Registrations by Country
Australia, Canada, Chad, China, France, Germany, Myanmar, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States

Competition Schedule
Registration opens January 11 through September 11. Submission deadline is October 11, 2011. Finalists will be announced February 12, 2012. The Algae Competition has three tracks.
Over $10,000 in cash prizes will be awarded. Finalists will receive international media recognition and will be included in books, publications and exhibitions to be held around the world in 2012.
Algae Industry Magagine series on Spirulina Algae
1. Origins and Biology
2. First Human Consumption
3. Impressive Nutritional Profile
4. Scientific Research Reveals Health Benefits
5. Development of Spirulina Production
6. Development of Products and Markets
7. Future of Spirulina in an Evolving World
This global challenge to design visionary algae food and energy systems- algae landscape designs, algae production systems and new algae foods- is attracting participants from all over the world. This past month, we received a registration on behalf of the Spirulina Ladies near Lake Boudou Andja in Chad. For many generations, Kanembu women have passed from mother to daughter the traditional methods of harvesting spirulina to make dihé. These ladies may be producing the lowest cost spirulina in the world, using traditional methods recently augmented by improved techniques. Dried spirulina sold in local markets in the Kanem region of Chad may sell for 10 times less than spirulina sold in developed countries.
Ladies harvesting and traditionally drying spirulina dihé in a sand filter. (Photos by Marzio Marzot from the FAO Report: The Future is an Ancient Lake, 2004).
When seasonal rains stop, Kanembu women scoop the wet algae in clay pots, drain out the water through bags of cloth and spread out the algae a circular sand filter to dry in the sun. After about 20 minutes of drying, women cut the algae cakes into small squares for sale in the local market . More than 250 dry tons per year is produced, making these ladies of Chad nearly the highest volume and the lowest cost producer of spirulina algae in the world. Since 2007, improved methods for filtering, processing, drying and packaging have been introduced for a higher quality product. We look forward to the entry from the Spirulina Ladies of Chad and how they are merging traditional methods with new appropriate technology to produce a higher quality but still very low cost food. Thanks to Georges Bonnin for providing recent information on this project. |
How will algae production systems (APS) be integrated into future landscapes, farms and eco-communities and what will they look like and how will they work? Design integrated APS into future landscapes, farms, cities, buildings and eco-communities.
What are the best designs, engineering and systems for algae production to work effectively and economically on a community scale or distributed model? Develop working models and designs for APS and microfarms.
What will be the next algae foods and recipes and the future uses of algae as a food and feed ingredient that will transform our health? Create menus and new food products incorporating algae as a featured ingredient.
We hope you will join the 2011 International Algae Competition. Please forward this newsletter to someone who might be interested.
Best Green Wishes,
Robert Henrikson and Mark Edwards for the International Algae Competition