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Upcoming important dates, next steps for the SIVB Initiative...

(The Support for Birth initiative's weekly email newsletter comes out every Tuesday.  As a reminder, it is your job as key contact to share relevant information with other team members at your hospital.)

August 23, 2011
August webinar update
conference call Thanks to the teams who joined us for this morning's webinar.  It is always helpful to hear more about what is going on in each of your hospitals.  The slides are available on the Extranet and accessible here.  The downward trend in the c-section rate in our population is very exciting.  The driver of this trend is a decrease in c-sections among patients with a risk factor that predisposes them to c-section, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, AMA, macrosomia and IUGR.  Are we giving these women more of a chance to delivery vaginally?  What else are SIVB hospitals doing differently?  Keep up the good work!


Data Collection Update

data entry 

At the request of several hospitals, we will push the data collection deadline back to the 20th of the month.  This means that reports will come out slightly later, but hopefully still by the end of the month (so the August report would come out at the end of September). If you need your individual facility report before then, you can work with Jessica to get that sooner. Hopefully this will ease the pressure a bit.  Please be mindful of not getting behind this deadline, because you will quickly roll into the next month and could end up with a significant data backlog.  One recommendation was to try to do weekly instead of monthly data entry to keep data from piling up.  We are still waiting for July data from a handful of hospitals - you will be hearing from Jessica if you are one of them!



Kate's Update

Kate Berrien
I will be leaving PQCNC in September to focus full-time on the Pregnancy Medical Home program for Medicaid patients with Community Care of North Carolina.  It has been a true pleasure to work with the hospitals in this initiative and to learn from you about how we can continue to improve the quality of maternity care for North Carolina women.  I look forward to continuing to collaborate with you in my role at CCNC, as we will focus on working with providers on maternity quality improvement efforts, including the primary c-section rate.
Amanda French, who is based at Women's Hospital in Greensboro, will be providing nurse consultation/program coordination for this initiative starting in mid-September.  Amanda is a member of the PQCNC leadership team and was a key participating on the expert panel for the 39 Weeks Project.  The SIVB initiative will be in good hands, and she will work with SIVB teams to continue to identify ways to increase the number of NTSV women who give birth vaginally. 

Kate Berrien, RN, BSN, MS
UNC Center for Maternal & Infant Health
CB# 7181
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone: 919-843-9336 Fax: 919-843-7866