September  2010
Structural Moments...
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In This Issue:
Focus On: Design & Construction of Economical Structural Steel
Who We Are: 
THOMAD Engineering is a client-focused structural engineering firm established in 2003. We are committed to providing excellent services always above and beyond expectations.
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'Structural Moments' is a monthly e-newsletter published by the staff of THOMAD Engineering to our valued clients, associates, and colleagues in the A/E/C industry.
Our profession along with the rest of the building industry is currently facing some notable changes. The new 2009 International Building Code has been adopted in most states. By July next year, it will become effective in all  Southern Nevada jurisdictions. More requests for qualifications and proposals require or favor experience with Building Information Modeling, (BIM). Clients expect the design team to use BIM as the basis for creating construction documents. Sustainability has been with us for some time now and will become more widely used and continues to demand better understanding. Can we afford to ignore these changes and hope they will go away?
I don't think so! Yes change is hard and expensive because it requires learning new procedures, takes time away from projects, and requires retooling and new capital spending. However, if done properly and quickly, these changes will provide better efficiency, accuracy and may open new lines of service. Change is good, especially when it improves the practice and increases the value engineers, architects and builders can contribute toward design and construction.

Mohammed Thomad's BioWe strive every day to learn new ways and means, and to adopt the latest technologies to improve our business process that will ultimately save our clients, and ourselves, time and money.
Best Regards,
Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Focus on: Economical Structural Steel Design
Designers of structural steel often spend most of their time on analysis and member strength design. Less attention is paid to other equally important considerations such as connections, detailing, fabrication and erection.
The provided link below provides a short PDF summary of a few other steel design considerations, offering guidance for achieving economical designs for steel structures.
These recommendations are based on significant years of experience in the design of structural steel and were published over the years in the AISC Modern Steel Construction magazine.  
We are sure that you will find these tips, in addition to many others of your own, to be useful to designers and contractors. Please pass them on to your colleagues so that they, too, can achieve more efficient steel structures.
Click here to open the full article.