

As a boutique firm in business for 9 years now, we are deeply rooted in our local community. We strategically choose to remain specialized in the structural engineering field and focus on hospitality projects that are unique to the Las Vegas Valley.


A commitment to be always responsive and provide flexible and excellent services to our clients has turned some of them into friends, enthusiastic advocates, and referrals. We pledge to continue looking for ways to provide more value and better service. Please help us improve by sending your feedback. We love hearing from you!


This month's featured project is a good example of the kind of work we routinely excel at. To successfully deliver these fast-track projects, keen 

understanding of various systems, operations, and other design disciplines and the close collaboration that only such a specialized firm can provide is essential.

Read my bio

Best regards,


Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE


Focus On: Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Part Two: Seismic Force Resisting Systems


If you missed part one, click here.


Part Two:


Avi Resort Casino Expansion
Avi Resort Casino Expansion Laughlin, NV - Completed 2006

The seismic force-resisting system (SFRS) of a structure is designed to provide a load path and resistance to earthquake forces. 


Because the SFRS is so critical to the performance and safety of a structure, other professionals in all related disciplines should have some basic understanding of the different types of systems and how they work.

Although there are numerous types of seismic force-resisting systems, the most common and efficient types can be categorized into four main groups:

  1. Shear Walls 
  2. Moment Frames 
  3. Braced Frames 
  4. Cantilevered Columns

To learn more about these systems, click the link below.


For a PDF of the full article, click here

Featured Project: Cantor Gaming Sports Book At The Palms Casino Resort


View From Betting Carrels

THOMAD Engineering is pleased to announce the completion of Cantor Gaming's new sports book at the Palms Casino Resort. The new 9,840sf venue is Cantor's latest addition to their growing list of sports and race betting venues in Las Vegas, complete with 1,290sf of LED panels and a poker studio. Click here for more information and photos of the project.  


Project Summary:

  • New sports and race betting venue in a remodeled existing space
  • THOMAD Engineering provided all structural design services
  • Architect - Steelman Partners, LLC
  • General Contractor: Hi-Con Construction
  • Completion Date: May 2012  
View of Betting Floor and LED Wall


MAY  2012

In This Issue:
Focus On: Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Part Two: Seismic Force Resisting Systems
Featured Project: Cantor Gaming Sports Book At The Palms Casino Resort

Who We Are:


THOMAD Engineering is a client-focused structural engineering design and consulting firm established in 2003 and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are committed to providing creative solutions and excellent service to loyal clients on a wide range of projects.


To learn more, spend a 'moment' at our website or connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn!


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'Structural Moments' Archive: 


April 2012


March 2012



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'Structural Moments' is a monthly e-newsletter published by the staff of THOMAD Engineering. It is intended to inform our valued clients, associates, and colleagues in the A/E/C industry and stimulate thoughtful dialogue with them.
THOMAD Engineering has been a proud member and supporter of the AIA Las Vegas chapter since 2003.
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THOMAD Engineering LLC  |  Tel. 702.388.7755  |  Fax 702.388.7766

4535 W. Russell Road, Suite 12; Las Vegas, NV 89118