The Source
Dear Watershed Partners,

Phew! April is always a busy month for TTF and we are proud to have made the most of it! From working with neighbors to clean up Tacony Creek Park as part of the Mayor's Philly Spring Cleanup to tree surveying in West Oak Lane and tree planting in Germantown, we have been working hard to improve our watershed! Not to mention our very successful 5% Day at Jenkintown Whole Foods, which enabled us to share watershed information with hundreds of shoppers and raise funds for our programs! We also had a very special opportunity to present at a Schuylkill Soundings at the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center and provided lots of resources and education at the Cheltenham Earth Day Festival and Whole Foods EcoFest. 


We have a lot of events coming up in May (see more details below). Here are a few you don't want to miss:

  • Tree Tenders' Planning Meeting on May 8 
  • Love Your Park at Tacony Creek Park on May 12
  • Rain Garden Workshop and Garden Party at Vernon Park on May 19
  • Glenside Elementary School Ribbon-Cutting on May 24 
  • Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception on May 31

Sponsorship opportunities for our Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception are still available: contact me at 215-844-8100 or if you are interested. This is a great time for TTF. Share in our success by joining us at an event soon!


Please join us at the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center on May 31 for our very first Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony and Reception! At this event, we will honor individuals and organizations that have made a difference in our watershed, hear from invited VIPs including Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and Water Commissioner Howard Neukrug, and take some to time to celebrate together. We'll also be hosting a silent auction filled with one-of-a-kind items! Find more information, including honorees and sponsors, on our website


View the invitation here. Make your reservation here.


We hope to see you there! 



Vernon Park Rain GardenPlease join us for a garden party at the Vernon Park rain garden on May 19! TTF spearheaded the Vernon Park rain garden installation last fall in collaboration with Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, the Philadelphia Water Department, the Chew and Belfield Neighbors Club, the Friends of Vernon Park, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and over a dozen other organizations. This collaborative work has inspired a renewal of interest and involvement in Vernon Park and it's time to celebrate!


At 11:00 a.m., learn about rain gardens from our partners at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. At 12:00 p.m., join us to celebrate the beautiful, blooming rain garden and enjoy tea and cookies. Find more details on our Events Calendar.


Cheltenham Township is currently considering creating a Riparian Corridor Conservation District through amending its zoning code. The Montgomery County Planning Commission has worked with Cheltenham since 2009 to develop the ordinance and recommends its adoption.


A riparian buffer is a reserved strip of land on both sides of a stream that is left in its natural vegetated state, preferably planted with native plants and trees. A vegetated area of between 25 and 100 feet has been proven to improve stream water quality and can, in certain cases, provide flood control and prevention. Trees and plants in this riparian buffer can:

  • Filter and remove sediment and pollutants before they reach the stream
  • Increase infiltration of rainwater before it reaches streams
  • Diminish flood peaks and high-water days
  • Provide for cooler streams, allowing aquatic life to flourish
  • Reduce scouring and erosion of streambanks

The proposed ordinance would provide for two different buffer zones, based on property size. It also would apply only to new uses, developments, or building activities proposed.

TTF applauds Cheltenham for considering adoption of the Riparian Corridor Conservation District ordinance, as nineteen miles of Tookany Creek streams are located within Cheltenham. Adoption supports the Township's Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan and Ordinance as well as our mission to improve the health of our watershed. For more information about the Riparian Buffer Ordinance, contact Eric Jarrell at or Bryan Havir at


AbbyTTF is pleased to welcome Abby Grosslein as the newest addition to our staff. Abby is TTF's new Tree Campaign Organizer through the AmeriCorps VISTA program. As Tree Campaign Organizer, Abby will work to increase the number of trees in our watershed while building capacity to care for trees. She will coordinate neighborhood meetings, and organize watershed improvement projects and educational programs focused on tree plantings. Abby previously served as a TTF intern while a student at Arcadia University. Contact Abby at  


VISTA logoDo you know anyone interested in working with TTF to improve our watershed? TTF is currently hiring for two positions, a Communications Assistant and an Educator, through the Americorps VISTA program for year-long positions beginning 08/10/2012. All of the information needed by potential applicants is provided at the links above. Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity to work for TTF!   


Water is a valuable resource that we use every day for a variety of activities. There are many simple steps that you can take to protect our precious water supply and save money on your water bill at the same time. Check out the tips below to learn more! Visit these resources for more information.

1. Install a rain barrel at your home to catch rainwater for your use. Use rainwater to water lawns and gardens.

2. During rain, avoid high water usage activities like washing dishes, flushing the toilet, showering, and doing laundry. Avoiding these activities will lessen the load on the sewer system and alleviate overflows.

3. Use water-saving appliances like low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.

4. Run water only when you use it. Practice turning off the faucet between rinses while you brush your teeth or wash dishes.

5. If your toilet tank is large, put a water-filled bottle in your toilet tank to reduce the amount of water used per flush. Keep out of the way of flushing mechanism.

6. Take shorter showers. Use a timer to help keep to your limit.

7. Fix leaky faucets and running toilets. You'd be surprised how much water is lost through these simple-to-fix problems.

8. When using a dishwasher or washing machine, save water and energy by always running a full load.

9. Instead of dumping unconsumed water down the drain, water your houseplants with last night's leftover water glass or Rover's water bowl.

10. Fill your garden with native plants that require less water than exotics or convert part of your lawn to a native garden. 
May 8: Germantown/Wingohocking Tree Tenders Planning Meeting
Would you like to see more trees in Germantown? Are you interested in getting involved to improve your neighborhood? Join the Wingohocking and Germantown Tree Tenders as we plan the future of tree planting in Germantown! We are looking for volunteers to check on existing trees, organize planting events, and educate homeowners about the benefits of trees in our community.   
DATE: Tuesday, May 8, 2012

TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Germantown Restoration CDC, 5539 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia PA 19144
CONTACT: Abby Grosslein at or 215-844-8100


May 10: Olney Rain Garden Community Meeting
TTF is partnering with the Philadelphia Water Department and Parks & Recreation to install a rain garden at the Olney Recreation Center. This rain garden will manage stormwater and serve as an outdoor classroom for recreation center users and community members. Please join us to hear about designs for the rain garden and share your thoughts. Light refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
DATE: Thursday, May 10, 2012
TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Olney Recreation Center, 6001 A Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120
CONTACT: Steph Clymer at or 215.844.8100

May 12: Tacony Creek Park Cleanup
Help clean up Tacony Creek Park, the signature site for Love Your Park week! Mayor Nutter and Parks & Recreation Commissioner DiBerardinis will be speaking at this event.
DATE: Saturday, May 12, 2012
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (press event at 12:00 p.m.)
PLACE: Tabor Road park area, directly across from Whitaker Mills
CONTACT: Ashley Schmid at or 215.844.8100
May 19: Vernon Park Garden Party and Rain Garden Workshop
Join TTF, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and our Vernon Park partners to learn about rain gardens, celebrate the beautiful, blooming rain garden in Vernon Park and enjoy tea and cookies.
DATE: Saturday, May 19, 2012
TIME: Rain Garden Workshop: 11:00 a.m., Garden Party: 12:00 p.m.
PLACE: Vernon Park, 5818 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19144
CONTACT: Steph Clymer at or 215-844-8100

May 19: Cheltenham Township Electronics Recycling Collection [Partner Event]
Cheltenham Township is sponsoring a free electronics recycling collection for residents and businesses.
DATE: Saturday, May 19, 2012
TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Cheltenham High School parking lot, 500 Rices Mill Road, Wyncote
CONTACT: Check the Cheltenham Township website for a complete list of acceptable items. For more information, call 215-887-1000, ext. 330 or 335. 

May 19: Spring Open House at Collins Nursery [Partner Event]
Enjoy container-grown native plants at this open house!
DATE: Saturday, May 19, 2012
TIME: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: Edgehill Castle, 773 Roslyn Avenue Glenside, PA
CONTACT: (215) 715-­3439,
May 24: Glenside Elementary School Ribbon-Cutting
Join TTF and our Cheltenham partners for a ribbon-ceremony to celebrate our riparian buffer installation and outdoor classroom.
DATE: Thursday, May 24, 2012
TIME: 2:30 p.m.
PLACE: Glenside Elementary School, 400 Harrison Avenue Glenside PA 19038 (Meet outside at the buffer: down the hill below the school's playground)
CONTACT: Steph Clymer at or 215.844.8100

May 31: Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception
Join TTF to honor individuals and organizations that have made a difference in our watershed, hear from invited VIPs including Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and Water Commissioner Howard Neukrug, and take some to time to celebrate together. We'll also be hosting a silent auction filled with one-of-a-kind items!
DATE: Thursday, May 31, 2012
TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center, 640 Waterworks Drive, Philadelphia PA 19130
CONTACT: Julie Slavet at or 215.844.8100


View more upcoming events on our Events Calendar

TTF's mission is to enhance the health and vitality of the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Creek and its watershed. We initiate and support efforts to restore the health of the watershed, and to mobilize our communities as watershed stewards through community outreach, networking, educational programs, and projects.


Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership, Inc.
phone: 215-844-8100  email:  web:




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