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Upcoming important dates, next steps for the Human Milk NCCC Phase II Initiative...

(The HM NCCC initiative's weekly email newsletter comes out every Wednesday.)

September 26, 2012
Milk NCCC Phase II Learning Session 2 Registration now open...

learning session Where:  Carolina Club / George Watts Hill Alumni Center, 150 Stadium Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

When: Thursday, October 4, 2011 9:30 - 3:30

What:  Up to three team members - all three primary team members (physician champion, nurse champion, senior hospital administrator) are encouraged to attend.  Lunch and materials will be provided at no cost.

Click here to register


"Ring of Knowledge" for upcoming Learning Session...



For the upcoming learning sessions in October I would like to ask each hospital to bring at least two documents you have either developed for this initiative or have changed due to this initiative i.e. policies you have written or changed, parent education sheets etc.  Please bring enough copies to share with the other hospitals in the initiative, tools for everyone's toolbox... 



March of Dimes - "Close to Me" (LIMITED TIME OFFER)
March of Dimes logo The Perinatal Quality Collaborative of North Carolina is partnering with the March of Dimes to provide Kangaroo Care education and support using the March of Dimes Close to Me program. The goals of the Close to Me Education and Assessment Partnership are to promote Kangaroo Care through parent and staff education and awareness materials and to collect data/feedback from the collaborative on the Close to Me components provided by the March of Dimes.

Member hospitals within the Collaborative that participate in the partnership will receive the following from the March of Dimes at no cost:

*  Close to Me Parent Education PowerPoint Slide Set -  a 30-minute education session for families in the NICU, to be led by a NICU staff member from the participating hospital.
*   Close to Me Staff Education PowerPoint Slide Set - a 30-minute education session for NICU staff members, to be led by a NICU educator from the participating hospital.
*    100 Close to Me Awareness Fliers to be distributed to families in the NICU;  fliers will raise awareness of the benefits of Kangaroo Care for baby and parent.
*    25 Ask Me About Kangaroo Care Awareness Pins for staff of participating hospitals who complete the staff education session; the pins to act as a visual reminder for parents to ask about Kangaroo Care.
*    Close to Me training webinar led by a March of Dimes national staff member. The webinar will provide an overview of the two Education PowerPoint Slide Sets, how to promote the education sessions to families, how to encourage staff to empower families to Kangaroo Care, suggested activities for families and a time for questions and answers.
*    Additional materials worth approximately $2000 which include items to help facilitate Kangaroo Care such as a Kangaroo Care chair, a standing mirror, hand held mirrors and a privacy screen.
*    Membership in the March of Dimes NICU Family Support Network ($5,000 value), which provides staff access to a nationwide network of NICU Family Support sites. Information on family-centered care topics, including Kangaroo Care, is shared regularly among our 110 Network member hospitals.

Member hospitals within the Collaborative that participate in the partnership agree to:
*   Provide the March of Dimes with pre-implementation and post Close to Me Program Implementation data in connection with the frequency of use of skin-to-skin holding in your NICU.
*    Complete an assessment of the Close to Me Program/its components
*    Provide an on-site contact
*    Sign a letter agreeing to the terms of the agreement

Interested hospitals must contact Melissa Gehl at mgehl@marchofdimes.com prior to October 5th.


Culture - How does it change?

patients voice


For culture change to occur you first have to be aware that change is needed.  Culture is complex; one of the main reasons change efforts fail is a lack of understanding about culture and the significant role it plays.  There is a growing realization that, despite the best-laid plans, any significant change must include not only changing structures and processes but also addressing the underlying culture (Kimball, 2005).  Are you aware of a change that is needed in your unit? Have you addressed the underlying culture in your change plan?





QI Tips


The main objective of improvement is to make changes that result in improvement from the viewpoint of the customer.  Customer's can be in the form of patients, families, providers, payor's or outside agencies.  Remember all improvement requires change but not all change will result in improvement.  Improvement comes from action:  from developing, testing and implementing changes.  Why should we engage in change? Simply put we have no choice.  Change is going to happen.  The choice is to let the change happen to you, or be more proactive and make the changes (Langley, Moen, Nolan, et al 2nd ed 2009).  


Over the next few months we will discuss many things including models for improvement.  One specific model we'll discuss is based on the book entitled:  "The Improvement Guide:  a Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance."    


This model has 3 main questions for every improvement activity:  


1.  What are we trying to accomplish? 

2.  How will we know that a change is an improvement 

and 3.  What change can we make that will result in improvement?  


Before improvement can occur all 3 questions must be answered...




Tammy Haithcox  


Tammy Haithcox


PQCNC Clinical Initiative Manager

