A Fortnightly Newsletter
October 1st, 2011 
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In This Issue
Skills and Census Data Form
East Africa Famine Crisis
Community Event - Edmonton
Leadership Development - Minnesota
Qur'an Seminar
A.L.I Hajj Seminar
Al-Hujjat Monthly Supplement

Featured Charities

Donate towards the

East Africa Famine Relief


Donate towards the

Pakistan Flood Appeal

Islam in the News

Picnic showcases mainstream Islam

One day after al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki was
 killed by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, Northern Virginia Muslims he once worshiped alongside gathered for an event that was both a community gathering and an effort to portray a version of Islam much different from the one he espoused.

The timing of Saturday's annual Civic Picnic of the All Dulles Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Sterling, which attracted about 200 people, was purely coincidental. But in recent years, it has become an important component of the community's outreach efforts.

The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, taught many American Muslims that they needed to become more engaged with their communities, said Wasim Entabi of Alexandria.


"Everybody realized we did a really bad job of putting a positive image out there of who we are," said Entabi, who sees an upswing in voter registration among Northern Virginia Muslims.


To read more click here.

Muslim Personalities

 Ibn Rushd - Spanish Muslim Philosopher


Abu'l Waleed Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd, known as Averroes in the West, was born in 1128 A.D. in Cordova, where his father and grandfather had both been judges. His grandfather was well versed in Fiqh (Maliki School) and was also the Imam of the Jamia Mosque of Cordova. The young Ibn Rushd received his education in Cordova and lived a quiet life, devoting most of his time to learned-pursuits. He studied philosophy and law from Abu J'afar Haroon and from Ibn Baja; he also studied medicine.


Al-Hakam, the famous Umayyad Caliph of Spain, had constructed a magnificent library in Cordova, which housed 500,000 books, He himself had studied many of these and made brief marginal comments on them. This rich collection laid the foundation for intellectual study in Spain and provided the background for men like Ibn Rushd, who lived 2 centuries later.


Ibn Rushd made remarkable contributions. in philosophy, logic, medicine, music and jurisprudence. In medicine his wellknown book Kitab al-Kulyat fi al-Tibb was written before 1162 A.D Its Latin translation was known as 'Colliget'. In it, Ibn Rushd has thrown light on various aspects of medicine, including the diagnoses, cure and prevention of diseases. The book concentrates on specific areas in comparison of Ibn Sina's wider scope of al-Qanun, but contains several original observations of Ibn Rushd.


To read more, click here.

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As part of its vision and mission, the NASIMCO Post serves as a tool by which to bind our community together and promote a unified and caring environment for all. If you have anything you would like to include in this newsletter, contact us at  




NASIMCO Skills and Census Data Form

Skills Form LogoEver needed medical or legal advice from a community member, but had no one to turn to?


Ever wondered why Jamaats look outside the community for assistance when professionals exist within?


The answer to these types of questions is that currently there is no resource or database that can be utilized for the purpose of finding professionals or experts within our community. This is a deep-rooted problem, which hinders the progress and development of our community worldwide.


To tackle this problem, NASIMCO has undertaken an ambitious and exciting project: collecting professional/skills census data from every North American community member. In this survey, just as in our communities, everyone has a role to play. Filling out these forms will ensure that you and your children do not miss out on prospective opportunities.


Look out for Jamaat Officers who are working with NASIMCO and will be providing you with more information. Make sure you give them your full support. You never know what the future holds.

Drought of the Horn Famine Relief

As reported in previous issues of the NASIMCO Post, NASIMCO applied for government matching for Canadian donations made towards the Drought of the Horn Famine Crisis in East Africa. NASIMCO is pleased to announce that with your help, the figure submitted for the matching fund is: $78,500.00. Thank you to all those who donated the gift of life to suffering people in East Africa.   

East Africa Famine Crisis
East Africa Famine Crisis

Although the Canadian Government's Matching Fund is now closed, the relief efforts continue and the World Federation is doing as much as possible in this starvation-sticken area. Dr Moledina, President of the World Federation, recently visited the region. He made the following statement after visiting a camp in Mogadishu: "They were staring at us with sunken dried up eyes and shrivelled skin hoping that we could do something to help them." Click here to read the full report


At a recent event in Buffalo, New York, which was attended by Somalian Prime Minister, Mr. Abdewali Alia, a prominent member of the Buffalo Jamaat (Dr Fuad Sheriff) also spoke about his recent visit to Somalia. The event was reported in a local news article. Click here to read the full article. 


Children Helping Children

As part of the Ramadhan Relief Campaign this year, NASIMCO, in partnership with the World Federation, encouraged children to get involved in fundraising and relief efforts to help those less fortunate. The children of Al Mahdi Madressah in Edmonton, Alberta did exactly that. They sold paan, flower gram, coffee gram and candy gram after iftaars at the mosque. The fundraisers were a success and the children raised a total of $1,600.


Sr Kaniz Aliraza Mavani, the Principal of Al Mahdi Madressah, felt that involving the children in fundraising had not only heightened their awareness but had also brought the community closer together.

Leadership Development Program - Minnesota

LDP MN"The Leadership Development Program is an exceptional program and a wonderful opportunity for growth. Our fellow youth should take such opportunities to better understand themselves and lead the community to new heights." (Testimonial)


NASIMCO, in partnership with Anjuman-e-Asghari Jamaat of Minnesota, is holding a Leadership Development Program (LDP)  this November. The courses are designed to develop leadership across Muslim communities and unlock the potential of our people to contribute fully for the common good of both the Muslim community and society at large. The program also helps enhance and evolve skills that will ensure more productive and efficient working methods for participants.


To register your interest or for more information, email with 'Minnesota LDP' in your subject line. 

Quran Seminar at the Resource Center


MARC SeminarThe Mulla Asghar Memorial Library and Islamic Resource Center in Toronto, is hosting a seminar about the history of the translation of the holy Qur'an and the rendering of its message. The seminar will be held on October 16th, 2011 in the Resource Center. Click on the flyer for more details.

A.L.I Seminar for Hajj

As the time for Hajj nears, the Academy for Learning Islam has prepared an online webinar (seminar), to assist those who are intending to go for Hajj and for those who want to learn more about the significance of Hajj. This webinar will discuss the spiritual and social benefits of this branch of Islam.  An additional 15 minutes will be given for questions/answers. 
The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday October 5th, 2011 10:00pm - 11:15pm.  A ladies-only Hajj webinar will also be held on Sunday, October 9, 2011 from 2:30pm - 3:00pm (EST). For further information, visit the ALI website 

Al-Hujjat Monthly Supplement

Al-Hujjat Monthly Supplement is a monthly e-publication aimed at connecting with the youth and the young at heart, with a goal to engage, inspire and motivate. Read the latest edition, published on the occasion of the wafat of Imam Sadiq (as).