood
Sunday School
10am - 10:20am

Service of Word
and Sacrament
Ministry Quicklinks
No Better Last Words...

At our first session of the November new member class our seminarian, Chris Honig, was giving the group an overview of foundational Lutheran theology - trying to convey what makes Lutherans just a little different from other communities of Christians.

Having done his best to translate Martin Luther's insights into the nature of law and gospel and justification by grace through faith, the class provided a summary of what they'd heard:

"You're a rotten sinner and that's OK, because God's love isn't fair - so get lost!"

Not a bad translation of "God loves you because of who God is, not who you are, which frees you from self-absorbed preoccupation and allows you to give yourself away for the life of the world."

On this coming final Sunday of the church's year we hear Christ's words as he hangs on the cross next to a convicted criminal, "truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."  Knowing ourselves from the inside out, aware of our faults and shortcomings, we couldn't have picked better last words to close out the year. God sees us, God knows us, God loves us - just as we are.

In Christ,
Pastor Erik
2011 Stewardship Campaign...
SLLS IconAs our 2011 Stewardship Campaign draws to a close, we are still collecting pledge forms and direct debit forms from all members and friends of St. Luke's.

Knowing what we can count on each of you to give over the upcoming year will help us make responsible decisions about what kinds of programs and staffing we can afford next year. Even if you feel that your pledge won't make a difference, the reality is that we need everyone's commitment and support as we come to the end of our reserves and move into more sustainable ministry in the coming year.

Sunday, November 28th is the last Sunday we'll be collecting pledges. That allows the council to make its final decisions and recommendations at their December meeting. Thank you for your faithful gifts to the community of St. Luke's!

Thanksgiving Worship Service...thanksgiving worship

As we have for so many years, St. Luke's will be sharing worship with Church of the Advent this Thanksgiving Day. Advent will host our ecumenical service of word and sacrament on Thursday, November 25th (Thanksgiving Day) and 10am. The Rev. Peter Siwek is preaching, Pastor Erik will preside. Start your Thanksgiving Day by giving thanks to God, the source of every blessing.
The Readings this Week...

Take some time to prepare yourself for worship by reading the texts we'll be hearing on Sunday morning. Try to imagine yourself thinking or feeling or speaking or singing the words of these texts - as if you were their author or their original audience.
  • Jeremiah 23:1-6 
  • Psalm 46
  • Colossians 1:11-20 
  • Luke 23:33-43

What images and words leap out at you? What questions do these texts raise for you? Bring your imagination and your curiosity to these texts... and to worship!

To read these texts online, click here.
Leading Our Worship...

Leading our worship this Sunday are: 
  • Assisting Minister: Heather Kulp 
  • Lectors: Erika Dornfield & Cynthia Stengel 
  • Cantor: choir 
  • Communion Asst./Crucifer: Bill Keippel 
  • Ushers: Kay Deacon & * 
  • Bread Baker: *
(* indicates that we are still looking for someone to fill this role. If you are interested in assisting the assembly's worship in one of these capacities contact Pastor Erik)

Prayer Requests...


Please remember the following people and circumstances in your prayers:

  • prayers of strength and healing for Wendy Fitzgerald-Voll and her children, Edward Scarbrough, Cynthia Lynn and Debra Retel, as each of them continue treatment for various health concerns.
  • prayers for strength and sustenance for David Craft to match life's struggles.
  • prayers of strength and healing for Carolyn, as she lives with ongoing illness.
  • prayers for the Spirit's compassionate and consoling presence as the Rogness family grieves the death of the Rev. Andrew Rogness earlier this year.
  • prayers of strength and healing for Liz Winter as she undergoes treatment for colon cancer.
  • prayers for courage and healing for Cyrus Sajna and Lee Brewer as each struggles with his own health concerns.
  • prayers of consolation and accompaniment for Rob McGuire as he adjusts to life after divorce and distance from his children.
  • prayers of guidance for Anthony Bongiorno as he struggles with troubles and uncertainty.


The ministry of prayer is the vocation of all Christians, and St. Luke's takes seriously its calling to pray for all in need. If you would like to be included on the prayer list, please contact the church office or Pastor Erik. Prayer requests remain on the list for three weeks before being removed, and requests can be renewed as often as needed.

Find us on Facebook facebook...
  • an announcement about the ELCA's new message on "People Living with Disabilities"...
  • an invitation to view Bishop Hanson's online town hall forum this Sunday afternoon...
  • an event page for Chris Honig's petitionary prayer writing workshop this Sunday at 9am...
  • a photo of St. Luke's member Justine Bandstra judging the church cooking competition at last weekend's faith summit on childhood obesity...
  • messages, sermons, and much more...
Follow us on Twitter twitter...

Do you tweet? If so, follow St. Luke's on Twitter.

St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Logan Square is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  Founded in 1899, this congregation has been a home to residents of Logan Square for over 100 years. St. Luke's welcomes the many, diverse communities that share this neighborhood. If you are a lifelong Lutheran, or just considering Christianity; if your family has been in the United States for generations, or has only recently arrived; if you are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual or transgender; if you live with disabilities, chronic illness, or are able-bodied and currently healthy; if you are home-blessed or homeless... YOU are welcome here!

Contact Info

Pastor: Rev. Erik Christensen |

Staff Secretary: Joyce Mylander |

Office: (773) 235-5420
Fax: (773) 235-5505