WACMM New Banner
Featured Video
wacmm video
2011 marks WACMM's 12th year of ministry to churches and men in the mid-Atlantic region. This new video clip gives you a sense of who we are and what we're about. Come join us as we do together what we cannot do alone. Check out our open door meetings and our many teaching, speaking and conference activities in the region
Conference Speaker
kenny luck 2
Kenny Luck is the Men's Pastor at Saddle back Church in Rancho Capistrano CA. He's also a best selling author of some 16 books and one of the most popular men's speakers in the country. Kenny will be one of our conference  keynote speakers Saturday April 9 at Woodstream Church in Mitchellville MD.Check out Kenny's video and see why you won't want to miss his dynamic messages that'll encourage and equip you.
Special Video
tullian tchividjian
Tullian Tchvidkian is the grandson of Billy Granham and recently
 succeeded Dr. D.James Kennedy as Senior Pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale Fla. He is working on a new book entitled "Jesus + Nothing = Everything". Check out this video clip and see how Tullian explains "Gospel Math'. HERE
Ministry Partner
weekend to remember
Family Life's Weekend to Remember Conferences are coming this Spring to the DC Region. Click HERE to take advantage of special registration discounts offered through WACMM. Here are the dates and locations:

February 11-13
Gaylord National
Oxon Hill MD

March 11-13
Reston Hyatt
Reston VA

March 18-20
Baltimore Hyatt
Baltimore MD
Join Our Mailing List
How To Get Prepared and Stay Prepared for 2011
Happy New Year 2011January is a time many of us make New Year's resolutions about behaviors we want to change, habits we want to break or commitments we want to keep. Below are some excellent resources to help you work through this process of making and keeping resolutions:

Annual Spiritual Check-up (from the C.S. Lewis Institute) HERE

Ten Questions To Ask at the Start of a New Year by Donald Whitney HERE

Why Would You Like To Change (an excerpt from Tim Chester's book You Can Change: God's Transforming Power for Our Sinful Behavior and Negative Emotions) - HERE
WACMM Meeting Thursday January 6
2011 Men's Ministry Training Classes January 8 and 11
Discipleship TrainingPastors, church staff, men's leaders and  other men who want to hone their leadership and discipleship skills can take advantage of some of the best training available on the principles and practices of ministering to men. Next classes are on Saturday January 8 at our DC Campus and January 11 at our Baltimore Campus. This month's classes will deal with Building Men's Small Groups. For more information click HERE. If you want to register for the classes click HERE for January 8 or HERE for January 11. If you have questions contact chris@menwithapurpose.org or 970.988.0440
Get Ready for the Next Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Conference
iron sharpens iron logo 2Once again hundreds of men from VA, DC, MD. DE, and PA are planning to spend a day together at the Region's best conference. Iron Sharpens Iron will come to Woodstream Church in Mitchellville MD (just off the DC beltway near FedEx Field) on Saturday April 9. Keynoters Kenny Luck and Ray McKelvy will be joined by 16 other outstanding men's speakers and the ISI Praise Band. Registration is now open with special discounts for this powerful day of teaching, worship, and camaraderie. Check out the details HERE.
Tickets on Sale Now for RED ZONE in Charlotte NC
red zone 2011The 2011 RED ZONE National Men's Conference comes to Charlotte NC Saturday March 26 at The Park Expo and Conference Center. James "JB" Brown will once again emcee an NFL lineup of speakers. For more information and to take advantage of early discounts, check out the WEBSITE. RED ZONE is sponsored by Foundation for Manhood. 
Needless to say, we welcome your comments and suggestions about this monthly Emale newsletter, our website (wacmm.org) or any of conferences and other ministry activities.
Locking Arms Together,

Dave Brown

Director and Pastor-at-Large

Washington Area Coalition of Men's Ministries

VIRGINIA:      8001 Braddock Road #103

                    Springfield VA 22151


MARYLAND:  10309 Freeman Place

                    Kensington MD 20895


