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Upcoming important dates, next steps for the Milk Initiative NCCC Track...

(This email goes out to the key contact person from each team in the collaborative.  Please share relevant information with your team members or others at your hospital.)

March 30, 2011
Team Forsyth Explains "Potty Training"
poster location On our last webinar The team from Forsyth explained that the had a habit of putting educational material in the bathroom because it was one place they knew all staff would have the opportunity to see it over a 12 hour shift. these two pictures give us insight into the current "Potty Training."

kangaroo poster


Report of Training by Laurie Dunn, MD

Laurie Dunn MD

On 3/15/11 a class at WakeMed, the Core Class on Breastfeeding the Preemie, was opened to the state.  41 participants from 8 different hospitals attended.  Largely a class in which RN's and LC's teach, the class is meant to be full of useful information, and it is delivered with a lot of class participation and hands-on sessions. We had hoped that the outside hospitals could see the curriculum and adapt the information given to their own needs.  It was an enthusiastic group, and if evaluations are an indication, the information was considered useful and well-delivered.  Among the things that were shared was a small laminated card that can be added to the name badge holder.  I have been asked to share this with the PQCNC group:


(The front of the card):

Pumping Facts to Promote Full Milk Supply

         Pump within the first 6 hours after birth

         Pump minimum of 7 times each day and once at night for the first 14 days

         Sleep for 5 hr intervals and pump once during the night

         Obtain 140 ml/day by day 4 (15-20 ml x 8 pumpings) to assure full milk supply

         Receptor sites are laid down during the first 14 days of pumping will not be added after that time

Full milk supply

         Ideal >750 ml/24 hr (~3 ounces x8)

         Borderline 350-500 ml/24 hrs (~2 ounces x8)

         Low >350 ml/24 hours (~1&1/2 ounces x 8)


(The back of the card):


         Hill P and Aldag J. Milk volume on day 4 and income predictive of lactation adequacy at 6 weeks of mothers of nonnursing preterm infants.  J Perinat Neonat Nursing 2005:  19 (3):273-82.

         Hurst, NM and Meier, PP. Breastfeeding the Preterm Infant, in J Riordan (Ed.) Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, 3rd ed, Boston MA:  Jones and Bartlett (2003), p. 376.



Karen Metzguer Karen Metzguer
PQCNC Improvement Advisor
Work: 919-966-8391
Mobile: 919-619-6332