ARO Member News

April 2011

In This Issue
MWM Questionnaire
New ARO Website
2011 MWM Photos
ARO Member Dues
MWM Attendance
AMP Security Alert
2011 MWM
JARO Editor
Small Grant Support
Biology of the Inner Ear
Molecular Biology of Hearing & Deafness

Post Meeting



Please complete the 2011 MWM questionnaire by April 30.  There are important questions concerning the organization and future meetings. 


Click here to complete the questionnaire.


New ARO Website 

We're pleased to announce the launch of the new ARO website!  The site has a new look and now features member only content.


The website is a resource that will continue to grow with your input!  We look forward to your feedback.


2011 MWM Photos 

Award of Merit Presentation  

Visit the Photo Gallery under the Meeting section of the ARO website for photos from the 2011 MWM!  Our thanks to the ARO Historian, David Lim, for taking these photos!

ARO Member Dues

The 2011-2012 membership year dues are now payable.  Login to the member services website to pay online.  If you need your login for this website, email the ARO Executive Office for assistance.

ARO MWM Attendance

There were 1545 attendees at the 2011 MidWinter Meeting.  Visit the ARO website to see how this compares to prior years and where attendees were from!

AMP Security Alert 

In a "security alert" released by the Americans for Medical Progress, a new call has been issued by animal activist Camille Marino for targeting undergraduate and graduate students involved in the life sciences.  Camille Marino is the Founder & Senior Editor of the "Negotiation Is Over" website and co-founder of "Just Us."  Students are targeted because "Students ... have no round-the-clock police protection, no access to the FBI, and no access to legislators. The weakest link in chain is the student body. Vivisectors-in-training can be shut down with relative ease."  She advocates pressuring students through "education," threats of physical intimidation and use and abuse of social media.


ARO members and students are encouraged to contact Americans for Medical Progress to continue monitoring these threats.





We are pleased to provide you with this first issue of the ARO monthly e-news update for members.
Do you have information you would like ARO to consider including in a future e-news update?  If yes, please email your content suggestions to [email protected].


Peter Santi, Ph.D., Editor ARO
2011 MidWinter Meeting


The 34th ARO MidWinter Meeting flew by, packed with symposiums, podium sessions, poster sessions, workshops and of course, crab cakes with Old Bay seasoning. We were lucky with an unusually mild few days in Baltimore and the weather cooperated with regards to getting to and from the meeting. A highlight for me was the Presidential Symposium. The Director of the NIDCD, James Battey, gave a superb opening and introduction to the rest of the morning, filled by a stellar list of world-renowned speakers (including some of our very own ARO members) on topics ranging from mechanosensation in C. elegans, mouse models for deafness, personalized medicine, genetic variation, new technologies for gene discovery and therapy. The impact of genomics on otolaryngology could not have been better demonstrated. But I cannot say that this was the best part of the meeting, since so many excellent talks and events followed! You all know how difficult it was to choose between different events, since despite the effort to minimize overlap, there is just so much excellent science going on at ARO. And whenever I walked into the poster sessions, there was a "buzz" that is rarely seen at other meetings, with very dynamic ongoing discussions.


A special thank you to ARO Council and committee chairs and members, whom it was a pleasure working with in the last year. These are the people who make ARO "tick," with the many tasks assigned to keep ARO active and productive. And to Talley Management, for keeping the meeting running smoothly at all levels.


I ended my term as the first international ARO President with the feeling that we are truly an international group, with about 30% of the members from abroad. ARO will continue to keep things moving and active. See our new web site (including photos from the meeting) and the new option for support for ARO members to speak at conferences. spARO continues to be active and generate an energy that adds a tremendous

amount at ARO.

Outgoing President Recognition
Incoming President, Debara Tucci presented a service award to outgoing President, Karen Avraham 


Next year we will be trying San Diego for the first time. I think it is safe for me to guarantee that we will not have snow there. Debara Tucci has already begun her work as President and I wish her lots of success.


I end my term with nostalgia, as I truly enjoyed the year as President. ARO is a wonderful organization, and I have many friends and colleagues among ARO members and meeting attendees. I look forward to continued involvement and interaction with ARO.


Karen Avraham


New JARO Editor-In-Chief 

JARO Cover
We are pleased to announce that the new Editor-in-Chief of JARO is Paul B. Manis of UNC Chapel Hill.

We would like to extend a big thank you to Ruth Anne Eatock, outgoing Editor-in-Chief, for her leadership, hard work and dedication to the journal.


Call for Proposals: Small Grant Support 
The ARO invites proposals for funding of small grants (up to $1000) to support activities either in the US or internationally that would enhance our mission and visibility as the premier hearing research organization in the world. Some specific activities that could be considered include:

1. Sponsorship of an invited lecture for an ARO-member at a meeting, either national or international, particularly one at which ARO does not typically have a presence.

2. Partial support of small 'local' research meetings that serve as a venue for members to meet to discuss focused topics; student participation may be targeted in these grants.

3. Partial support of symposium at an international meeting, for presentations by ARO members, on a topic of interest to members of that society and attendees of the meeting.


Requirements:  applicants must be ARO members, and lectures/events must include a slide and/or other materials that acknowledge ARO support. The ARO will fund up to three grants per year.


This year's deadline for submission of application is October 1, 2011, for activities to take place in the 2012 calendar year.  Notification will take place by December 1, 2011.


Please send proposals to Darla Eastlack ([email protected]). 

Biology of the Inner Ear: 

Experimental and Analytical Approaches


August 7 - 27, 2011

The Marine Biological Laboratory announces the third offering of the Biology of the Inner Ear (BIE) course. The BIE course will provide students with instruction and hands-on experience in the application of specialized strategies and methods for overcoming the challenges of experimental and analytical research on the inner ear, its cells, and the systems to which it interfaces. Through research seminars, roundtable discussions, lectures, and laboratory exercises where students and instructors work side-by-side, this interdisciplinary course offers students the tools they need to address important problems in auditory and vestibular research. In addition, the BIE course will help students develop as investigators, emphasizing opportunities for important discoveries, innovative approaches, and the potential for translating discoveries into meaningful improvements in health care.


This three-week course is ideal for students with backgrounds in the biological or physical/computational sciences; individuals new to investigations of the inner ear are particularly encouraged to apply.


Course Directors:

Jeffrey T. Corwin, University of Virginia, School of Medicine

Jeffrey R. Holt, University of Virginia, School of Medicine


Assistant Director:

Jennifer M. Jones, Washington University, School of Medicine


Distinguished Scholar:

James Pickles, University of Queensland


For more information about the course, the participating faculty, and the application process, visit:


Substantial financial aid for students will be available.


Supported by a grant from the NIDCD


Confirmed Course Faculty: 


Jonathan Ashmore   

Karen Avraham

James Bartles

Inna Belyantseva

John Brigande

Bill Brownell

Catherine Carr

Ping Chen

Michael Deans

Ruth Anne Eatock

Albert Edge

Andrew Forge

Paul Fuchs

Jonathan Gale

Gwena�lle G�l�oc

Elizabeth Glowatzki

Chris Halpin

Stefan Heller

Stephen Highstein


A. James Hudspeth

Matthew Kelley

Darlene Ketten

M. Charles Liberman

Michael Lovett

Anna Lysakowski

Ulrich Mueller

Eduardo Perozo

David Raible

Heidi Rehm

Guy Richardson

Mark Warchol

Doris Wu

Ebenezer Yamoah

Jian Zuo


(More to be added)

Course website at


Application Deadline: April 25, 2011

Registration is now open for the following Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference


Molecular Biology of Hearing and Deafness

6-9 July 2011


Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK


This Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference aims to present and discuss the latest findings relating to the molecular basis of hearing and deafness. We aim to facilitate interaction between laboratories carrying out relevant research, and to foster links between basic scientists and clinicians with a research interest in the field. In particular, we hope to encourage research that integrates different approaches to understanding hearing and deafness by facilitating greater understanding of these approaches and increased collaboration between scientists working in different disciplines.


Approaches to be discussed will include genetics of deafness, developmental biology, molecular basis of sensory function, cochlear damage, repair and regeneration, expression analysis, molecular diagnostics, otologic disease and approaches to treatments.


Scientific Organising Committee:

David Corey, Harvard Medical School, USA

Cynthia Morton, Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA

Guy Richardson, University of Sussex, UK

Allen Ryan, University of California, USA

Karen Steel, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK


Registration is now open

For more information please click here


Student Bursary Application Deadline: Wednesday 13 April 2011

Abstract Deadline: Friday, 29 April 2011

Registration Deadline: Friday, 10 June 2011

As we streamline the monthly newsletter for future editions, we will strive to be as concise as possible.  Therefore, we will include the title and dates of selected meetings that the Council feels would be of general interest to the membership, with a link provided to the ARO website for those interested in more detailed information.



The Association for Research in Otolaryngology