Greetings to our 7,766 subscribers, As the end of April and high season approach, many of us in town begin to say goodbye to our friends, acquaintances, neighbors and perhaps family members who split their time between beautiful Sayulita winters and summers up north. Today is the last day of the season to enjoy the Sayulita Farmer's Market, open from 10:00 A.M to 1:30 PM. Make sure to pick up your favorite organic and natural foods and products. See you all at the next "Mercado del Pueblo" this coming November. On Wednesday, April 25th, Grupo Pro Sayulita held their last weekly meeting of the season. A re-cap of this season's successes were discussed along with some upcoming projects that have been budgeted for next season including funds for the new delegation, cultural center, medication at the Salud clinic, educational programs and the ongoing effort with Sayulimpia and street clean-ups. Recommendations: New to SayulitaLife.com are live recommendations online from clients, customers and guests who have had an experience they would like to share at a business or rental home on SayulitaLife.com Web page listings. El Sayulero will regularly announce the top businesses and homes with the most recommendations of that week. Visit SayulitaLife.com to share your slice of Sayulita. Lindsay Walter =========================================
Saludos a nuestros 7,766 suscriptores,
Ya que acercamos los finales de abril y los finales de la temporada alta, muchos en el pueblo se despiden de amigos, amistades, vecinos y tal vez miembros de la familia que dividen su tiempo entre pasarlo aqui en invierno y en el norte en el verano. Hoy es el ultimo dia del mercado de pueblo abierto desde las 10 am hasta la 1:30 pm. Lleguen a ver los productos naturales y organicos. Nos vemos en el proximo mercado del pueblo en noviembre.
El 25 de abril, Grupo Pro Sayulita tuvo su ultima junta de la temporada. Presentaron el resumen de los proyectos exitosos de la temporada pasada y anunciaron el presupuesto para los proyectos que se realizaran durante la proxima temporada, los cuales incluyen invertir fondos en la nueva delegacion, la casa de cultura, medicamentos para la clinica de salud, programas de educacion y el esfuerzo continuo de Sayulimpia y limpiar las calles. Recommendaciones: Nuevo para SayulitaLife.com son las recomendaciones en linea de los clientes de negocios y huespedes de casas en renta expresando sus experiencias en los listados de SayulitaLife. El Sayulero anunciara seguido los negocios y casas con las mas recomendaciones de aquella semana. Visita Lindsay Walter Editora: El Sayulero
Top Recommendations of the Week
Congratulations to the top two businesses and homes with the most recommendations this week!
Business Recommendations
Vacation Rental Recommendations:
Sayulita Investment Realty (El Sayulero Sponsor)
Question of the Week: "What Do You Think of the Recent Construction of the Plaza?"
By Kimber Lopez
"I think that it will be a positive asset in the end because it will provide the space for more community interaction and engagement."
"Creo que va a ser un elemento positivo al fin porque va a proporcionar el espacio para mas interacción y participación de la comunidad."
-Alana, Lo De Marcos
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Last Day of Sayulita's Farmer's Market
Today is the season finale of the Farmer's Market, Sayulita's own Mercado del Pueblo. For the final day, we will be doing a fundraiser for the Sayulita Radio station in order to support them through the summer when so many locals depend on them for communication around critical issues such as floods, street closures and emergencies. During regular market hours, the radio station will be broadcasting music, interviewing vendors and shoppers and having live performances by local area children from the elementary and secondary schools. Come celebrate the market, the radio station and Children's Day all in one. Please bring a donation for the radio station with you!
This season marks the third season for the Mercado del Pueblo, a locally organized natural and organic market right here in Sayulita. The goal of the market is to provide local, natural and consumable goods to the residents and visitors of Sayulita. This year has been a huge success with all vendors returning, new growers discovered and international news coverage both for the market and for Sayulita! Starting in May, we will be setting our sites on next season, which begins in November, for another great year and maybe some surprises.....
Earth Day Celebration in Sayulita
By Kimber Lopez
The Recycle Depot has had a facelift thanks to some considerate Sayulita people. A dozen local volunteers, mostly nationals, showed up Tuesday at 4pm to clean up the trash and recyclable items at the depot. Many hands worked together to sort through broken glass, left over organic debris, metal, tires, and un-recyclable waste. Jokes and laughter spread as volunteers tossed trash and recycled materials into organized piles, trying to avoid scorpions and other creepy critters in the process. More
El depósito de reciclaje ha tenido una renovación gracias a unas personas consideradas de Sayulita. Una docena de voluntarios locales, en su mayoría nacionales, mostraron el martes a las 4 pm para limpiar la basura y artículos reciclables en el depósito. Muchas manos trabajaron juntos para ordenar a través de los cristales rotos, basuras orgánicas, metales, llantas, y los residuos de las que no se puede reciclar. Las bromas y risas difundieron mientras voluntarios arrojaron basura y materiales reciclados en montones organizados, tratando de evitar los escorpiones y otras criaturas en el proceso. Mas
Junior World Surf Finalists Share Their Sayulita Pride
By Lindsay Walter
Two Sayulita youths, Nomme Mignot, 14, and his Cousin Diego Mignot, 16, recently competed in the ISA Dakine World Junior Championships in Panama representing France against approximately 600 other competitors from around the world. Both young surfers with dual citizenship, both French and Mexican, have also competed for Mexico in national championships. More
Dos jóvenes de Sayulita, Nomme Mignot, 14, y su primo Diego Mignot, 16, recientemente compitieron en el ISA Dakine World Junior Championships en Panamá representando a Francia contra unos 600 competidores de todo el mundo. Los dos jóvenes surfistas con la doble nacionalidad, francesa y mexicana han competido por México en los campeonatos nacionales. Mas
Ariel Sainz Art Show in Sayulita
By Kimber Lopez
Mark your calendars next Friday, May 4th to welcome internationally recognized painter and actor, Ariel Sainz, to Sayulita. "Ariel Sainz Retrospect" will be exhibited at the Casa de la Cultura from 6-9pm for an evening of art, wine, and music. The display will feature both old and new pieces, representing the overall premise of his work that incorporates the interconnectedness and relationship between microcosms, macrocosms, universal principals, space and time, and the theory of the big bang. More
Marque su calendario el próximo viernes el 04 de mayo, para dar la bienvenida al pintor y el actor reconocido internacionalmente, Ariel Sainz, a Sayulita! "Ariel Sainz Retrospect" se expondrán en la Casa de la Cultura de 6 a 9 pm en una noche de arte, el vino y la música. La muestra contará con piezas viejas y nuevas, que representan la premisa general de su obra que incorpora la interconexión y la relación entre el microcosmos, el macrocosmos, principios universales, de espacio y tiempo, y la teoría del big bang. Mas
Mexotik Private Chef Services in Sayulita
By Lindsay Walter
Sayulita Chef, Daniel Murillo with 14 years of experience in international and gastronomic cuisine has initiated Mexotik, an Asian-infusion with Mexican flare catering and private chef service here in Sayulita. After travelling to many parts of the world such as South East Asia in 2001, Daniel developed a love for Asian-inspired cooking. More
Chef, Daniel Murillo, con 14 años de experiencia en cocina internacional y gastronómica ha iniciado Mexotik, una infusión de Asia y el toque mexicano con servicio de catering y servicio de chef privado aquí en Sayulita. Después de viajar a muchas partes del mundo, como el sudeste de Asia en el año 2001 Daniel desarrolló un amor por la cocina de inspiración asiática. Mas
The Magic of Sayulita
By Fausto Robles In the late 70's we moved to Sayulita. The events around us then are still present in my memory. At that time our sense of wonder was always present. I'd say we moved, perhaps without being fully aware of it, in a permanent sense of gratitude for the abundance and splendor of this wonderful place: More A finales de los años 70´s cuando llegamos a vivir a Sayulita, los acontecimientos que nos rodeaban continúan presentes en mi memoria. En ese entonces, nuestra capacidad de asombro siempre estuvo presente, yo diría que nos movíamos, quizás sin ser totalmente conscientes de ello, en un permanente sentimiento de agradecimiento a la abundancia y esplendor de este lugar maravilloso: Mas
GPS: Imagine What $10 Will Bring?
By Eric Rudd
Please read this! This column goes to (latest count) 7,753 subscribers! That's a lot of people. Many are homeowners, others have come to Sayulita more than once and probably care about the town. As subscribers, I know that you have read about all the programs that Grupo Pro Sayulita has to help the town. This past March, we had a super successful Fiesta-Fundraiser and raised almost $60,000 USD in total. Still, by the time we spread it over all of our programs, it's not enough. More
¡Lea por favor esto! ¡Esta columna va a (último conde) 7.753 suscriptores! Eso es muchas personas. Muchos son propietarios, otros han venido a Sayulita más de una vez y probablemente cuidado acerca del pueblo. Y como suscriptores, yo sé que ha leído acerca de todos los programas que Grupo Pro Sayulita hace para ayudar el pueblo. Este marzo pasado, nosotros tuvimos a un súper Fiesta-Recogedor de fondos exitoso y levantamos casi $60.000 (EEUU) en el suma. Todavía, cuando lo esparcimos más de todos nuestros programas, no es suficiente. Mas
Sayulero Sponsor (gracias!)
Bite This: Rib Eye Steak at Miro Vino
By Ed Schwartz
I have never liked using the word "awesome" for trifling issues, but the word surely does apply to the rib eye steak at Miro Vino, the restaurant on the east side of the square. Not only is this rib eye steak awesome, it is big, as in very huge! More
Nunca me ha gustado usar la palabra "impresionante" para asuntos triviales, pero sin duda la palabra se aplica a la carne en el ojo de la costilla Miro Vino, el restaurante en el lado este de la plaza. Esto no sólo es el rib-eye filete impresionante, es grande, como en muy grande! Mas
Sayulitanimals: Tomi's Success
When Sayulitanimals rescued Tomi, they were at a complete loss as to what to do. He had pus running out of his eyes, nose, and mouth. He had a neurological tic causing him to scrunch up his nose every second, and he was painfully thin. The first consideration was to put him to sleep and end what looked to be misery, but they decided to take him to a specialist and at least have him looked over. More
Cuando Sayulitanimals rescatado Tomi, que estaban en una pérdida total en cuanto a qué hacer. Había pus corriendo de sus ojos, la nariz y la boca. Tenía un tic neurológico que le causó a arrugar la nariz a cada segundo, y él estaba terriblemente delgada. La primera consideración es que le pone a dormir y poner fin a lo que parecía ser la miseria, sino que decidió llevarlo a un especialista y por lo menos tener lo miró de arriba. Mas
Pet of the Week: "Scooby"
Scooby is a lovely, gentle, and affectionate one-year old black Lab mix rescued a month ago from the streets of Puerto Vallarta. He is a larger dog with arthritis and a limp that cannot be mended. He has been treated for Parvo, anaplasma and tapeworm and is well on the mend. His leg was x-rayed, and an operation is not possible or necessary. He is currently being treated for mange. He has had his first vaccinations and is due to be neutered in 4 - 5 weeks. All in all Scooby is ready to be part of a loving family. Maybe yours?
Contact Sayulitanimals to adopt or donate.
Scooby es un lab mixto, color negro, dulce y cariñoso que tiene un año encontrado en las calles de Puerto Vallarta. Es un perro grande con artritis y un cojo que no se puede curar. Es sido tratado para parvo, anaplasma y lombrices. Tomaron un rayos x de su pierna y descubrieron que no se puede operarlo, y no es necesario. Esta recibiendo tratamiento para sarna. Ha recibido sus primeras vacunas y tendra que ser esterilizado en 4 o 5 semanas. Por lo general Scooby es listo para ser parte de una familia amorosa. Sera la tuya?
Photo of the Week: Fun Sayulita Photos
By Donna Day
The good thing about always having your camera with you is being able to catch those fun shots you just happen to see. Here are a couple of my recent favorites: Lo bueno de siempre llevar contigo la camera es que puedes capturar estos momentos divirtidos que suelen pasar. Aqui son unos de mis favoritos:
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com