El Sayulero Special Valentine's Day Edition
Greetings to our 7,520 subscribers,
Welcome to our Valentine's special edition with a new look and feel for the upcoming day of love and friendship next Tuesday, February 14th. I hope everyone enjoys Valentine's day. Many in Sayulita already have plans and if you are still looking for something special to do with your loved one, check out the restaurants below offering Valentine's dinner specials.
Question of the Week: El Sayulero will now be incorporating a Question of the Week column asking locals, residents, ex-pats and tourists on the street to answer one specific question. This week's Valentine's edition asks "What special plans do you have for Valentine's Day?" find out what some of the people in town are planning to do next Tuesday in the article below.
"Bite This" restaurant reviews: Ed Schwartz who has written wine, food, travel and humor features for major magazines and newspapers north of the border will now be contributing a weekly food review column "Bite This" which will feature a certain dish from a different restaurant every week, read below for this week's iconic breakfast dish at Rollie's restaurant.
Thank you for reading the Valentine's Day edition of El Sayulero.
Saludos a nuestros 7,520 suscriptores,
Bienvenidos a nuestra edicion especial del dia de San Valentin con la nueva apariencia para el dia de amor y amistad este martes, 14 de febrero. Espero que todos tengan bonitas celebraciones este dia de San Valentin. Muchos en Sayulita ya tienen planes pero si aun no las tienes, ver abajo para escojer entre varios restaurantes que van a ofrecer cenas especiales. La pregunta de la semana: El Sayulero ahora va a incorporar la pregunta de la semana con cada edicion de El Sayulero, preguntando a locales, residentes, extranjeros y turistas que opinan sobre algun tema. Esta semana preguntamos "Que plan tienes para el dia de San Valentin?" Descubre lo que algungos contestaron en el articulo abajo. "Muerde Esto" criticas de restaurantes: Escritor Ed Schwartz quien ha escrito sobre vinos, comida, viajes y humor que se ha publicado en varias revistas y periodicos en el norte ahora va a contribuir una critica de un platillo de diferentes restaurantes cada semana. Lee abajo sobre el platillo iconico de Rollie's. Gracias por leer esta edicion especial de El Sayulero de San Valentin.
Lindsay Walter Editora: El Sayulero
Question of the Week: Do You Have Any Special Plans For Valentine's Day?
"I'm taking my hot girlfriend out for a fancy, romantical night on the town - bottle of vino tinto included." -Tonchi & Marisa Vas a hacer algo especial para el Dia de San Valentin? "Voy a llevar a mi novia chula para una noche elegante, romantica noche por el peublo- una botella de vino tinto incluido." -Tonchi y Marisa More Answers Mas Respuestas |
Don Pedro's Valentine's Dinner Special
Valentine's Special menu at Don Pedro's -Oyster Trio: rockefeller, ginger shallot mignonette, chile lime shooter -YELLOW TAIL SASHIMI
-GOLDEN BABY BEET SALAD (with orange segments, arugula, fennel and truffle goat cheese) -AMBER JACK FILET (pan seared with sea urchin champagne sauce, yellow squash, asparagus and arugula sprout salad -NEW ZEALAND RACK OF LAMB (rosemary charred, chive potatoes, fried artichoke hearts, roasted cherry totamoes, spinach & lamb) -MOLTEN CHOCOLATE CAKE with hazel nut ice cream & caramel sauce
Los Afortunados Valentine's Dinner Special
Tierra Viva Valentine's Dinner Special
Valentine's Special at Tierra Viva: Fresh lobster accompanied with rice, vegetables and a glass of red or white wine. Price: $250 pesos
Grilled ribeye steak with potatoes and vegetables, accompanied by your choice of a glass of red or white wine. Price: $230 pesos
Enjoy excellent service and delicious cuisine this Valentine's Day in an intimate setting surrounded by nature. Tierra Viva is one of Sayulita's premiere fine dining restaurants, located just one block from the beach. Regular menu items are also available, which combine unique flavors from the Caribbean, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz. Full bar and specialty cocktails available.
Contact Information:
Calle Marlin #10 www.sayulitalife.com/tierraviva
Villa Nueva Vida For Sale By Owner
$850K USD
Villa Nueva Vida in Sayulita is located in Colina La Iguana, a development of new homes in the quiet north end. The development is secure with a fence around the property and an electronic entry gate. The home is situated on a hillside to provide panoramic views of both the bay and town, yet close enough to town and the beach. This four year old home has a guaranteed unobstructed view of ocean and town as homes in front and sides are already built and the utilities are underground. Enjoy the view from the heated salt water pool. Titled, in a bank trust.
Punta Sayulita Upcoming Benefit Events
Punta Sayulita is pleased to host two upcoming benefit events at Punta Sayulita Beach House, an insightful presentation by Serge Dedina, Co-founder & Executive Director of Wildcoast/Costasalvaje, an international organization that conserves coastal and marine ecosystems and wildlife taking place on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 PM. Also during the same week, Punta Sayulita will host the Evelyne Boren exhibition, watercolor demonstration and auction on Thursday, February 16th at 6:00 PM. More Punta Sayulita se complace en ser anfitrión de dos eventos benéficos próximos a Playa de Punta Sayulita Casa, una presentación detallada de Serge Dedina, Co-fundador y Director Ejecutivo de WiLDCOAST / COSTASALVAjE, una organización internacional que conserva ecosistemas costeros y marinos y la fauna silvestre que tiene lugar el miércoles, 15 de febrero a las 6:30 PM. También durante la misma semana, Punta Sayulita será la sede del Evelyne Boren exposición, demostración de la acuarela y la subasta el jueves, 16 de febrero a las 6:00 PM. Mas |
Sayulitanimals Valentine's Raffle
Raffle, raffle, raffle! There's always occasion for great wine, so make sure you've bought your raffle tickets to support animal welfare in Sayulita and to have the opportunity of winning an exceptional bottle of wine. All wines have been kindly donated from a collector with lovely tastes. The raffle will be held February 13th just in time for Valentine's Day! Come by Marsaras to pick yours up today. More Rifa, rifa, rifa! Siempre hay ocasión para un gran vino, entonces tienes que comprar tus boletos de la rifa para apoyar el bienestar animal en Sayulita y tener la oportunidad de ganar una botella de vino excepcional. Todos los vinos han sido amablemente donada de un coleccionista que tiene buen gusto en los vinos. El sorteo se llevará a cabo 13 de febrero, justo a tiempo para el Día de San Valentín! Venga a la tienda Marsaras para comprar tuyos hoy. Mas |
Grupo Pro Sayulita: Election Results and Goals for 2012
Grupo Pro Sayulita held its Annual Meeting last Monday evening at the Cultural Center, and the 2011 board of directors were re-elected with one new addition: Florrie McCallum, who has been heading up our membership and data-base for the past year. We are now eight members. More Nuestra reunión anual tuvo lugar el lunes pasado en el Centro Cultural, y la directiva del año pasado fue reelegida con una nueva adición, Florrie McCallum, que ha estado organizando nuestra base de datos para el año pasado. Somos ocho miembros. Me quedo para un tercer año como presidente, con Cheryl Vaughan de tesorera, Suzanne Gravelle es secretaria, y los miembros de la directiva son Marcos Scott, Lázaro García Cardenas, Nick Sherman, Damien Porter y Florrie McCallum. Los ocho miembros hacen un gran equipo; esperamos continuar implementar programas para el pueblo de Sayulita. Mas |
Paper Bark Trees in Sayulita
With its red bark that peels off in papery shreds, the papelillo (papeLEEYO), or paperbark tree, is one of the more distinctive trees in the jungle around Sayulita. A drought resistant fast growing many-branched tree often reaching 20m in height and 80 cm in diameter, or bigger, the papelillo adapts well to a variety of habitats including granitic and salty and limestone soils. More Con su corteza roja que se desprende en pedazos como de papel, el papelillo (papeLEEYO), o el árbol melaleuca, es uno de los árboles más característicos de la selva alrededor de Sayulita. Un rápido crecimiento resistentes a la sequía de muchas ramas del árbol llegando a menudo a 20m de altura y 80 cm de diámetro, o más grandes, el papelillo se adapta bien a una variedad de hábitats, incluyendo los suelos graníticos y salado y piedra caliza. Mas |
Costa Verde International School Fundraiser - February 22nd
Don't miss the CVIS Annual event on February 22nd. This year, we are doing a Carribean Beach BBQ in front of Don Pedro's with all the fixins, drinks, games you can imagine!
Tickets include entrance, a drink and a raffle tickets....and lots of surprises. A silent auction, live auction, DJ music and live music by Los Tikkilyches and dancing will also be part of the party. Tickets on sale now at CVIS, Chocobanana and Avalos .
As always, 100% of profits goes to support local children going to school!
Real Estate: Power of Attorney
The cat's out of the bag, the rooster has sung, and it's time to discuss how you can protect yourself as a foreign property buyer. There are variables when purchasing a property in Sayulita. A big part of your purchase decision will be whether your property is Titled or Ejido (non-titled) Property. Let me give you a short lesson and let you know a tip about protecting yourself. More El gato esta afuera de la bolsa, el gallo ha cantado, y es la hora para discutir como puedes proteger a ti mismo como un comprador extranjero. Hay varios variables en la compra de propiedad en Sayulita. Un gran parte del decisión de comprar es si su propiedad es Titulado o Ejidial (sin titulo). Déjame darte un lección breve sobre como puedes protegerte. Mas |
Bite This: Rollie's Pancakes
Often restaurants have an iconic dish-the dish is that good. So, if you are in a word association game and someone says, "Rollie's," the entire group will shout, "Pancakes!" And that is the way it should be. At least in Sayulita. More A menudo los restaurantes suelen tener un platillo icónico que es muy rico. Y si juegas a palabras y alguien grita "Rollie's" todo el grupo contestará con la palabra "Pancakes", y así debe de ser aquí en Sayulita. Mas |
Arts For The Turtles Fundraiser
On February 15th and March 15th, from 11AM until 3PM, the ARTS FOR THE TURTLES fundraiser fiesta will take place at Bahia del Sol resort in Nuevo Vallarta. Through AMA Mexico, or the Association for Mexican Environmental Unity, these events support the Nuevo Vallarta Sea Turtle Preserve. More El 15 de febrero y 15 de marzo, desde las 11 hasta 15:00, las artes para la fiesta de recaudación de fondos TORTUGAS tendrá lugar en Bahia del Sol Resort en Nuevo Vallarta. A través de AMA México, o la Asociación por la Unidad de Medio Ambiente de México, estos hechos apoyan la Tortuga Marina de Nuevo Vallarta Reserva. Mas |
Sayulita Magazine Distribution
The new Sayulita Magazine is now available at select locations throughout the village as well as in San Pancho, Punta Mita, and Bucerias. Get your copy anytime by visiting one of the distributors below:
Alma Boutique
Specialized Covers: Sayulita Magazine printed 1,000 special "Do Not Remove" covers for rentals/businesses wishing to keep issues around for their guests and clients to read. These special edition copies also have a more protective UV resistant coating on the front/back cover. These special editions are available free of charge to all home and business owners. You can pick up copies anytime at either Sayulita Investment Realty. If you`re not in the area and would like to have copies specially delivered to your rental home, please email Lindsay (Lindsay@SayulitaLife.com) and she can bring them by. La nueva revista Sayulita ya está disponible en ciertas localidades de todo el pueblo, así como en San Pancho, Punta Mita y Bucerías. Obtenga su copia en cualquier momento visitando uno de los distribuidores arriba. Portadas especializadas: Revista Sayulita imprimio 1.000 revistas especiales con etiqueta de "No retirar" para las casas de rentas y negocios que desean mantener las revistas para sus huéspedes y clientes. Estas copias de edición especial también tienen un recubrimiento resistente a los UV más protectora en la parte frontal/cubierta trasera. Estas ediciones especiales son gratis para los propietarios de casas y negocios. Se puede recoger estas revistas en Sayulita Investment Realty. Si no estas en el area y quieres que entreguemos copias, favor de enviar correo a Lindsay (Lindsay@SayulitaLife.com). |
Thank You | Gracias
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Sincerely, Ian & Kerry Hodge Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com