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Upcoming important dates, next steps for the Milk Initiative Well Baby Track...

(This email goes out to the key contact person from each team in the collaborative.  Please share relevant information with your team members or others at your hospital.)

December 15, 2010

Data collection tool for 2011

survey Very slight modifications have been made in the data collection tool for 2011. The final version is available on the extranet. You may use this version to create the data collection tool for use beginning on January 1 2011. The instructions remain the same: collect data for two births each day of babies greater than 37 weeks gestation who do not require transfer to a special care nursery. To approximate this goal of 60 completed forms each month some sites will collect data on every birth. As before, you are free to modify the form for your setting as long as all data points are recorded.

Data entry

data entry Please note that the data entry site is open and you should be using this week to enter test or "dummy" data to familiarize yourself with the system.

Official data entry for your accumulated data is scheduled to begin on Monday December 20 - watch your email for the official announcement.

Multiple opportunities to participate in data entry webinars are scheduled both this week and in January. Click here for the schedule and connection information.

Upcoming Class

breastfeeding flyer

Karen Metzguer Karen Metzguer
PQCNC Improvement Advisor
Work: 919-966-8391
Mobile: 919-619-6332