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December 9th, 2011

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Greetings 7,333 El Sayulero Subscribers, 


It's that special time of year again; the holiday season is upon us and in Sayulita, that means the start of the celebration of Guadalupe Days. Long-time residents and locals of Sayulita are by now quite used to the early morning sounds of fireworks, though first-time visitors staying close to town may be abruptly awoken by the cannon-like noises at the crack of dawn, followed by church bells. This is the announcement to community members that mass is about to begin, all in celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe, culminating on December 12th, after the traditional nativity scene parades through local neighborhoods all week long. The next couple of weeks will bring many festivities in the downtown plaza including the bull of fireworks set off in the evenings as one person runs around the plaza. It's a real light show not to be missed. Christmas parties are just about to begin, as and we get closer to "Noche Buena," Christmas Eve, which is the bigger day/night of celebration in Mexico, as opposed to Christmas Day.

If you have a pet who is frightened by the current loud firecrackers, fireworks and
cannons, read below for some helpful tips. Also in this edition of El Sayulero, find out
where to buy tickets for the upcoming fundraiser for the local kindergarten school,
Bertha Von Glumer. The event will feature folk dancing, music, singers and delicious
food, served on the beach at El Costeno's. Read below for more information about this
community benefit.

As a follow-up to a recent article concerning the new trash receptacles, more have been ordered and are being delivered to various neighborhoods in Sayulita. See Tracie at Chocobanana to donate to the effort. Remember to take your trash out on Monday,
Wednesday or Friday mornings, just before scheduled pick-up, to avoid trash overflow
on the streets. Help keep Sayulita's streets clean and remember to recycle. Recycling
now needs to be taken to the recycling depot near the entrance of town on the Punta
de Mita road.

Here's hoping that you feel that special holiday spirit, notice the extra-wide
smiles around town that seem to display themselves this time of year. Thank you for reading El Sayulero.



Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero


Saludos a los 7,333 lectores de El Sayulero,

Es la �poca del a�o muy especial, la temporada festiva ya est� aqu� y significa que han comenzado las celebraciones del d�a de Guadalupe. Residentes y locales que llevan mucho tiempo en Sayulita ya est�n muy acostumbrados a los sonidos en la madrugada de los cuetes y ca�ones, aunque los visitantes que se quedan cerca del pueblo podr�an estar bruscamente despertados por los ruidos de los ca�ones tempran�simo en la ma�ana, despu�s sigue el sonido de las campanas de la iglesia. Es el aviso para los miembros de la comunidad que la masa est� a punto de empezar, todo es para la celebraci�n de la Virgen de Guadalupe y culmina el 12 de diciembre, despu�s de los desfiles de las escenas de nacimientos tradicionales en todos los vecindarios locales durante toda la semana. El siguiente par de semanas traer� muchas festividades en el centro de la plaza como el toro de fuegos artificiales en las noches cuando una persona corre alrededor de la plaza. Es un espect�culo de luces que no debe perderse. Las fiestas de Navidad est�n a punto de comenzar, mientras  nos acercamos a la "Noche Buena", el d�a m�s celebrado en M�xico.     


Si tienes una mascota que est� asustada por los cohetes, fuegos artificiales y ca�ones, sigue leyendo abajo para algunos consejos �tiles. Tambi�n en esta edici�n de El Sayulero, averig�e d�nde comprar los boletos para el pr�ximo evento para recaudar fondos para kinder local, Bertha Von Glumer. El evento contar� con bailes folkl�ricos, m�sica, cantantes y deliciosa comida que se sirve en la playa de El Coste�o. Lee a continuaci�n para obtener m�s informaci�n acerca de este beneficio de la comunidad.     


Al respecto a un reciente art�culo sobre los recept�culos de basura nuevos, hay m�s que han sido pedidos y se est�n entregando a los distintos vecindarios en Sayulita. Acudir a ver a Tracie en Chocobanana para donar al esfuerzo. Recuerda llevar su basura el lunes  mi�rcoles y viernes por las ma�anas, justo antes que llegue el cami�n de basura, para evitar el desbordamiento de la basura en las calles. Ayuda a mantener las calles limpias y recuerda reciclar. Reciclaje ahora se tiene que llevar al dep�sito de reciclaje cerca de la entrada al pueblo en la carretera de Punta Mita.    Espero que todos sientan el esp�ritu festivo y que noten las sonrisas grandes por el pueblo durante esta �poca del a�o.  Gracias por leer El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editora:  El Sayulero
Give Sayulita Businesses Some Palmtrees   


SayulitaLife.com now allows guests, clients and customers to rate Sayulita businesses. 


Casa Luna y Sol For Sale By Owner
$299K USD     

Casa Luna y Sol $299K USD   


Only one loving and perfectionist owner since built 3 years ago.  Surrounded by upscale homes at top end of the only cobbled street off Ave Revolution at south end of town.   It's comfortably away from downtown noise yet still within easy walking distance of plaza and playa.  

Medium size pool with fun features.  Large sunning area.  Lush gardens. Outdoor shower. Beginnings of an outdoor kitchen.  Full indoor kitchen with large refrigerator, and full stove/range. Lots of detailed wood cabinetry and closets.  UV double water filtration system for whole house Colorful tiles in bathrooms:one with large bathtub/shower An a/c unit in every room.    


Seller contact info and additional photos


Advertise on El Sayulero and SayulitaLife.com 


Real Media Travel Launches Website and
Sayulita Promotional Video    

El Sayulero: What is Real Media Travel?


Mark: We produce High Definition videos targeting the travel industry. Most of our clients have been vacation homeowners where we produce walkthrough video tours of their homes. Afterwards, we then place their video on the Internet via Sayulita Life, Avalos, and any other Internet outlet the client chooses. 

Sayulita, Nayarit:  A scenic viewpoint
Sayulita, Nayarit: A scenic viewpoint


El Sayulero: What is the difference between your videos and the 360-degree virtual tours we have been used to seeing?


Mark: The 360-degree tour is strictly several photos stringed together to create one image allowing the viewer to pan around one room at a time. We use video cameras and literally walk through an entire home to provide a more accurate description.   


Real Media Travel Videos:
Sol Blau
Casa Abuela
Miro Vino


Read entire interview 


Consignment Store Discounts
Mexican Night: Community Benefit   

Dia De Muertos Everyone in Sayulita is invited to "Mexican Night" to support the Bertha Von Glumer kingergarten school in Sayulita. The party at El Costeno's on the beach, starts at 6 p.m. with the buffet open at 7.  Ballet, folkloric dance, a band, singers, great food and many more surprises are in store this Saturday to benefit the local public kindergarten, so don't miss this opportunity to buy tickets. Tickets are $250 pesos for adults, $100 for children 4 - 8 and free for kids 3 and under. They can be purchased at El Expresso, Bau's Pizza or by calling 3221687498 (Spanish) or 3221917795 (English). Tickets may also be purchased at the door for $300 pesos.  More 


Todo el mundo en Sayulita es invitado a "Noche Mexicana" para apoyar el Bertha Von Glumer kingergarten escuela en Sayulita. La fiesta es en el restaurante, El Coste�o, en la playa, y se inicia a las 6 pm con el buffet abierto a las 7. Ballet, danza folkl�rica, banda, cantantes, buena comida y muchas m�s sorpresas est�n a la espera este s�bado en beneficio de la guarder�a p�blica local, as� que no pierdas la oportunidad de comprar boletos. Los boletos cuestan $ 250 pesos para adultos, $ 100 para ni�os de 4 - 8 y gratis para ni�os de 3 a�os. Se pueden adquirir en El Expresso, Pizza Bau o llamando al 3221687498 (espa�ol) o 3221917795 (ingl�s). Las entradas tambi�n se pueden comprar en la puerta por $ 300 pesos.  Mas 

Sayulita Tourist Guide     

By Lindsay Walter
Farmer's Market  

Now available on the streets of Sayulita and online, is Sayulita's free information tourist guide and map published by graphic designer Olivia Ramirez. The foldable map contains local businesses and contact information, important phone numbers, public transportation information, bus schedules and more. Sayulita Tourist Guide is now distributing 3,500 copies in Sayulita, along with 1,500 copies in Bucer�as, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Punta Mita and San Pancho. "The idea behind the map is to inform tourists about Sayulita and indicate where local businesses and points of interest are located," says Olivia.  More 


Ahora disponible en las calles de Sayulita y en l�nea, es la gu�a de informaci�n y mapa tur�stica de Sayulita, publicada por la dise�adora gr�fica, Olivia Ram�rez. El mapa plegable contiene los negocios locales e informaci�n de contacto, importantes n�meros de tel�fono, informaci�n de transporte p�blico, horarios de autobuses y m�s. Sayulita Gu�a Tur�stica es gratis y hay 3.500 copias distribuidas en Sayulita, junto con 1.500 ejemplares en Bucer�as, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Punta Mita y San Pancho. "La idea es informar a los tur�stas acerca de Sayulita e indicar donde se encuentran las empresas locales y puntos de inter�s", dice Olivia.  Mas 

Real Estate:
Does it Make Sense to Purchase Now?      

By Angela Long-Lambert

It is the beginning of high season, the hustle and the bustle of the town heightens with each succeeding week. More people are in the streets eating tacos, there is an abundance of hot dog stands, , the "cake lady" is at her corner in the evening and the new "locales" glisten with this year's featured tourist treasures. What you will also notice on the streets of Sayulita are For Sale signs. Yes, there is a lot of property available at this time for lucky buyers. In real estate parlance, it's a "buyer's market" and, possibly, a correct time for savvy buyers and investors to act because sellers are willing "to deal".  More 


Es el empiezo de la temporada alta, y la chamba del pueblo esta subiendo con cada semana que viene. Mas gente esta en las calles comiendo tacos, existe un abundancia de puestos de hot dogs, la "mujer de las pasteles" es en su esquina en la tarde y los nuevos locales estan brillante con regalos que los turistas pueden comprar. Va a tomar en cuenta que en Sayulita hay muchos noticias que hay propieded de la venta. Si, hay mucho propiedad disponible en este momento para compradores con suerte. En la lengua de bienes raices, es un "mercado de los compradores y posible, que es un buen momento por compradores y investores para actar porque vendedores son listos para negociar. Mas

Sayulero Sponsor (gracias)

Sayulita Investment Realty
A Religious Perspective     

By Leah Jewall


Porcupine Fish Nowhere is it more evident of a culture's mindset regarding organized religion than in their joketelling. While traveling this summer in South America, I came across some interesting contrasts between Chile, Ecuador, and Colombia compared to Sayulita, regarding attitudes towards the Catholic church.  More 


En ninguna parte es m�s evidente la mentalidad de una cultura respecto a la religi�n organizada que en su contar de chistes. Durante un viaje de este verano en Surm�rica d, me encontr� con algunos contrastes interesantes entre Chile, Ecuador, Colombia frente a Sayulita, con respecto a las actitudes hacia la iglesia Cat�lica.  Mas 

Big Booms and Bangs in Sayulita    

By Sayulitanimals


Porcupine Fish There are many views on fireworks, cannons, and gunshots being used for entertainment, but the point of view here is that of your pet. Imagine a world of heightened sound, sight, and smell, a world that is already confusing but at least the days and nights are familiar. It's a casual night in the plaza when for no apparent reason the sky is on fire, the air is filled with an acrid tinge, and the world reverberates with deafening sounds that cannot be pinpointed or stopped. Sounds a bit like war.  More


Hay muchos puntos de vista sobre los fuegos artificiales, ca�ones y disparos  que se utilizan para el entretenimiento, pero el punto de vista de este art�culo es el de su mascota. Imagina un mundo de sonido, vista, y olfato elevado, un mundo que ya est� confuso; por lo menos los d�as y las noches son tranquilos. Es una noche informal en la plaza cuando sin raz�n aparente el cielo est� en llamas, el aire se llena con humo acre, y el mundo resue�a con sordos ensordecedores que no se puede identificar claramente ni detener. Suena un poco como una guerra.  Mas 

Art Opening Celebrating Two Sayulita Artists
Who Celebrate Sayulita     


On Saturday, December 17th, from 5 PM to 9 PM, Garcia Realty is having a open house featuring a show of Donna Day's  fun and quirky Sayulita photos printed on canvas. The stretched canvas prints ( 30 prints are offered from 16 x 24 to 8 x10) have a painterly quality which makes them even more appealing to hang on your wall. Signed copies of Donna's SAYULITA photo book will also be available for sale. 


Sheryl Orr will also be showing 8, 8.5 x 11 Mixed media snapshots of Sayulita.  All great stuff--make sure you take time to stop by--and do some shopping!



  Sayulero Sponsor (gracias!) 


GPS:  A Reflection    
By Eric Rudd

When I first met a few Grupo Pro Sayulita volunteers a few years ago, and then went to my first GPS meeting, I had no idea how involved I would eventually become. Nor did I plan on being a weekly columnist for El Sayulero. When it was first mentioned, no one wanted to do it, so I was left with the duty. Well, I've written over 80 columns by now, and gradually, personal things come out - about my family, house, profession, and perhaps an occasional political or philosophical view of life.  I read the other week about Andy Rooney's death and wonder if I'm just doing a local version of his funny way of putting something into perspective. Of course, whatever I might chat about in the column should eventually lead the reader back to thinking about Grupo Pro Sayulita.  More 


Cuando hace unos a�os conoc� por primera vez a algunos voluntarios del Grupo Pro Sayulita, y fui a mi primera reuni�n de GPS, no ten�a la menor idea de lo envuelta que eventualmente me ver�a . Ni tampoco planee el llegar a ser una columnista semanal para El Sayulero. Cuando fue mencionado por primera vez, nadie quer�a hacerlo, por lo cual me dejaron a mi con ese deber. Pues bien, hasta ahora he escrito probablemente m�s de 80 columnas , y gradualmente van saliendo cosas personales, acerca de mi familia, casa, profesi�n, y quiz�s una ocasional visi�n pol�tica o filos�fica de la vida. Le� la otra semana acerca de la muerte de Andy Rooney y me he cuestionado si estoy creando una versi�n local acerca de la graciosa forma que el ten�a de poner algo en perspectiva. Por supuesto, lo que sea que pueda haber platicado acerca de ello en mi columna, deber�a, eventualmente, llevar a los lectores a pensar otra vez en el Grupo Pro Sayulita.  Mas 

Photo of the Week:  Mariachis in Sayulita  
By Donna Day



One of my favorite things about weddings in Sayulita is the Mariachi Bands. Love the music, the singing and the instruments; but I especially love the outfits. Here are a few shots I've grabbed over the last couple of years.

See more photos 


Una de mis cosas favoritas de las bodas en Sayulita son las bandas de mariachis. Me encanta la musica, como cantan y los instrumentos, y mas que nada me encantan sus trajes. Aqui hay unas fotos que tome en los ultimos anos.

Ver mas fotos  
Pet of the Week:  Kittens for Adoption  

Adopt one of our many affectionate kittens to have love and warmth during your holidays and the rest of their lives.  So many were dumped, abandoned, and left unwanted this summer.  We now have more than we can handle.  If you are considering a pet, think about a cat.  They are easy,  inexpensive, and have a great exchange rate, food for love.

Contact Sayulitanimals to adopt or donate.  [email protected]

Adopta uno de los muchos gatitos para tener amor y carino durante los dias festivos y toda sus vidas. Muchos fueron dejados, abandonados y olvidados este verano. Tenemos mas que podemos cuidar. Si estas considerando una mascota, piensa en un gato. Son faciles de cuidar, no costosos y te dan amor a cambio de comida.

Contacta Sayulitanimals para adoptar o donar:
[email protected] 
 Word of the Week:  "El Foso" 



El Foso

English Translation:  

ditch, moat (as around a castle), trench, hole, garage pit, orchestra pit, opera pit 


Spanish Example:

Trajeron a Daniel y le echaron en el foso de los leones   


English Translation:

They brought Daniel and threw him in the lions' pit.

Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com