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February 3rd, 2012

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Greetings to our 7,520 subscribers,

This weekend, Mexico celebrates constitution Day on February 5th, a public and patriotic holiday across the country. Constitution Day in Mexico is celebrated with parades, festivals, and family reunions. Mexican pride is felt throughout the entire country and many visitors from surrounding cities are expected to arrive to Sayulita for a little sun and beach time over the long weekend. It is also a tradition to eat tamales on the 2nd of February, dia de la Candelaria (Day of the Candles or Candle Mass). Dia de la Candelaria is a Mexican celebration that is a fusion of the Catholic influences and native Mexican tradition.

The Sayulita Magazine`s second edition was released last Friday at the Farmer`s Market where the magazine received much positive feedback from passer-bys picking up their copies. Please read below to find out where you can get your copy of the second edition of Sayulita Magazine. Please read on about some local happenings this week and also the Grupo Pro Sayulita annual elections taking place February 6th.

Thank you for reading El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero


Saludos a nuestros 7,520 suscriptores,

Este fin de semana, M�xico celebra el D�a de la Constituci�n el 5 de febrero, un d�a festivo y patri�tico en todo el pa�s. D�a de la Constituci�n en M�xico se celebra con desfiles, fiestas y reuniones familiares. Orgullo mexicano se siente en todo el pa�s y muchos visitantes de las ciudades cercanos se espera para llegar a Sayulita para un poco de sol y tiempo en la playa durante el puente. Tambi�n es una tradici�n de comer tamales el 2 de febrero, D�a de la Candelaria. D�a de la Candelaria es una celebraci�n mexicana que es la fusi�n de las influencias cat�licas y de la tradici�n mexicana.

La segunda edici�n de la revista Sayulita se estreno el viernes pasado en el mercado del pueblo donde la revista recibi� mucha critica positiva por parte de los que pasaron a recoger sus copias. Por favor, lea a continuaci�n para averiguar d�nde puede obtener una copia de la segunda edici�n de la Revista de Sayulita. Por favor, lea acerca de algunos acontecimientos locales de esta semana y tambi�n el Grupo Pro Sayulita elecciones anuales que tienen lugar 06 de febrero.
Gracias por leer El Sayulero.

Lindsay Walter 

Editora:  El Sayulero
Sayulita Magazine Begins Distribution 

The new Sayulita Magazine is now available at select locations throughout the village as well as in San Pancho, Punta Mita, and Bucerias.  Get your copy anytime by visiting one of the distributors below:


Sayulita magazine
Special cover example

Alma Boutique


Specialized Covers:  Sayulita Magazine printed 1,000 special "Do Not Remove" covers for rentals/businesses wishing to keep issues around for their guests and clients to read. These special edition copies also have a more protective UV resistant coating on the front/back cover.


These special editions are available free of charge to all home and business owners.  You can pick up copies anytime at either Sayulita Investment Realty.  If you`re not in the area and would like to have copies specially delivered to your rental home, please email Lindsay ([email protected]) and she can bring them by.


La nueva revista Sayulita ya est� disponible en ciertas localidades de todo el pueblo, as� como en San Pancho, Punta Mita y Bucer�as. Obtenga su copia en cualquier momento visitando uno de los distribuidores arriba.   


Portadas especializadas: Revista  Sayulita imprimio 1.000 revistas especiales con etiqueta de "No retirar" para las casas de rentas y negocios que desean mantener las revistas para sus hu�spedes y clientes. Estas copias de edici�n especial tambi�n tienen un recubrimiento resistente a los UV m�s protectora en la parte frontal/cubierta trasera.


Estas ediciones especiales son gratis para los propietarios de casas y negocios. Se puede recoger estas revistas en Sayulita Investment Realty. Si no estas en el area y quieres que entreguemos copias, favor de enviar correo a Lindsay ([email protected]).

Firefighters Crossing Borders Project   

By Angela Long-Lambert


It looks like Sayulita is about to see a big step forward! At the February 1st Grupo Pro Sayulita (GPS) meeting at Don Chow's Restaurant, Brian Singleton, the regional representative for the non-profit organization called Fire Fighters Crossing Boarders (FFCB) spoke about an important project: FFCB is described as "a non-profit organization founded by Firefighters for Firefighters. We provide assistance to emergency response agencies located in Mexico by providing equipment, training and education to those that want it."  More


Parece que Sayulita va a ver un paso grande adelante! En la junta de Grupo Pro Sayulita(GPS), que ocurri� 1 de Febrero en el restaurante Don Chows, Brian Singleton, el representante regional para la organizaci�n non lucrativo se llama Fire Figthers Crossing Borders/FFCB (Bomberos Cruzando Fronteras) hablaba sobre un proyecto importante: FFCB esta describiendo como "un organizaci�n no lucrativo empezado por Bomberos para bomberos. Nosotros proporcionar asistencia a agencias de respuestas a emergencias en M�xico por proporcionando equipo, entrenamiento y educaci�n a los que quieran.  Mas

Private Security Proposal for Sayulita    

By Lindsay Walter


On Thursday February 2nd, Sayulita's new town delegate, Hector Pina along with a representative, Pablo Orozco of a private security company, Corporativo Nacional de Seguridad Privada, hosted and organized a community meeting with homeowners of Sayulita to discuss security issues in Sayulita, especially neighbourhoods that have been experienced burglaries lately. These concerns come after an increase in petty theft over the past few months.  More


El jueves, 2 de febrero, el Nuevo delegado de Sayulita, H�ctor Pina en conjunto con Pablo Orozco, el representante de una compa��a de seguridad privada, Corporativo Nacional de Seguridad Privada organizaron una junta para los propietarios de casas en Sayulita y discutieron los asuntos de seguridad en Sayulita, especialmente los vecindarios Gringo Hill y Nanzal donde ha habido robos antes.  Mas

Three Locals Compete in
Stand Up Paddle Championship    

By Ellen Guill


Three of Sayulita's stand-up paddle boarders will compete in the first ever International Surfing Associations Stand Up Paddle and Paddleboard Championship in MiraFlores, Peru from February 6 - 11, 2012. More  


Tres de los stand-up paddle boarders de Sayulita competir�n en las primeras asociaciones de surf internacional Stand Up Paddle y el Campeonato de Paddleboard en Miraflores, Per�, del 6 a 11 febrero 2012. Mas

Sayulita Restaurant Owners:  Can you help feed Spay/Neuter Clinic Volunteers    


On February 9, 10, and 11, Sayulitanimals will be conducting their regular spay and neuter clinic with Dr. Charlotte Burns and her assistant, Bliss Fisher. They fly down from northern California and this will be their ninth clinic with Sayulitanimals. Ms Fisher will also be celebrating her fiftieth birthday while she is in town. There is never enough thanks for such generous dedication. More  


El 9, 10 y 11 de febrero, "Sayulitanimals" llevara a cabo la cl�nica de esterilizaci�n con la Dra. Charlotte Burns y su asistente, Bliss Fisher. Llegan desde el norte de California para participar de este evento, y �sta ser� la novena cl�nica con Sayulitanimals. La Sra. Fisher tambi�n va a celebrar su cumplea�os (cincuenta a�os) mientras esta aqu�. Mas

Give Sayulita Businesses Some Palmtrees   


SayulitaLife.com now allows guests, clients and customers to rate Sayulita businesses. 


Just Down The Road - Sayulita    

By Dr. David B. Hawkins

Having changed from our sweater, jeans and jackets into shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops, we left the last bit of Seattle behind and crossed the bridge into Sayulita. Bridges are like that - allowing us to cross from one land into another. Ready for a different kind of vacation, we had asked around for possible destinations. "You ought to check out Sayulita," our friend told us, "It's just down the road from Puerto Vallarta, but a world away."  More


Despu�s de haber cambiado de nuestros jers�is, pantalones vaqueros y chaqueta en pantalones cortos, camiseta y chanclas, que dej� el �ltimo trozo de Seattle atr�s y cruz� el puente en Sayulita. Los puentes son as� - lo que nos permite pasar de una tierra a otra. Listo para un tipo diferente de vacaciones, hab�amos pedido en torno a los posibles destinos. "Usted debe de revisar Sayulita", nuestros amigos nos dijo. "Es s�lo por el camino de Puerto Vallarta, pero un mundo de distancia."  Mas 

Flora Amor in Sayulita     

By Lindsay Walter

Flora Amor, a new floral business serving Sayulita and surrounding area, is gearing up for the Valentine`s Day holiday, one of the busiest times of year for Flora Amor owners Susan Dragen and Denise Mullins. Susan and Denise have had the pleasure of filling orders from all over the world, creating beautiful flower arrangements and specialty gift baskets to be delivered to friends and family who live in the Sayulita community.  More


Flora Amor, un nuevo negocio de flores y el �rea de Sayulita se est� preparando para festejar el D�a de San Valent�n, uno de los momentos m�s intensos del a�o para los propietarios de la Flora Amor Susan Denise Dragen y Mullins. Susan y Denise han tenido el placer de responder a los pedidos de todas partes del mundo, la creaci�n de hermosos arreglos florales y canastas especiales de regalo para ser entregados a sus amigos y familiares que viven en la comunidad de Sayulita.  Mas 

Sayulero Sponsor (gracias)

Sayulita Investment Realty
GPS:  Annual Election Meeting: Feb 6th     
By Eric Rudd

You might know that Grupo Pro Sayulita has many volunteers, who help with various programs, all helping our town tremendously. Behind the scenes, as a registered non-profit Mexican organization, there is a legal structure. This structure consists of a board of directors and this board is elected annually by our registered voting members.  More


Usted quiz�s sepa que Grupo Pro Sayulita tiene a muchos voluntarios, que ayudan con varios programas -- toda la porci�n nuestro pueblo tremendamente. Entre bastidores, como una organizaci�n mexicana, sin fines lucrativos y registrado, hay una estructura legal. Esta estructura consiste en una junta directiva, y esta tabla es elegida anualmente por nuestro votar registrado a miembros. Mas

  Sayulero Sponsor (gracias!) 


Pet of the Week:  "Soleil"      

Soleil was rescued from the streets of Sayulita; She did not have anything to eat and was hiding under a truck. At first, she was scared and timid and didn't trust anyone. Soleil has now been in foster care for three months and has grown into an extremely cheerful, happy dog who is always in the mood for playing but also loves to be held in your arms like a baby. She is about one year old, spayed and healthy. If you like a small, easy going dog whose cheerfulness is contagious, Soleil is the one for you! 

Contact Sayulitanimals to adopt or donate.  [email protected]

Soleil fue rescatada de las calles de Sayulita. Estaba muriendo de hambre y escondiendose debajo de una camioneta. Al principio tenia miedo y no confiaba en ningun humano. Tiene 3 meses en casa acogida y se ha convertido en un perro feliz que siempre quiere jugar pero tambien le gusta que le acaricies. Tiene un ano, es esterilizada y saludable. Si te gustaria un perro pequeno, amable que es capaz de hacerte sonreir, entonces Soleil es para ti.

Contacta Sayulitanimals para adoptar o donar: [email protected] 
Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com