First Thursday College of Dentistry News
Message from the Dean


Dear Colleagues:  


I had the best seat in the house - front row, center stage. I could see every student, parent, family member and friend. There were about a thousand in attendance, filling most of the Mershon Auditorium. Behind and around me were representatives of the state's professional dental groups and nearly all of our world-class faculty. It was the perfect vantage point to see and feel what everyone was experiencing as the Convocation Ceremony began.
Although I'd known these student classes for just 10 months, on that Sunday it seemed as if we'd been together for years. These young graduates were some of the first to welcome me to the College of Dentistry, and from day one they were there to help. So when I looked into the audience and told them what I'd remember most about them, it wasn't their GPAs, clinical production numbers, or even their outstanding board scores. It was the many accomplishments we've made together that I'll always remember.
The dental hygiene and dental classes of 2012 helped usher in our new student support systems, and they helped recruit our new clinic director. They've also revived some great traditions, like the all-school talent show. More than any class I can remember, these students got involved. They participated in and contributed to every important event the college sponsored during my first year at Ohio State. When we had an issue to deal with, they always had a solution. Most important to me though was knowing I could count on them, no matter what.
In my congratulatory remarks, I let these students know they'd set a new standard in responsible student engagement. I said I'd always remember them -- not only because they were outstanding -- but also because they were my first graduating classes as dean.

Near the end of the ceremony, I told them that as I travel around the state and the country to meet alumni, I'll be looking for them. "I'll want to hear your stories and find out how you're doing. And I'll share with you the progress and growth of your college and invite you to return for class reunions and other special occasions." I left them with this thought. "Always remember, you were a student in our college for just a few years, but you'll be alumni for life!"

Though it's only been five days, I already miss the classes of 2012. 



College News
College of Dentistry Convocation Celebrates 2012 Grads

The College of Dentistry's Convocation Ceremony was held June 3 in the Mershon Auditorium. The traditional ceremony honored the achievements of the Dental Hygiene and the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) classes of 2012.


Click here for photos. 


Dental Hygiene Achieves 100% Pass Rate on National Board

The dental hygiene class of 2012 achieved an outstanding 100% pass rate on the National Board Exam. 


Senior dental hygiene classes have set the standard with a 100% pass rate on this test for the past five years. 

Division of Dental Hygiene Chair Michele Carr said, "I'm so proud of our students and faculty for achieving this outstanding score on the Dental Hygiene National Board exam this year. The students work so hard to meet this expectation, and the faculty work just as hard to ensure we are consistently above the national average."

19th Annual SGA Awards Honor Outstanding Faculty

The 19th Annual Student Government Awards (SGA) reception was held Tuesday, May 15 at The Ohio State University Golf Club.

SGA president Stephen Denny welcomed  guests, and opening remarks were given by Dean Lloyd and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs John Kalmar.


 Click here for photos. 

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Omicron Kappa Upsilon Presents Awards and Welcomes New Members

The College of Dentistry's  Theta Chapter of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon honor society welcomed this year's new  members at a banquet that included the presentation of two student awards. 


A welcome was given by Associate Dean of Academic Affairs John Kalmar, president of the OKU Theta chapter, and an address was presented by Dean Lloyd. 


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Pre-Dentistry Students Receive First-Place Prize at Denman Research Forum

Spencer Tepe and Aras Mortazavi, two Ohio State pre-dentistry students, won first-place awards in the Biological Sciences category at The Ohio State University Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.  



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BBQ Fundraiser Held in Support of Pelotonia



Students, staff, and faculty made their way to a barbecue fundraiser hosted by the College of Dentistry Student Peloton Friday, May 11. 


The team continues to raise funds in preparation for the Pelotonia ride, taking place August 10-12.


"There are so many reasons I ride in Pelotonia, but most significantly is the passing of my mother," said Jason Perlman, co-captain of the Dentistry Student Peloton. "She died when I was seven years old, and I've always struggled with her not being here."


Click here for photos.  


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300 in Attendance at Post College Assembly  

The 68th Annual Post College Assembly (PCA) was held May 17-18 in the Ohio Union. 


This year's event featured nationally renowned speakers, a reception hosted by the dean, a luncheon for dental hygiene and dental alumni, and the college's annual Dental Alumni Society meeting. 


Education and camaraderie were shared by students, faculty, and alumni during this two-day continuing education event


Click here to view photos. 

Faculty Research Published in JADA Newletter

The research of Dr. John Nusstein, Dr. Al Reader, and Dr. Melissa Drum was published in the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) Specialty Scan Newsletter, which focuses on news related to advances in the dental specialties.


The headlining article by Nusstein, Reader, and Drum, "Nitrous oxide boosts efficacy of IAN block, research shows," highlights a study conducted to determine the effect of nitrous oxide on the anesthetic success of the IAN block in patients experiencing symptomatic irreversible pulpitis.   

Sigma Phi Alpha Welcomes New Members

Continuing its tradition of recognizing students who demonstrate outstanding leadership and academic excellence, the College of Dentistry's Zeta Chapter of the Sigma Phi Alpha  honor society welcomed its newest members, Jennifer Harris, Kaitlyn Reilly, and Tiffany Snavely, at a ceremony on May 31. 


View photos here.


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College of Dentistry Campus Campaign Volunteers Awarded 

The success of the College of Dentistry's campus campaign was shown through numerous awards for leadership and teamwork received by college volunteers at the Campus Campaign Volunteer Awards on May 22 at the Fawcett Center.


The Ohio State University Campus Campaign, an annual, campus-wide fundraising initiative, came to a successful close April 30.   



Dental Alumni Society Presents Distinguished Alumni Award    


The Dental Alumni Society honors a College of Dentistry alumnus each year with the Distinguished Alumni Award, which is presented at Post College Assembly. The award is given to alumni who demonstrate good character, and who have given outstanding service or other contributions to the College of Dentistry, to the fields of art and science, or to organized dentistry.   
This year's award winner is Dr. David Rummel, a graduate of the class of 1966. 


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College of Dentistry
Postle Hall
305 W. 12th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210