a bible in the sereer language
May 2010



On your mark...get set...go!
We are off on the next incredible leg of life. With the business being sold, joining Equip International full-time, and now implementing the Rural Empowerment Initiative (REI), my life is in the 'go' phase.
Ever since my body touched African soil in 2001, I knew there was going to be something different in my life.  The smell when you get off that plane , oh the sweet smell of Africa, has penetrated my inner being. The people of Africa are beautiful people who have become dear friends. The food is so good....it really is! The culture is rich and full of tradition. Time seems to stand still at times...it's fascinating and it can be a bit frustrating too :)

I know this doesn't sound like the Africa you are accustomed to hearing about in the media. Of course, Africa has social issues, just like here in the US of A. But overall this continent has great potential (see this article in Time).
Aid has not worked in Africa very well, and has little impact on the continent moving forward. Of course, there is a time for aid in emergencies and such, but what Africa needs is empowerment and social stability.

I encourage you to understand the real Africa. I hope I can give you a snapshot of success stories and positive things that are happening on the continent.

And now with the beginning phases of implementing the REI,we look to God who is capable of all things for our source of vision and strength.
Our goal with Rural Empowerment Initiative is to empower the whole person,mind,body and spirit.
We look to create income opportunities for rural households, not through handouts, but by empowering them in the market place.
And the bottom line is this...sharing Christ in a relational way...just like most African understand...its all about relationships.


Slager Vision Video
Me and my friend Alione (his bible is in photo above)

Here's a video I put together to give you an idea on where we're heading.
I have another video in production with more details, but this one is an overview of creating income opportunities for rural households.

Go here to watch video on Vimeo
Mission GoorGoorlu
(Man of Hard Work)
jathropaOne of the cool things about this venture is exploring opportunities that already exist to create income opps for rural households.
Last week, I met with Chris, who is VP of Mission GoorGoorlu.
It was in this meeting, we shared common dreams and visions for reaching rural Senegalese.

They produced this video...ya gotta check it out.

'The Other Weed'...the production of bio diesel using Jathropa which can grow in Senegal.

Go here for video on my Blog.
A dodollarllar a day

Part of the 'go' is raising support. The fun part. Really, it is.

I love telling people about what God is doing In Africa. The best part is telling people how you can join Him,through prayer,finances and going yourselves.

I need to raise personal support to cover ministry expenses,and in the future take a small salary to keep me fed and watered.
Till now, my time has been volunteered. I hope to start taking a salary by years end.

We are asking 100 people to join us to give one dollar a day.

It's as simple as a dollar a day. Would you consider it for one year?
Your help is vital to empower rural people. Together we can do it.

The people we will aim to serve and learn from will be two dollar a day people. These people live in rural areas and most of them are unreached.
In fact they desperately need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in a relational way.

Here's a letter from our director at Equip shedding some light on our vision....

Go here to download letter from Barrie

Side Notes
During my 23 day, three country visit of West Africa, I took a few pics.

Here's a few I picked out:

Ghana-Liberia-Cote d'Ivoire

If your not on our snail mail list here is our latest Newsletter...

Spring News

Links of Interest?

Are  you looking for opportunities in Africa to serve?

Partners Worldwide is looking for two interns to work with local NGO"S in Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Liberia Intern
Go here for details

Cote d' Ivoire Intern
Go here for details

I'm also looking for people who have some engineering experience.

If interested in
any above contact me at
