Acoustics Is Everything (Almost)!
Thursday, Nov. 17 ... Webinar Just $29.95 



Dan Lenard beretwith DAN LENARD
the Home Studio Master

Learn conveniently at home
... ask Dan your questions live
... keep recordings for reference
HS 101: Receive Recording ... $29.95

HS 102: Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 ... $29.95

HS 103: Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011 ... $29.95

includes recordings ...  just $79.85 ... saves $10 
Home Studio Series Is
'Worth Weight in Gold' ...
"Thanks for putting on these webinars for VO folks - they're worth their weight in gold! I've registered for HS 102 and am looking forward to learning more."
- Jannie Meisberger

Home Studio
Teacher & Consultant ...

Dan Lenard is the Home Studio Master, one of the world's leading consultants on voice over home studio audio.

Also a veteran voice talent and educator, he helps clients with home studio set-up and problem-solving via Skype, phone and email.

He presents highly acclaimed home studio webinars for VoiceOverXtra and in-person workshops on a variety of home studio topics.

EWABS logo
And Dan is co-host of the popular Sunday night East-West Audio Body Shop Ustream TV show. 

What They Say About Dan Lenard's Webinars ... 


"They say the definition of an expert is someone who can make complicated things seem simple. I have a new definition: Dan Lenard.Thanks so much for your insight and patience."

- Doug de Nance


"A most informative set of webinars. I learned A LOT while listening in."

- Dan Deslaurier


"Great webinar! I had been looking for some instructions on how to better use this software for my VO recordings."

- Mal Cameron


"Damn! This is good stuff! I got my money's worth."

- Britt Helms Sr.


"The webinar with Dan Lenard was very informative and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was extremely helpful to me since I will be acquiring studio equipment very soon."

- Joe Bartholomew




Why waste your time and money chasing confusing myths? The online world is full of them.

Start your voice over home studio right.

In the convenience of your home, you can follow top home studio consultant Dan Lenard as he explains and demonstrates the basics of how to build, equip and use a home studio for voice over recordings.

Presented by VoiceOverXtra, Home Studio Basics for Voice Over is a three-part webinar series beginning Nov. 3 that you'll also want to file in your computer library for reference (yes, your registration includes a full audio/visual recording of each session).

What's more, Dan answers your home studio questions live, online, in Q&As at the end of each session.


Each session is also value-priced to save you money ... and your purchase of all three sessions saves you an additional $10


Please see below for details about what you'll learn in this series - and reserve your online seat and recording.


VOX logoTo Your Success,


John Florian



Click a title to order, or click the JOIN ALL THREE option to learn more, save more. 


Home Studio 101: Receive Recording ... $29.95 

Bare Bones Basics: What You Need

We'll dispel common myths, and you'll learn what voice seekers require from you. Also, learn about digital recording quality, file formats, the requirements of different voice over genres, basic acoustics, what a file should sound like, microphone choices, digital interfaces, software recording platforms ... and how to buy and how NOT to buy all that stuff. 


Home Studio 102: Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 ... $29.95

Acoustics Is Everything (Almost)

90% of your home studio sound has to do with room acoustics. Learn how to find the right quiet place, the secret to "room dampening" (no, not with a wash cloth), and how to reduce noise levels from the outside and your computer. Plus discover acoustic treatment products and how to "quiet" your space with home-made solutions. Then learn to monitor audio output and equipment needed.


Home Studio 103: Thursday, Dec.1, 2011 ... $29.95 

Basic Recording & Editing

Learn what's really happening when you record audio on your computer, and the factors that cause problems. Plus discover the how's and why's of setting proper audio levels, how to control gain, modulation and clipping. We'll demystify audio editing - if you can use "Word," audio editing will be a snap. And you will learn the basics of audio processing, and the truth about "normalizing," compression and EQ. 


Dan explains and demonstrates all  

in easy-to-follow steps.


Click Titles Above To Order

or Click Here To Save $10 ... Join All Three! 

You also receive a free audio/visual recording of each webinar to download to your computer ... in case you can't attend the live event ... and for future reference to learn from again at your convenience.  

Each 90-minute webinar starts at:
9 pm Eastern ... 8 pm Central ... 6 pm Pacific


  • You will receive email with access info
  • Just sign in by computer and/or phone
  • Listen and follow the training on your computer screen
Presented by
VoiceOverXtra, the voice-over industry's leading online resource for voice over success ... your trusted daily source for industry news, training and resources.

Please contact John Florian   @ 203-459-8834

VoiceOverXtra LLC
PO Box 132
Trumbull, Connecticut 06611




[email protected]