A Fortnightly NewsletterJanuary 1st, 2011
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In This Issue
*Muharram 1432 Appeal
*NASIMCO Responds to Attack
*WF Elections Update
*Federation Samachar - Now Online
*Federation Samachar - Advertising
*Islamic Writing Competition


Donate towards the Muharram 1432 Appeal
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What Non-Muslims Say About Hussein (AS)


"...A reminder of the blood-stained field of Karbala, where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell at length, tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen, has been at anytime since then sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest emotions, the most frantic grief, and an exaltation of spirit before which pain, danger and death shrink to unconsidered trifles."

~Sir Thomas Adams


Muslim Youth Help San Antonio Homeless


"Working at the San Antonio Salvation Army's center, the Council on American Islamic Relations-San Antonio Youth (CAIR-SA Youth) recently donated blankets, socks and food items worth approximately $4,000 to 200 homeless people during CAIR's 'Serve the Homeless Day.'


About 20 Muslim youth from the ages of 14 to 21, distributed items that were funded through bake sales, garage sales, door-to-door and phone solicitations...

...The organization's president Sarwat Husain cited Islamic traditions mandating serving those in need. She quoted the Prophet Muhammad, who said: 'O people! Spread greetings of peace, feed (the poor and needy), behave kindly to your relatives, offer prayer when others are asleep, and (thus) enter Paradise in peace.'"


To read more, click here.
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As part of its vision and mission, the NASIMCO Post serves as a tool by which to bind our community together and promote a united and caring environment for all. If you have anything you would like to include in this newsletter, contact us at

Muharram 1432 Appeal

NASIMCO, in partnership with the World Federation, has undertaken the rebuilding of 40 mosques in flood-stricken Pakistan during the 40 days of Muharram and Safar. As well as keeping the message of Imam Hussein (AS) alive through rebuilding the centers where the love of the Ahlul Bayt is propagated, this also presents the opportunity of thawab-e-jariyyah.


The cost of rebuilding one Islamic center is $3,750. In order to build 40 centers, we will need to raise $150,000. The current collections from North America are:

Pakistan Appeal

-Al-Ahad Islamic Center, Allentown: $7,500-Anjuman-e-Asghari, Minnesota: $685-Imam Mehdi Education Center, Maryland: $500

-Islamic Shia Ithnasheri Jamaat of Toronto: $3,750

-Islamic Shia Ithnasheri Association of

Edmonton: $1,950

-Shia Ithnasheri Islamic Jamaat of Los Angeles: $13,819

-Az-Zahraa Islamic Center, Vancouver: $29,470

-NASIMCO (direct contributions): $12,250


Total: $69,924


Donate through your local Jamaat or click here.

NASIMCO Responds to Ashura Arrest

During the commemoration of Ashura on December 16th, 2010, JAIS (state religious authority in Malaysia) raided and arrested 200 people including the local Alim and a visiting Alim. While all of the attendees at this event seem to have been released, the two Alims were released on bail and will be appearing at a hearing on January 20th, charged with "deviated teachings". The Malaysian newspapers carried the story on their front pages and portrayed it in terms of Shiaism being a threat to Malaysian society.


In order to protest this unwarranted and concerning raid of Shias on the day of Ashura, NASIMCO has written letters to the Malaysian Embassies in the USA and Canada. To read the letters, click here.

WF Presidential Elections Update

After the World Federation Constitutional Conference and Executive Council Meeting in early December, a new electoral commission was formed to administer the Presidential elections. The electoral commission has released its deadlines for the various aspects of the election process. Nominations for the President of the World Federation are due by Saturday, March 19th, 2011 and elections are to be held Thursday, April 14th, 2011. To view the entire timeline, click here.

Federation Samachar - Now Online

An electronic version of the latest issue of Federation Samachar (Ramadhan 1431) is now available online on the Africa Federation websiteHighlights of the 108-page magazine include an exclusive interview with World Federation President, Dr. Asghar Moledina, reports of the latest Africa Federation, World Federation and NASIMCO Conferences, news and articles by columnists from all around the world. The Editorial Board of Federation Samachar values comments, news inputs and articles from readers. These can be emailed to

Federation Samachar - Advertising Opportunities

The Federation Samachar, a publication by Africa Federation, is now a global magazine with a print run of about 2,500 copies. In North America, the circulation is about 1,200 copies with NASIMCO undertaking distribution to its member Jamaats. This provides a great opportunity to promote your business and also support this cherished community magazine. If you are interested in including an advertisement for your business in the upcoming issues of the Samachar, contact or for more information regarding formatting and prices, click here.

Islamic Thought Writing Competition

Writing CompetitionAn Islamic Thought writing competition has been launched for the month of Muharram. Express your views on, love for and/or interests regarding the life and teachings of Imam Hussein (AS) by putting pen to paper. If you are under the age of 25, present a unique outlook or a powerful piece on Imam Hussein (AS) in 500 words and submit your entries to: by February 1st, 2011.

Click on the poster for more details.