Greetings to our 8,067 subscribers, Heavy rains have come a little later than expected this season but September's rainfall has made the river now flow steadily and the hillsides a beautiful, bright green. The tranquility of Sayulita this time of year is priceless as locals and full-time residents enjoy the down time and local children begin the school year after summer vacations. Remember to pick up any garbage you see on the streets and beaches as the rainy season provokes debris and trash to be swept into the ocean. Sayulita along with the rest of Mexico is preparing for the upcoming Independence Day celebrations which take place on September 16th. Take a look at the Photos of the Week to see how festive and colorful Sayulita is this week. Celebrations usually begin on the 15th to ring in the 16th with fireworks, patriotic flags and parades. Sayulita will host its own parade next weekend. It is an annual tradition in Sayulita when local children participate in the colorful parade and dancing in the plaza. If you are in Sayulita this month I hope you are enjoying the heat, trying to keep cool and staying dry during the wet season. No news of hurricanes to watch out for just some phenomenal lightning storms at night and sunny afternoons with great waves to ride currently in our bay! Thank you for reading El Sayulero. Lindsay Walter
Editor, El Sayulero
Saludos a nuestros 8,067 lectores
Las lluvias tardaron en llegar este año pero septiembre trae mucha lluvia que ha hecho que el río corra rápido y los ceros brillen un color verde. La tranquilidad del pueblo durante esta época del año no tiene precio y los locales y residentes disfrutan un pequeño descanso mientras los niños locales comienzan otro año escolar después de vacaciones del verano. Acuérdense recoger basura que ven en las calles y las playas ya que las lluvias llevan la basura al mar.
Sayulita y el resto de la republica prepara para el día de la independencia que se llevará a cabo el día 16 de septiembre. El día del grito comienza el día 15 y habrá cuetes, banderas de México y desfiles. Sayulita tendrá un desfile como todos los años en que los niños participan en el evento en la plaza.
Si estás en Sayulita este mes espero que disfruten el calor, traten de refrescarse y mantenerse secos en esta época de lluvia. No hay noticias de huracanes, solo tormentas eléctricas espectaculares y buenas olas que surfear ahorita en nuestra bahía.
Gracias por leer El Sayulero.
Lindsay Walter
Editora: El Sayulero
Top Recommendations of the Week
Question of the Week: "Why Did You Choose to Live in Sayulita?"
By Nicki Cooper
I've walked all over Mexico, like Forest Gump's run! I was living in Punta de Mita and people told me how beautiful Sayulita is. So I walked through the jungle, before the road was built, ten years ago and never left. What I like best about Sayulita is the natural beauty and how warm and friendly the people are. Sayulita is a paradise. You always find friends and people who help one another. The beach is beautiful and at night there is always music and dancing.
He caminado por todo México, como la carrera de Forest Gump! Yo vivía en Punta de Mita y la gente me dijo qué hermoso es Sayulita. Así que caminé por la selva, antes de que el camino fue construido, hace diez años y se quedó. Lo que más me gusta de Sayulita es la belleza natural y lo amable y simpático, son las personas. Sayulita es un paraíso. Siempre encontro amigos y personas que se ayudan mutuamente. La playa es hermosa y por la noche siempre hay música y baile.
- Martin del Toro Gutierrez
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Email of the Week (Patting our own backs)
Greetings, my husband and I are staying at Casa Carricitos, our first visit to Saylita. I spent numerous weeks pouring over your many interesting articles before coming down. I've been most impressed by your dedication to providing useful and entertaining info, but most importantly, in encouraging a more symbiotic existence between the Mexican population and the expat community. I was a "professional expat" for decades, and know how easy it is for expats to cocoon themselves into miniature versions of their home countries. Presenting all articles in both English and Spanish also shows respect (and provides a wonderful opportunity for me to practice my failing Spanish!) Well done, and thank you!
-Kim Life
Sayulita Investment Realty (El Sayulero Sponsor)
Why Sayulita?
Words fall very short when describing life in a place like Sayulita. Books can be written, blogs posted, pictures taken, and still the infinite wonder cannot be encapsulated. I came four years ago to enjoy a short vacation from my real life only to find my real life had not even begun. The first year was filled with lessons: ways of the culture, beauty of the people, grandeur of the land, and an amazing amount of respect for the things I didn't understand. More
Las palabras se quedan muy cortas para describir la vida en un lugar como Sayulita. Los libros pueden ser escritas, blogs publicados, las imágenes tomadas, y todavía la maravilla infinita no puede ser encapsulado. Llegué hace cuatro años para disfrutar una corta vacacion de mi vida real sólo para encontrar mi verdadera vida no había comenzado aún. El primer año estaba lleno de lecciones: las formas de la cultura, la belleza de la gente, la grandeza de la tierra, y un monto increíble de respeto por las cosas que no entendía. Mas
Sayulita: Jewel of Nayarit
By Leah Jewall
I always considered myself to be a city girl; I loved the idea of discovering new neighbourhoods or returning to old familiar ones, to that sweet corner cafe with the best homemade pumpkin pie and real whipped cream.....losing myself in a pleasant park for a day, or the debauchery of a wild night out on the town, loving the anonymity, the availability, the range of possibilities and contrasts. So what if I only went to a play once a year? More
Siempre me he considerado una chica de la ciudad, me encanta la idea de descubrir nuevos barrios o regresar a las más conocidas, el café familiar de la esquina con el dulce pay de calabaza y servido con crema batida ..... o perderme en un agradable parque por un día, o el desenfreno de una noche de baile con amigos, amando el anonimato, la variedad, el abanico de posibilidades y contrastes. ¿Y qué si sólo asisto al teatro una vez al año? Mas
Sayulero Sponsor (gracias!)
GPS: Thinking of Sayulita in Your Will
For many people, when you aren't around any more, you probably have some assets that can go to a good purpose other than for family. This is a new concept for me to write about, although I did mention it last year. Grupo Pro Sayulita has grown and matured, and we are being very effective with our programs. But we need support. More
Para muchas personas, cuando usted ya no está, probablemente tiene algunas bienes que pueden donar a una organización de otra manera que para la familia. Es un nuevo concepto sugerir aunque lo mencioné el año pasado. Grupo Pro Sayulita ha crecido y ha madurado, somos muy responsables con nuestros programas, pero faltamos ayuda. Mas
Volunteering at Sayulitanimals
By Astrid Vanya
A couple weeks ago my mom and I went to SayulitAnimals to help with the puppies that are there. These were dogs that were abandoned and taken in by SayulitAnimals. They were very sick and were nursed back to health by the doctors at AnimaLove. More
Hace unas semanas mi mama y yo fuimos a Sayulitanimals para ayudar con los cachorros ahí. Son perritos que fueron abandonados y rescatados por Sayulitanimals. Estaban enfermos y los veterinarios los ayudaron a volver saludables. Mas
Photo of the Week: Sayulita Dresses Up For Dia de la Independencia
In the middle of this week, all of a sudden there were men stringing banners of flags across the streets and some street vendors were selling flags, all getting ready for Independence day. Next week is the parade. But this year they've really gone all out with the decorations. Here are a few shots: See More Photos
A medios de esta semana, de repente se veia hombres colgando decoraciones y banderas por las calles y algunos vendedores vendian banderas para dia de la independencia. La proxima semana habra un desfile. Este ano han decorado todo muy bien. Aqui hay unas fotos:
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com