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February 17th, 2012

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Greetings to our 7,566 subscribers,

RainbowDuring the last week, Sayulita has been experiencing some cloudy weather and rainy days. The overcast skies have cooled down the temperature and the rain has made the hillsides green though it has not been the best weather for beach goers in Sayulita. Some locals and residents say that it's not unlikely at all to have rain showers in February, while others are surprised by the precipitation this time of year. Despite the grey skies, the sun has poked through some days and Sayulita saw a beautiful and one of the biggest rainbows across our skies. This photo taken by photographer R. Sean Galloway captures the recent rainbow beautifully.

The current construction in the downtown area of Sayulita is still underway and many roads have been temporarily blocked while traffic is re-routed around town. Keep in mind the construction if you plan on driving into or around Sayulita during the next few weeks. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of March.

Thank you for reading El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero


Saludos a nuestros 7,566 suscriptores,


Durante la �ltima semana, el clima ha estado nublado con d�as de lluvia. Las temperaturas han bajado y la lluvia ha ayudado que las colinas est�n mas verdes aunque este tipo de clima no es ideal para los que quieren ir a la playa en Sayulita. Algunos locales y residentes dice que no es tan raro ver lluvia durante esta �poca del a�o, mientras otros se sorprenden ver lluvia en febrero. A pesar del cielo gris, el sol ha tratado de salir en estos d�as y Sayulita vio un arco iris hermoso y grande en el cielo. Esta foto tomada por R. Sean Galloway captura bien el arco iris en Sayulita.


La construcci�n en el centro sigue en marcha y muchas calles est�n bloqueadas temporalmente mientras desv�an el trafico por otras partes del pueblo. Toma en cuenta esto si estas planeando manejar a Sayulita durante las pr�ximas semanas. Se espera que la construcci�n se acabe para finales de marzo.


Lindsay Walter 

Editora:  El Sayulero
Question of the Week:
How Do You Feel About the Rain in Sayulita?    

By Ellen Guill



 "I don't like it when it's cloudy because it makes me want to sleep all day. I like the sun." -Christian    More  


"No me gusta cuando est� nublado porque pienso que quiero dormer todo el dia. Me gusta el sol. "-Christian. Mas

Palm Tree Planting Project     

By Lindsay Walter 


While the construction in the downtown area of Sayulita is underway and progressing rapidly, The Rodriguez family, a local founding family of Sayulita have decided to plant palm trees along Calle Delfin and Calle Marlin, two main streets leading down to the beach. Brothers, and owners of Calypso restaurant and Ruben's Deli, Manuel and Ruben Rodriguez say they would like to plant the palms to beautify the area and they have received support from other local residents.    More  


Mientras la construccion en el centro esta en plena marcha y progresando rapidamente, la familia Rodriguez, una familia fondadora de Sayulita ha decidido plantar palmas de coco por las calles Delfin y Marlin, dos calles principales que llegan a la playa. Los hermanos Rodriguez, Ruben y Manuel, duenos de Calypso y Ruben's Deli dicen que les gustaria plantar las palmas para embellecer las calles y han recibido apoyo de otros residentes locales. Mas

Sayulitanimals Spay & Neuter Clinic:
Unsung Heroes     


The next time we have a spay and neuter clinic, at Sayulitanimals, I hope many of you will take a few minutes to go to the clinic and witness the extraordinary work and dedication that takes place there. For three days, there are a group of committed, hard working, kind people, who are on their feet non-stop for ten to twelve hours a day. They volunteer each time and give so much, so generously to our community and the animals that need their help.  More 


La proxima vez que tenemos una clinica de esterilizacion en Sayulitanimals, espero que muchos de ustedes puedan pasar a la clinica par aver el trabajo extraordinario y dedicacion que se realiza ahi. Durante tres dias, un grupo de gente amigable, comprometida y trabajadora esta en sus pies todo el dia durante 12 horas al dia. Se hacen voluntarios cada vez y brindan tanto generosamente a nuestra comunidad y a los animales que necesitan su ayuda. Mas

Protecting The Huichol Culture     

By Ellen Guill


Two major Canadian mining companies, Majestic Silver Company and New Gold Companies in Vancouver, have been granted permission to perform exploratory drilling in San Luis Potosi, also known as Wirikuta, the cultural and spiritual center of Huichol culture.  More


Dos grandes empresas mineras canadienses, la compa��a Majestic Silver y Nuevas Empresas de oro en Vancouver, se han concedido permiso para realizar la perforaci�n exploratoria en San Luis Potos�, tambi�n conocido como Wirikuta, el centro cultural y espiritual de la cultura huichol.  Mas

Give Sayulita Businesses Some Palmtrees   


SayulitaLife.com now allows guests, clients and customers to rate Sayulita businesses. 


The Legacy of Our Elders in Sayulita     

By Fausto Robles

Many years ago, in my time as a fisherman in Sayulita, I had to leave one day for an emergency to Guadalajara. At the time of my departure the ocean was absolutely calm and I thought to leave my boat anchored in the bay. I did not know at the time that October was the month of much instability because of the hurricane season.  More


Hace ya bastantes a�os, en mi �poca de pescador aqu� en Sayulita estando en plena actividad tuve que salir de emergencia a Guadalajara. Como al momento de mi partida el mar estaba en absoluta quietud opt� por dejar fondeada mi lancha en la bah�a. Desconoc�a en ese entonces que octubre era un mes de mucha inestabilidad por ser �poca de huracanes.   Mas 

Bite This:  Sayulita Cafe     

By Ed Schwartz

Oh sure, you think my bite of the week is all about the chiles rellenos at Sayulita Caf� and sure, they are tasty and famous. But I am here to tell you about another especially wondrous treat, the deep-fried, whole red snapper or huachinango, if you are going native.   More


De seguro crees que la mordida de la semana se va a tratar de los chiles rellenos de Sayulita Caf�, y por supuesto son sabrosos y famosos. Sin embargo, estoy aqu� para decirles que hay otras especialidades, el huachinango entero, frito.  Mas 

Sayulero Sponsor (gracias)

Sayulita Investment Realty
GPS:  A Most Positive Challenge      
By Eric Rudd

It all started when a Grupo Pro Sayulita volunteer offered us $5,000 USD and challenged us to raise at least $20,000 more. The $25,0000 could stimulate raising an additional $25,000 by Fiesta (our major fundraiser) participants. We put out the call and we are well on our way to getting to the $20,000 mark; we need a few more sizable checks. (If you need it to be U.S. tax-deductable, please talk to our treasurer, Cheryl Vaughan.)  More


Todo comenz� cuando un voluntario GPS nos ofreci� $5.000 y nos desafi� a levantar por lo menos $20.000 m�s, para que el $25.0000 puedan estimular levantando un adicional $25.000 por participantes de Fiesta. Apagamos la llamada y nosotros somos bien en nuestra manera a llegar a la $20.000 marca; necesitamos unos pocos cheques m�s grandes. (Si usted lo necesita para ser EEUU impuesto-deducible, habla por favor con nuestro tesorero, Cheryl Vaughan).  Mas

  Sayulero Sponsor (gracias!) 


Pet of the Week:  "Cinda"      

Cinda is one very tired momma.  She has had several litters and has never been given proper nutrition.  She is now very thin and very weak, but she wants to live!Cinda is not ready to be adopted, but she desperately needs a loving, patient foster home.  Cinda is very easy going.  She needs a few brief walks a day and a comfy bed to recover in.  If you could help Cinda on her path to wellness, please contact Sayulitanimals.  

Contact Sayulitanimals to adopt or donate.  [email protected]

Cinda es una mama cansada. Ha tenido varias camadas y no ha recibido nutricion adecuada. Es muy delgada y debil pero quiere vivir. Cinda aun no esta lista para la adopcion pero necesita una casa acogadora donde quedarse. Cinda es muy tranquila. Solo requiere unos paseos al dia y una cama comoda. Si puedes ayudarla para recuperar, favor de contactar Sayulitanimals.

Contacta Sayulitanimals para adoptar o donar: [email protected] 
Interview with Hector Pi�a Ortega
Sayulita's New Town Delegate      
By Lindsay Walter


Where are you from and when did you first come to Sayulita?
I was born in Tepic March 3rd, 1975 but I grew up in Compostela. I've also lived in La Pe�ita but I moved to Sayulita in 2001.


�De donde es usted y cuando llego a Sayulita? Nac� en Tepic el 3 de marzo, 1975, crec� en Compostela y tambi�n viv� un tiempo en La Pe�ita pero me mude a Sayulita en el 2001.


Information about your family? I live in Sayulita with my wife, Claudia Guadalupe Altamirano Orozco and we have three children, Jordan, Hector and Luis Mario.


�Informaci�n de su familia? Vivo en Sayulita con mi esposa, Claudia Guadalupe Altamirano Orozco y tenemos tres hijos, Jordan, Hector y Luis Mario.


Read entire interview
Leer toda la entrevista 

Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com