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2011 International Algae Competition News

Visit to Algae Microfarms in France                                                       July 2011

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Thanks so much for your participation. We look forward to your entries.  

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Competition Schedule

Registration deadline is September 11. Submission deadline is October 11, 2011. Finalists will be announced February 12, 2012.    

$10,000 in cash prizes will be awarded. Finalists will receive international media recognition and will be included in books, publications and exhibitions around the world in 2012.


An algae microfarm movement is underway and it is beginning in France. This past month, I visited some of these microfarms, meeting with the pioneers and algae entrepreneurs. - Robert Henrikson   


In 2002, I visited one of the very first algae microfarms in the South of France, Philippe Calamand's Spiruline La Capitelle. From two greenhouse ponds, he produced about thirty 100 gram packages per day for four months in the summer. Local demand for his products has exceeded capacity every year. Over one decade, 100 growers have sprung up from Southern France to as far north as Normandy. In 2004 a spirulina algae school was established at the CFFPA Center in Hyeres, engaging more people to join this community.  


Robert and Emmanuel at the Spiru-Vie farm in Ganges.  

View from inside a spirulina pond greenhouse. Spiru-Vie products.


These algae entrepreneurs have been inspired by the decades of work by Ripley and Denise Fox developing appropriate tech village growing systems in Africa, Asia and South America and by Jean-Paul Jourdan and his work in Africa. Jean-Paul has been a teacher at the spirulina school and wrote the manual for small scale cultivation: "Cultivez Votre Spiruline" or "Grow Your Own Spirulina".


Federation des Spiruliniers meeting at the home of Ripley and Denise Fox in LaRoque. Fresh spirulina paste, made into Aquamole by Taromé.


In 2010, most of the growers joined the Fédération des Spiruliniers de France, taking important steps towards developing quality control standards, best business practices and organic production. 


Boris operates Ferme de la Borie, high in the mountains above LaSalle.

The greenhouses are set up in old vineyard terraces in the hillside.


The challenges and opportunities faced by the French microfarmers are universal and can apply to any region of the globe. The algae microfarm movement in France has already spread to Spain.


Laurent at Eco Domaine farm in Normandy. With Laurent, Gilles, Jean-Paul Jourdan and farm staff. Fresh spirulina dip served at lunch. 


Parallel to the huge scale algae production envisioned by the algae biofuel industry, small scale algae production represents a democratization of the algae industry, and a sustainable business opportunity for entrepreneurs and people around the world.

We hope you will join the International Algae Competition
Track 1: Algae Landscape Design
How will algae systems be integrated into future landscapes, farms and communities, what will they look like and how will they work?
What are the best designs, engineering and systems for algae production to work on a community scale or distributed model?
What will be the next algae foods and recipes and the future uses of algae as a food and feed ingredient that will transform our health?
Best Green Wishes,

Robert Henrikson and Mark Edwards for the International Algae Competition 

Green Solar GardensSpirulina World FoodSpirulina World Food
How this micro algae can transform
your health and our planet.

y Robert Henrikson

Green Solar Gardens
Algae's promise to end world hunger. by Mark Edwardss
Available at