Black History Walks,Talks & Films |
Black History is longer than a month.. November 2010 | |
 Imans' Somali ancestors were sailing to and from China in the 14th century |
 The Grapevine Launch event
Tues 3 November 7.00-11pm
Black Grape Bistro, West Green Raod, London N15
Adm £10.00
The Grapevine is a monthly (every first Wednesday) event where online debate is brought into the real world. Come and meet Paul Lawrence and Tony Harrison of LSTC along with their very special guest each month the talk, debate, learn, network and even just chill. Each month they will discus a different topic and look not just at the views and opinions surrounding each topic, but also see how each topic affects our personal develo pment as individuals.
At the launch session on the 3rd they will be looking back at Black History Monthly 2010 and asking some strong questions about the relevance of BHM, it's content, it's format and how Black History affects YOU.Your main host on the night will be Mr. Eddie Nestor of BBC London Radio and perhaps the most successful black TV comedy program "The Real McKoy". Come join us and bring a friend or two!! Remember your £10 entry entitles you to a complimentary first drink |
How to Support your Child through the Educational Process: Plus Somalis in World War 2 and beyond Sat 6 Nov 11.00am-4.30pm.
Training Room 3 ( next to conference room)
1st Floor Imperial War Museum
Lambeth Road SE1. Tube: Lambeth North A double feature looking at simple tactics to develop children's self esteem and help teachers make the curriculum more inclusive. We'll provide strategies and resources to improve academic achievement. This session is run in association with the National Associaton of Saturday Schools. Black Mamba Boy by Nadifa Mohamed has been nominated for the Guardian First Book Award 2010 
We will also focus on the Somalis in World War 2 and their equivalent of the 'Windrush' generation which came to England about 150 years ago. Somali authors Nadifa Mohammed will read from their books, sign autographs and take questions and there will be a short presentation on Somali history pre-european invasion |

Cy Grant Day at the BFI: Tribute to a Hero
Sunday 7 November 11am-4.30pm British Film Institute Belvedere Road SE1 Tube:Waterloo
Cy Grant (8 November 1919 - 13 February 2010) was a Guyanese actor, singer and writer who in the 1950s became the first black person to appear regularly on British television. Following service in the Royal Air Force during World War II, he worked as an actor and singer, before setting up the Drum Arts Centre in the 1970s appointed director of Concord Multicultural Festivals in the early 1980s. A published poet and author of several books, including his 2007 memoir Blackness and the Dreaming Soul, he was an Honorary Fellow of Roehampton University, a title awarded in 1997, and since 2001 a member of the Scientific and Medical Network. In 2008 he was instrumental in setting up an online archive to trace and commemorate Caribbean aircrew from World War II. Burt Caesar hosts the day with appearances from family and friends |
Malcolm X on black soldiers
'The strange thing is that although the "American Negro" puts America first, America always puts him last. They send us to World War 2, and we're the best soldiers they've got. They us to Korea and we're the best soldiers they've got. They send us to Vietnam and we're still the best soldiers the've got. But when we come back home after fighting their wars, they tell us we're not fit to ride with them in the same side of the bus; we must sit at the back of the bus! we are fit to die for America but not fit to sit with America in the same bus.' Malcolm X speaking at University of Ghana 1964. From Malcolm X Visits abroad April 1964-February 1965, by Marika Sherwood pg 30 ______________________________________________________ |
| Jamaican World War 2 Veteran Alan Willmott talks about fighting for Britain. |
More reasons why knowing your history is important.. 19 Jul 2007 Dear BHW, After your session (on history and diversity) I was greatly touched and due to that I opted to leave the UK. I returned to my home country Uganda. I have embarked on setting up a Food Hygiene Audit consultancy firm. 20 Jul 2007
Dear BHW,I was greatly touched by your session.In those few minutes I learnt alot. I have read the book "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa", in addition to your session my eye opener! I saw the trap was in, I was sitting on my potential and was heading for a life of frustration and regret. Can you imagine I have a MSc Food Safety Management and a BSc Food Science and Technology (2.1)! I could not find work in my field due to the reasons you highlighted in your session, and I was forced to do work which was not in line with my skills just because i had to pay bills! I said to my self, life can be difficult but you choose how it treats you,I opted out. I am getting my feet here in Uganda, it is not easy but I am positive it is not impossible and I am making a difference to my country and educating people of the great potential there is in our country. I hope one day to invite you here for a talk
30 Nov 2009 Hi BHW, It is a longtime ah! Nice surprise!
I am now a lecturer in a University here in Uganda and also I run a private consultancy and training company in food processing technology.
I hope all is well. Gideon Natiko, Uganda |
Black History Walks, Talks and Films on the African History of London all year long
'A brisk, informative stroll through the heart of the British Empire. Our cheerful and intellectually generous tour guide, led us through narrow alleyways and past Roman ruins, within halls constructed by powerful guilds; in the process, he revealed to us both the many layers of British history and the often unacknowledged cultural multiplicity at its core. The tour was exciting, informative and allowed everyone across age, interest, and temperament to participate and learn. It was a wonderful experience and I would recommend it for all.' Professor Caroline Brown, University of Montreal, Canada.
Black History Walks worked with Teachers TV..
to write and present a documentary based on our walks for use in classrooms. The interactive video is in 4 short clips. Each clip presents numerous facts on African-British History which depart from the usual Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Mary Seacole trinity. Areas covered include: African architecture in Britain, African civilisations, the richest black man in the world in 1324, African gold in the Bank of England and the Jamaican who in 1820 planned to take over England and run the country. We also provided an extensive list of resources to help further explore the facts. . To see all four of the videos (Obelisks ,Gold, Coffee and Black Britons) click here or Click here for the complete resource list .Teachers TV is an online resource for all the schools in England.  |
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