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I can't think of a time in the last several decades when so many men were hurting and being tested as they are today. The economic meltdown is taking a heavy toll on not only our families and finances but our on hopes and dreams. Anxiety and isolation are widespread. 

In the movie Gladiator, Maximus Decimus Meridius and his fellow gladiators are in the Roman Coliseum standing before the Emperor and a blood thirsty crowd facing whatever enemies Caesar will send against them. Maximus says to his men, "Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. If we stay together we survive. Come together. Lock your shields, stay as one! Hold!".

In John 15;15, Jesus says, "Apart from me you can do nothing." And that means none of us can withstand the challenges that come against us on our own. We depend on His presence and power in our lives. But God also works through the brothers. He does not intend us to be "Alone Rangers". The wolf loves the lone sheep. Satan loves "Alone Rangers". God wants us to have "battle brothers" with whom we can do life together. We need brothers who will watch our backside, speak truth into our lives and cheer for us and affirm us in the fiercest storms.

I can't think of a better place for you to be, or a better investment you can make, than at WACMM's Spring Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences:

Saturday, March 28 - Largo Community Church, Mitchellville MD
Saturday, April 25 - Burke Community Church, Burke VA

Come be equipped and encouraged for whatever battle you're in or heading into. Bring your "battle buddies" or connect to new brothers as together we experience the special camaraderie we have in Christ Jesus. Check out the information in this month's newsletter and then take advantage of the early registration and other special discounts. Join hundreds of DC Region men for a great day of teaching, worship and battle preparedness.

Locking arms together,

Dave Signature

Dave Brown
Washington Area Coalition of Men's Ministries (WACMM)
8001 Braddock Road, Suite  103
Springfield, VA 22151
703.323.5040 (office)
240.447.1363 (cell)
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."
Maximus Decimus Meridius
ISI Logo

The March 28 Conference will feature eighteen different seminars on relevant topics for men of all ages and stages including:

dating & marriage
raising kids
fighting addictions
sharing your faith
getting a better body
 unlocking potential
computer bible study
deeveloping a ministry
healthy habits
training resources

check out the complete line-up
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Largo Men's Conference Features

Two world-class keynoters

18 different seminars relevant to men of all ages

Manly worship music led by "The Iron Man Praise Band"
Dozens of exhibitor resources for ministry and life

Camaraderie with hundreds of men from the DC Region

Registration starting at $39

Special military and young men discounts

Check it out 
"EMALE" Archives

emale archives
If you've missed any of our previous monthly "e-male" newsletters, check 'em out

March 28 Conference Features Top Speakers
...for men of all ages and stages in the DC Region

Two of the nation's most dynamic speakers with powerful messages for men will keynote the March 28 Iron Sharpens Iron Conference at Largo Community Church in Mitchellville MD.

Jerry BoykinGeneral Jerry Boykin (Ret) - General Boykin was one of the original members of the Delta Force and spent the majority of his Army career in Special Forces. He was the commander of the Delta Force team portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down. His new book - Never Surrender: A Soldier's Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom - is about these and other life-shaking experiences of this Godly warrior. He shares how his faith was rebuilt through both military and spiritual warfare. Check out CBN's recent interview with General Boykin and learn more about his remarkable story in this recent interview HERE - Also check out www.kingdomwarriors.net

Rick RigsbyDr. Rick Rigsby - Back to DC ISI by popular demand, Rick is considered among America's finest speakers. Following a successful career as a television news reporter in Northern California, he's served as a college professor for two decades, including the last 14 years at Texas A&M University, where he continues to serve as chaplain for the Aggies football team. As president of Rick Rigsby Communications, and founder of Rick Rigsby Ministries, he speaks to audiences as diverse as churches in the jungles of Nigeria, to top corporate executives on Wall Street. Check out Rick's video HERE. Visit his website: www.rickrigsby.com 

NOTE, also joining us as a presenter will be the Washington Redskins new chaplain Johnny Parker. Johnny is a member of WACMM's Leadership Team, Men's Pastor at First Baptist Church of Glenarden and  one of the country's leading authors, speakers and life coaches. www.johnnyparker.com
Annandale VA & Fulton MD Training Seminars

Discipleship Training WACMM's "Reaching Every Man" (REM) is one of the best discipleship and leadership trainings available. You'll learn the "nuts-and-bolts" of how to start, grow or take your ministry to men to the next level. This is for pastors, men's leaders, church teams or any man with a passion to disciple other men.

March 19
Capital Baptist Church
Annandale VA

March 23
Grace Community Church
Fulton, MD

For more information and registration, click HERE

Or contact WACMM Training Director Chris Can Brocklin at 970-988-0440 or chris@menwithapurpose.org
New "Men's" Fireproof Seminar Launched

fireproof fireman WACMM's brand new seminar based on the Fireproof movie is generating interest across the country. Its recent launch at Forcey Church in Silver Spring MD drew 70 men from a dozen-plus area churches. The four-hour multimedia seminar is designed to help men address what it means to be an authentic man,  godly husband, loving father and faithful friend. It's open to men 18-81; married or single. You don't need to have seen the movie to benefit from this straight talk, challenging seminar. Invest a morning with us and you'll get the tools to "fireproof" your life, your marriage and your family.

For more information and registration about"Fireproof Men Only Seminar" click HERE
If you're interested in bringing our Fireproof Men's Seminar to your church or organization, contact us at 703.323.5040 or wacmm@comcast.net

wacmm speaker bureau

Your WACMM Executive Team: Chris Van Brocklin, Bob Kelley, Dave Brown, Guy Kleintop, Tom Joyce, Jack Elwood, Marty Granger and John Meyer

check us out at wacmm.org or contact us at wacmm@comcast.net or 703.323.5040