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Mala students win places at school for gifted children


I am constantly surprised at how bright some children can be when they are brought up in such primitive surroundings. All our children come from families living well below the poverty line.  Their parents are likely to be illiterate and the houses they live in have no electricity, running water or private toilet facilities, yet surmounting all these handicaps a few children shine like stars in a dark sky.

Two such children are Tarannum and Ravi Shankar.  They have just been accepted to go to Navodaya special school for gifted children.   

It is a Government run school where the children are selected after sitting exhaustive written exams.  As there are tens of thousands of applications for just a few places each year, children have to be very exceptional to get selected.  Each year we put forward our best children without much hope and we have never had one child accepted, until this year.  To have two children offered places is unbelievable.

Novoday Children
Tarannum and Ravi are both from our Guria school.  They joined the Primary School four years ago.

The school they will be going to is Gajokhar situated near the airport in Varanasi.  They take up their places in the summer next year.  Although everything will be free to them, they will need our support and we will keep in contact and provide any additional items they require.  


Robin Garland

Project Mala

01904 786880


email - [email protected]



Tarannum who has gained a place at Navodaya School for gifted children. 

Ravi Shankar - he has also gained a place at Navodaya School for gifted children