Spring Back Into Your Self! Your Season of Change...for the Better! |
We're moving out of cold, damp, dark winter and into warm, vibrant, lively, and green spring! Don't let this just be a change in the planet's seasons - take this time to tune into your own mind/body/spirit seasons! Rid yourself of anything unwanted lingering around. Any pesky pieces of obstacle ice? Melt 'em away! Launch into your life's Spring by actively brightening your days, growing and expanding in new areas while growing back those old areas you're looking to revitalize - the ones that got lost during the past months that blizzarded by. This is your time to clear away the junk and rebirth your health, your goals, your Self!
It's the color of Spring. It's the color of the Hulk, the Green Lantern, Ireland...and it's also the color of the foods you should be eating! Oh, if there was one color group, and only one, that would bring you your biggest bang for the buck nutritionally and in variety, it'd be your greens. Are you ready to go through the alphabet? High in Vitamins A, C, E, K, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus. You got massive Fiber, Folate, Chlorophyll, plus plenty of other micro- and phyto-nutrients. Think about our planet, Earth from afar. We see the blue waters, the white clouds/sky, and a lot green! Green is growth, life - grass, trees, plants! Breathing in the bad and breathing out the good for us to breathe in! Energy from the sun powered into these green plants which power energy into our bodies. Our fourth Chakra, our Heart Chakra, is emerald green! Pumping blood and life throughout our bodies and emanating green from within. Oh man, you can see how lively I am just talking about these life-creating foods! In fact, in addition to creating life, these same greens often prevent disease in some way or another.
...but I don't like eating greens, you say...? (Or maybe you don't, maybe you're already on the green bandwagon! Well, good for you, so just follow along and go throw together some of your favorites when you're done reading this!) Well, it's time to change that. And let me tell you, it isn't as hard as you think. First off, you have the largest list from which to choose - there has to be at least one that you enjoy! List in 3...2...1...:
Kale***, Broccoli*, Swiss Chard, Rainbow Chard, Arugula, Bok Choy*, Watercress, Spinach*, Romaine Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens*, Turnip Greens, Celery, Beet Greens, Dandelion Greens, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts* (and more). *my favorites (and believe me, I didn't grow up loving them! I got used to them and love them now!) Low calorie, high fiber, blood and body cleansing, immune boosting, circulating, respirating, regenerative greens. Now you have the options - here's how you do 'em: 1) Raw: Make a salad. And I'm not talking about a puny, little "stereotypical" salad. I'm talking a MONSTER (think Hulk...remember, he's green) salad. Choose a leafy green or two as your base and load it up with other goodies: beans & legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, spices, dressings. Pack in all the good stuff and you're full and thriving. Yep, from a salad. 2) Cooked: Good to find balance with some cooked greens too. Some greens contain oxalates, which can reduce the body's absorption of essential minerals, like calcium, iron, and magnesium. Even certain vitamins are enhance when heated. So, cook your greens sometimes, but DON'T KILL THEM! Put the flamethrower away and just apply some heat. Steaming greens, maybe cooking them in a pan (no higher than medium) with a tiny bit of oil, veggie broth, or water. You'll see how quickly a full leaf can wither away and you want to preserve as much as that nutrient quality as you can. Heat 'em up but keep 'em alive. 3) Blended/Juiced: Don't like to chew 'em? Well, turn 'em into a drink! Packed in with some other veggies, fruits, and other fun goodies of your choice, you can make a green smoothie or green juice that makes getting your greens so much more enjoyable, quick, and easy. You'll realize very quickly - it may look green, but it doesn't necessarily taste green. How bout that?! Here's a fun one to get you started if you just can't usually stomach your greens: kale, banana, cashews, agave. Boom - there's a St. Patty's Day Green Kale Shake for you. Mix and match, try some new, find your staples and keep eating them! You really cannot go wrong with including greens in your diet. Some are mild, some are a little more bitter - find your favorite tastes, and remember: you have control over your flavors through sauces, spices, dressings. If you need to use more of them to get used to a green, do it. Before you know you, your taste buds will not only accept the green on its own, but they will welcome, love, and crave them!YOUR MARCH/APRIL CHALLENGE: Find two greens you have never had before, or never gave much of a chance to. Explore and discover some fun, tasty ways to include them in your meals. Post your Green Challenge story and/or recipes on ALC's Facebook Wall or Twitter Page and, sure enough, I bet there'll be a Green contest sometime in the next month... |
This past month, I (finally) delved into the world of meditation after a great lack of self-discipline in the past. Like any habit that needs to be initiated or changed, I decided to participate in the Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge, an opportunity to be guided through creating a meditation practice in my life. What I learned, discovered, embodied, well, might just be a saving grace in my life...and can definitely be one for yours too.
JSRH#W(%#@&SAGSDFNC@#$#w!!!!! Isn't that what life is like sometimes? What it looks like, sounds like, feels like? The "daily grind"; "business," which is just "busy" and "ness" put together - the state of being busy (and we always have a lot of business going on); always "on the move." What about the times we're still and silent? Few and far between, huh? We, as humans, suffer excessively from stress, fatigue, exhaustion, headaches, overwhelm. We overload our bodies and minds, and keep them running 24/7, as if our lives depended on it. In fact, no matter how productive we end up being (and, most likely, your productivity suffers too), our quality of life decreases from it. We get sick, we harbor anger, we develop physical ailments, conditions, rage. These, obviously, are not good.
What happens to your car if you just drive it, non-stop, through thick and thin, with very few or no breaks? First off, you're gonna run out of gas. That's no good. Second, your car is gonna develop problems - anything from a flat tire to an overheated engine to the complete dwindling of your brake pads. A complete breakdown, meltdown, stop. Your computer, your phone? Go ahead, keep them on for their entire lifespan, with little to no recharge, little to no sleep or shutdown time. Don't think they will last as long as they should. But it's unheard of - treating these items like this.
Then why our Selves? Our bodies and minds function the same way. And believe it or not, they are more valuable than any car, phone, or computer. So why do we run ourselves thin, tired, and sickly? Well, that Why, if you know me, is an incredibly essential question to ask, explore, and answer. I'm gonna let you do some exploration on your own for now when it comes to that one. What I would love to provide for you is the introduction, or enhancement, of stillness & silence in your life through meditation.
This reboot phase is necessary to keep you at your optimal health and happiness, and the discoveries made while in a state of inner reflection and focus can only add more value to what you already have going on. Meditation does not have to be difficult. The first step is just introducing the two S's: Silence & Stillness.
Find a comfortable location, without distractions. Sit, or even lay, in a comfortable position. Breathe in through your nose, as you let your belly expand, lungs filling with air. Hold it for a second or a few seconds and release it slowly, letting everything contract. Repeat this process. Tune into your breath and your body, and let your mind temporarily turn off. All of the things you have to do, places you have to go - push them away. Be here, now, with yourself, and your breath. Close your eyes if you'd like, turning the "outside lights" off (you can actually dim the lights if you choose, maybe sit in a dark room by candlelight). Continue this for anywhere from five minutes to half an hour, more even if you'd like. Every time an outside thought enters your mind, let it wander through and leave, as you consciously & actively keep your focus on your breath. When you are finished, you should feel a sense of peace, relaxation, lightness, clarity. This break from the "hubbub" of daily life should provide your mind/body/spirit with the recharge and revitalization you need to live at your peak state and function. Enjoy it. (You can always go deeper from there.)
YOUR MARCH/APRIL CHALLENGE: Incorporate a Stillness & Silence practice into your daily life. No matter how small, how extensive. In a day full of 24 hours of happenings, take a minimum of five active, aware minutes to put toward your reboot. For guided meditations, visit the Chopra Center website. |
Living: vegan, in the "minority," a life for others' approval, a life in contradiction of your values, beliefs, passions? Many people live this way & need to know - there's a whole community, a whole world out there looking to connect, to provide & receive support. Reach out, live passionately, & find out for good: you are not alone. Read the full blog post here.
Whattya gonna do this Spring? Take action. Think, eat, live green. Connect with others & yourSelf in the amazing spirit of life and love. Enjoy!
All the best and yummiest,
Steven Todd Smith, CHHC, AADP Life Nutrition Coach Ahimsa Life Coaching |
March 2012
| Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to discover meaning and purpose in your life? Do you love answering questions of the day? Would you like to win prizes? If you answered YES to any of the above, then LogoQuestions 2012 are just for YOU. Inspired by Victor E. Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning, LogoQuestions 2012 are YOUR outlet for meaning - and a contest at the same time! Answer the question posted on ALC's Facebook page every day for a month and you get entered into a drawing for a chance to win awesome prizes. Takes one minute of time, gives a lifetime of insight.
This Month's Bonus: if 10+ people answer the month's questions, I will give away a $30 Amazon Gift Card, in addition to choosing another prize winner. Do I hear win-win-win? Grab some friends and answer some questions for your chance to win. Dive into your meaning today!
| Bonus good through April 5th. Every month offers a LQ a day for you to answer. Enjoy! |