Upcoming Events and News
* Welcome New Members

Third Friday

3rd Friday

Milestone Recognition

 Nov 18
5, 10, 20, 25,30...100 years of service
New Members 

Licks LightHouse Ice Cream
Joseph Slakas
914 393 3683 
Merchant's Council 
Theresa McCarthy,
(Sweet Grass), Chair
William Arroyo,
(RiverView Wines),  
 Vice Chair

Chamber Member Directory



Music Hall

Non Profits

Historic Sites

Area Chambers

Our Sponsors

Weiser Mazars
Tomorrow Thursday, Sept 16th
Networking and Continental Breakfast 
8:00 am
    sponsored byState Farm
  Members and guests of members free admission.Non Members $5


ON Track Sport Center
Located by the Tarrytown Train Station (follow chamber "Event" Signs

8:30 am - 9:30 am
Guest Speaker:
Frank Shankwitz, Make-A-Wish co founder.   Presentation: (10 minutes)
                                      Make a wish
Save the Dates:
Sept 15:   Irvington Chamber Networking: Il Sorriso
                        5:30 - 8:30 pm Register
Sept 16:   Monthly Meeting,
                      ON Track Sport Center by the Tarrytown Train Station 
Sept 17:   Third Friday 
Oct 2 & 3: Fine Arts Festival, Pierson Park
Oct 21:      Monthly Meeting at Lyndhurst
Nov 10:     Seminar Speaker Series
               (please note date change)
                                  Andi Gray, Pres. Strategy Leaders,
                                  Speaker Seminar Castle on the Hudson
                                    [Registration NOT open]

Nov 18:    Milestone Anniversary Recogniton Awards,Doubletree, Tarytown

Please send in your Milestone Anniversary
The anniversaries we have on record now...
Business                                               estb       Anniv
Canfin Gallery                                        2005          5
The Hudson Independent                         2005         5
Young Adult Institute                              1990         20 
Antonio Cabinetry                                   1985        25
Rockefeller State Park Preserve               1985        25
Proftech Office Products and Furniture Specialists 1980 30
Bellas Restaurant                                    1980        30
Mickey's Automotive                                 1980       30
Tarrytown Music Hall                                1885      125

8am Castle on Hudson
5 Steps to Freedom in Business -
  •   Dec 11:  8:00 am Speaker Series, Castle on Hudson
  • Speaker Seminar Series 

     Sleepy Hollow Tarrytown
    Chamber of Commerce

    1 Neperan Road
    Tarrytown, New York 10591

    Board of Directors
    Fine Arts Festival
    Pierson Park Tarrytown
    Oct 2 & 3
    Westchester Fine Arts Festival || Tarrytown


    Our Sponsors

    Your Logo here
    Chamber Office