A Fortnightly NewsletterSeptember 1st, 2010
In This Issue
*Pakistan Relief Update
*The Quran in Braille
*Community Development - Orlando
*Inter-Faith Event - Allentown
*Candidate for Public Office
*New Children's Book
Donate towards the Pakistan Flood Relief Fund
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Donate towards the Haiti Relief Fund
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Top Ten Muslim Populations
1. Indonesia (189 million)
2. Pakistan (145 million)
3. India (131 million)
4. Bangladesh (119 million)
5. Turkey (67.9 million)
6. Iran (67.6 million)
7. Egypt (65 million)
8. Nigeria (55 million)
9. Algeria (31.7 million)
10. Morocco (31.6 million)
To view an interactive map of the Muslim World, click here.
Oklahoma City University Hosts Islam Day

"Oklahoma City University will host its second annual Islam Day on Thursday to encourage cultural understanding with various campus activities.

...Islam Day at OCU falls in the month of Ramadan, which this year is from August 11th to September 9th. During the month, Muslims around the world fast from dawn until sunset each day.
Political science professor and Middle East expert Mohamed Daadaoui organ
zed a list of activities for students and faculty in order to foster cross-cultural dialogue and to spread awareness about the world's second-largest religion. 
'There are many misconceptions and stereotypical views about Islam,' Daadaoui said. 'If we can show students and the OCU community what it means to be a Muslim, hopefully it will be a step in the direction of furthering goodwill and understanding.'" 
To read more, click here.
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Salaam Alaykum!

As part of its vision and mission, the NASIMCO Post serves as a tool by which to bind our community together and promote a united and caring environment for all. If you have anything you would like to include in this newsletter, contact us at
Eid ul Fitr Coinciding with September 11
This year, the Eid ul Fitr in North America is likely to fall on the 10 or 11 of September. NASIMCO would like to allay fears on the possible misrepresentation and misinterpretation of the celebration and festivities marking Eid ul Fitr, which may coincidentally fall upon the solemn anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Eid ul-Fitr, a day determined by the lunar calendar, is a time to give charity to those most in need, a time to celebrate with family and friends, a time of spiritual renewal, a time to rejoice and give glad-tidings upon the successful completion of the month of fasting.

In line with the true teachings of Islam, NASIMCO strongly condemn all actions that lead to the deaths of innocent men, women, children and the innocent victims of the September 11 attacks. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance that calls on individuals to display compassion, justice and mercy. We stand against the promotion and encouragement of violence and hatred between and within global communities, whether in words or actions.
We welcome all to join us in our festivities, where together we can remember the victims of crimes committed against humanity. We pray for those who have been killed, and those who live in constant fear and oppression.

"...and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity."    (The Holy Quran 5:32)
Pakistan Flood Relief Fund Update
The ravaging floods in Pakistan have brought insurmountable despair to the victims; the harrowing stories are being covered by TV networks all over the world. 

NASIMCO has rallied to raise funds for the unfortunate people who have lost everything due to the floods. Our regional partner, the Hussaini Foundation, is carrying out humanitarian work non-stop and has already helped hundreds of families.The goal for the North American region is to raise a further $100,000 for this cause. Please donate generously towards this fund so we can help our brothers and sisters in this Holy month.

Workshop - The Quran in Braille
Canadian Association of Mulims with Disabilities (CAM-D), in collaboration with NASIMCO, is conducting a survey to determine interest in a "Train the Trainer" workshop for teaching/reading Quran in Braille. CAM-D is planning to host this workshop in Toronto, Ontario, in the near future. In order to determine the level of interest , we wish to hear from Quran teachers and people who are blind in Canada and the United States.
All completed surveys should be returned electronically by September 15th. Depending on the results of the survey, CAM-D is planning to host a Train the Trainer workshop for Quran teachers and people who are blind and read Grade 1 Braille. The form can be downloaded here.
Community Development - Orlando
The Husseini Islamic Center of Orlando recently purchased an investment property: a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condominium in an upscale Lake Mary area. This property is available for rent for visitors, business gatherings and weddings. The investment was made as an extra source of income to the community that will assist in funding future community projects.
The condo is available for rent on a weekly basis. It is fully furnished and has a spacious living area with wireless internet. Ammenities include outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts and gym with both cardio and weight lifting equipment. Click here for more information.
Inter-Faith Event - Allentown
As part of the efforts of the community to educate the general public about Islam and about the significance of Ramadhan, the Allentown Jamaat participated in the local "Know Your Neighbor Iftaar" that was held on Thursday, August 19th. It was attended by mayors of both Whitehall and Allentown, police chiefs, director of the FBI, state representatives and a senator among others. In addition to the executive members of the Al-Ahad Islamic Center, the leadership of other local Masjids, namely MALV, Linden Street, Easton Masjid and the Turkish Center participated in this inter-faith event.
One of the state representatives made the following statement on the event:
"This was my first time in a mosque and I am really pleased by the hospitality. What I see here tonight is in contrast with everything I have been hearing in the news. Thank you for inviting me. It is an eye opener for me."
Candidate for Public Office
A member of our community in Toronto, Br. Sheeraz Hudda, is standing as a candidate for Ward 6 Councillor for the Town of Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. The elections are on Monday, October 25th. Br. Sheeraz has placed an emphasis on helping the environment, the working man and the elderly in his campaign. He has been a resident of Richmond Hill for the last 6 years.
For more information on his candidacy and support information, visit:
New Children's Book for Sale
A new children's book on our twelfth Imam has been published entitled, "Where is my Imam?" The brightly illustrated picture book follows the journey of young Maysum and Sumayya as they try and find Imam Mahdi (AJTF). 

Excerpt from the book:
"'Maysum, where is our Imam? We have to know where he is so that we can follow him.'
Maysum looks around the backyard and thinks about his younger sister's question. 'Hmmm, that's a good question. I don't know where he is. Let's go find him.'"
The books also includes the dua of Imam-e-Zamana (AJTF). For more information or to purchase a copy, please visit
Eid Gift Program, Child Aid International
The war in Iraq has devastated thousands of lives - families have been destroyed, homes have been lost, and countless children have been orphaned. There is a serious orphan crisis in the country with thousands of recently orphaned children in dire need of aid.

This year is Child Aid International's 6th Eid Gift Program. $10 gives a child in Iraq two sets of new clothing and a new pair of shoes. Child Aid's goal this year is to distribute 1700 gifts. Click here for more information or to donate: