Outside of Hillel  
January 6, 2012 
11 Tevet 5772 
Candle Lighting: 4:49
Havdalah: 5:50

Parshat Vayechi
Dvar Torah


ויחי יעקב בארץ מצרים שבע עשרה שנה


"And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt for 17 years." 
(Bereishit, 47:28)  


There are many things happening within this pasuk. For instance, "17 years" corresponds to the 17 years of Joseph's life prior to his being sold to Egypt. "מצרים" ("Egypt") contains the word "יצר" (the evil inclination). It seems that while they were in Egypt, Jacob, Joseph, and the brothers overcame their evil inclinations. Joseph had to forgive his brothers for putting him in the pit and selling him to Egypt. The brothers repented and did not show any signs of jealousy when Jacob chose Joseph's children, Menashe and Efraim, to be part of the 12 tribes. Jacob, too, united the brothers and never rebuked them directly for their role in Joseph's sale. At Hillel Academy, we are taught that unity is an important aspect of a school and community. Even though there are many different grades in Hillel, we have the opportunity through the After School clubs and other phenomenal programs to come together as one. Have a wonderful Shabbos and a special mazel tov to my wonderful brother who I learn so much from. 


Yitzchok Grossberg - 6th Grade


Message from the Chief
Dear Hillel Academy friends, 


While it's cold outside, it's warm in Hillel Academy. 


There are so many great things going on here. Read this week's Hillel Happenings and see for yourself. We recently won a 2011 Challenge Award from PEJE, one of our alumni is traveling to Kharkov, Ukraine to support their Jewish community, and there is a great picture in Flashback Fridays. Hillel Academy is great; that's probably why we're Pittsburgh's Fastest Growing Jewish Day School. Separately, parents, could you please send in any utensils/paper products your child uses for lunches brought from home. Thank you very much. 


Have a good Shabbos,      


Hillel Academy Wins Grant from PEJE
Hillel Academy recently received the 2011 PEJE Challenge Award. Presented on behalf of the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education ("PEJE"), Hillel Academy and 26 other Jewish Day Schools, nationwide, received a $25,000 grant for demonstrating a drive to increase revenue through innovation. Submitted jointly by Hillel Academy and Community Day School, the grant proposal described the Pittsburgh Jewish Day School's efforts to create the 1st Year Free Tuition Program. The $25,000 award, which can be used for unrestricted purposes, will be split between Hillel Academy and Community Day School. Following notification of the award, PEJE asked Hillel Academy to make a video for placement on PEJE's blog. That video, titled "Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh Thanks PEJE" can be seen below. More information regarding the 1st Year Free Tuition Program is available at www.pittsburghjewishdayschools.org.  
Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh thanks PEJE
Click above to watch

"Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh thanks PEJE"

Hillel Academy Alumna is Going to Kharkov, Ukraine
Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh alumna Robin Joshowitz ('10) submitted this letter to the 
Hillel Happenings. Please read it and support her cause. 
In a few weeks, I will be traveling to Kharkov, Ukraine along with 20 other students, on a humanitarian mission with Yeshiva University. The trip is sponsored by the Center for the Jewish Future, an affiliate of Yeshiva University, and the American Joint Jewish Distribution Center (JDC). The JDC works to rescue Jewish lives at risk, bring relief to Jews in need, renew lost bonds to Jewish identity and Jewish culture, and help Israel overcome the social challenges of its most vulnerable citizens, both Jewish and non-Jewish. In Kharkov, we will be volunteering in the local Jewish community center, getting to know the Ukrainian teenagers. This Jewish community center is so important for the Kharkov Jewish community because it is one of their only connections to Judaism. When I first heard about this trip, I realized how privileged I am to have grown up in Pittsburgh where I was raised in a family with strong Jewish values. We have a Jewish Federation that is dedicated to supporting a strong Jewish infrastructure and realizes the importance of a Jewish day school education. I have been educated at Hillel Academy where I not only received an extensive Torah education through ancient and modern texts, but also received a quality general studies education to prepare me for college and a career as I engage in the world. I was lucky to participate in the Pittsburgh Chapter of Bnei Akiva, a local youth group, where I deepened my love of Israel and developed strong leadership skills and an understanding of communal responsibility. Growing up in Pittsburgh, I have been fortunate to have so many enriching Jewish opportunities, and I am eager to share my knowledge, skills and experiences with those who have not.  
The Kharkov community has asked us to bring used electronic items that would make the newly remodeled student lounge more fun and attract more students. If you have any small electronic gadgets that you are no longer using (it is OK if they are antiquated), such as old laptops, iPods, camera's or small gaming systems with games, please consider donating them. Also, the community is looking for wall decorations for the lounge, preferably Judaica. All of the items should be relatively small and lightweight, as I will have to take them with me in the one suitcase that I am allowed. Thank you in advance for your help and for your willingness to share in this mitzvah with me.


Robin Joshowitz ('10) is seen here holding small electronics. If you have items like these in your house and you're not using them, please bring them to the Hillel Academy office. 
Robin will give them to Jewish Ukrainian teenagers. 
This is a great cause. Let's do our part. 


Robin Joshowitz ('10) 


New Principals Installed at Hillel Academy
After securing the highest bid in Hillel Academy's recent Online Auction, Michelle and Alyssa Joshowitz became Hillel Academy's newest Principals (for a day). Aided by outgoing Principal, Rabbi Sacks, Michelle and Alyssa developed strategies for increasing awareness about the importance of tzedaka. Not wishing to waste time, the group, along with Mrs. Aronson, located tzedaka boxes, prepared and delivered them to each class between Grades 1-5. Afterwards, Michelle and Alyssa consulted Principal Emeritus Rabbi Sacks regarding the calendar for the upcoming year and enjoyed a delicious lunch. Never too big to forget their roots, Michelle and Alyssa used the speaker phone in their new office to give a shout out to their former 4th Grade classmates. Although Michelle and Alyssa's tenure eventually concluded, their brief stints as Hillel Academy Principals will be long remembered.   


"It's unanimous, this monitor is much better suited for a Wii than Google Docs."



Middle School Athletics Update 
This week, the Middle School Girls beat the Communiy Day School Lions, 25-11 for their first win of the season! Yael Itskowitz (8th Grade) led all scorers with 17 points. Congratulations to the Middle School Girls. The Sixth Grade Boys lost to Falk 32-12. Moshe Wasserman led the team with 6 points. Thank you to Coach Shui Mazlich and Coach Dayna Greenfield for their efforts thus far coaching the respective teams.
Don't let the picture fool you. The fans were sitting on the other side of the gym.
      Reb Shaw


Flashback Fridays
Can you figure this one out? Email us the names of these former Hillel Academy students. If you correctly identify the alums photographed, we will print your name in next week's Hillel Happenings.
Congrats to Jill Joshowitz ('08) for correctly answering last week's 
Flashback Fridays.
Werber's Words of Wisdom 
This week, I'm going to take a break from history and talk about mathematics. Our brains are not adapted to handle large numbers. We are running on old software. Numbers were once a way to count things. Anything other than that was deemed useless. Since we didn't often count large amounts of things our brains "tilt" when large numbers are involved.

Every year I introduce the concept of a million, a billion, and a trillion to my students. Intellectually, they know that there is a vast difference between these numbers and that this difference is staggeringly huge. My students know this, but can't really comprehend it.

To help them comprehend a million, I ask them how long they think it would take to count to a million at a rate of one number per second with no breaks. My students think and think and after a while usually tell me that it would take a few hours, perhaps a day. I then lead them through the calculations (1,000,000 \ 60 (seconds) * 60 (minutes) * 24 (hours) for those of you playing at home), and we discover that it would take about 11.5 days to count to a million.

Next, we discuss a billion. I tell my students that a billion is a thousand millions. They accept this intellectually but are conceptually "tilted." I then ask how long, at the rate of one number per second, it would take to count to a billion. This time, the guesses are closer, from several months to several years. Then, we go through the calculations (11.5 * 1000 / 365 (days)) and we find out that to count to a billion it takes 31.5 years.

A trillion is the easiest to figure and yet the hardest to believe. My students quickly multiply 31.5 * 1000 and discover that it would take 31,500 years to count to a trillion. You couldn't do it in your life time. Many try. They want to prove this wrong. That number is just too ridiculous. Much to their dismay, however, they realize that they are bored before they even reach a thousand.

Our difficulty with large numbers has major implications from gambling to the deficit. Helping our students make sense of numbers will, hopefully, help them make good financial decisions in the future.


Are you looking for a fun way to reinforce Werber's Words of Wisdom?

Click here to discover what Mr. Werber and the educational masterminds behind the

Hillel Happenings have devised.



A View from in the Club 

The Girls Drama club is working on various games for helping students understand the importance of focusing while acting. "I enjoy drama club because we play a different game each week," said Esther Grossberg. The writing club has been working on writing exercises for story development. "It was fun because we learn how to write while hanging out with our friends," said 4th grader Avital Segal. The next meeting of the Fine Arts Club will occur after winter break. There is still time to sign up for the Hillel Academy Bowling Club. Meetings will occur at Forward Lanes, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Boys Bowling Club will meet on Tuesdays and Girls Bowling Club will meet on Thursdays. Click here for more information. 

"You write. I'll text. It's like a modernization of John Henry."
First Grade Siddur Presentation 


There have been many activities happening inside the first grade Judaic Studies classroom during the past few weeks. If you walked into the classroom, you could sense a feeling of happiness and excitement from the students. There is a good reason for this. The students have been practicing their parts and preparing beautiful songs for their Siddur Presentation. When the students walked into first grade on the first day of school, they knew they had to work very hard to achieve one of the highlights of first grade, receiving their first Siddur. They knew they had a big job ahead of them. The students knew they had to continue to learn their letters and vowels to a higher level, master the reading of Hebrew words, and read with accuracy and fluency to receive their Siddurim. These students worked very hard to achieve their goal!

The excitement began the day they took their invitations home to their families for the big day! This was followed by receiving their parts and beginning to learn their songs. Then the students received their brand new Siddurim. The students showed extreme pride and happiness when they received their Siddurim. You could see it in the expressions on their faces and the heartfelt love they felt. Many students hugged their Siddurim with love. Then the students took their Siddurim home so they and their families could make beautiful covers. As we got closer to the big day, the students started rehearsing in the Shul. It was very meaningful to do the program in the Shul. It made the program even more special. The weeks and days went by quickly and excitement grew and grew. As the students brought in their covered Siddurim, their classmates applauded the creativity and beauty of each Siddur. 
The day finally arrived! I wanted The Siddur Presentation to be on Erev Chanukah because I wanted the first graders to begin Chanukah with such a precious treasure, their very own Siddur.  The students, dressed in their beautiful Shabbos clothes, proudly walked into Shul as everyone sang Siman Tov U' Mazel Tov to them. The students presented a wonderful program having to do with the words: Siddur, Simcha, and Todah. The students showed how much they had grown and matured. They each showed a sense of pride, happiness, and excitement when they were given their first Siddur. They had the biggest smiles on their faces! They will always remember this very special day in their lives. ( I am always happy when a student who is in middle school or high school says to me, "Morah Chana, I remember the day I received my first Siddur!") They were attentive and respectful when Rabbi Sacks and Rabbi Nimchinsky spoke to the class and then congratulated them on this special Simcha. The presentation was followed by a beautiful party with many yummy treats! We thank Rabbi Sacks and Rabbi Nimchinsky for all of their help. We thank Mrs. Tuchman and her committee for helping with the food for the party. We thank Miriam Ingber and Hadar Glazer for making Siddur bags filled with special yummy treats for the students. We also thank our custodians, Jovan, Carl, and Joe for setting up the chairs. Morah Chana and Morah Dorsey are very proud of their students and wish them and their parents a heartfelt Mazel Tov. It was a very wonderful day to remember!
1 Siddur. 3 Smiles. 2 More Reasons Why Hillel Academy is Pittsburgh's Fastest Growing Jewish Day School.

Morah Chana


Within this section of the Hillel Happenings, you'll find brief updates regarding 
Hillel Academy. These updates all have GRAVITAS. 

Hillel Academy Alumna Robin Joshowitz ('10) is traveling to Kharkov, Ukraine. She is collecting small used electronics items for Jewish Ukrainian teenagers. If you have something that would make a student lounge more fun, please consider donating it to Robin's cause. There is a collection box in the Hillel Academy office. Donations must be received before Wednesday, January 10th.  


Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh recently hosted a session on the topic of Collaborative Grading and Assessments for the Pittsburgh Jewish Day Schools. The meeting was well run and well received by all participants. Rabbi Rosenblum, of Yeshiva Schools, and Mrs. Langer, of Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh, facilitated the session. The next meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 12th, and will take place at Yeshiva Boys School.

The Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh Middle School Students are running a Holiday Toy Drive in partnership with JF&CS and the Squirrel Hillel Food Pantry. Please bring an unwrapped new or lightly used toy to school. There is a collection box for toys in the main lobby of our Beacon Street campus.


Thank you to all of the contributors to the Box Tops for Education program. 
We are 25% away from our yearly goal. Remember that lots of participating products carry the Box Tops logo including Ziplock, Scott's, Hefty and Avery brands. Giant Eagle is running a promotion in January: buy 10 of any Box Tops products and receive 50 bonus tops. Please think of Hillel Academy the next time you plan your shopping, and take advantage of the promotion. Remember to put your name on your submission in order to be added to our raffle for Kennywood tickets.


Mazel Tov
Mr. Avram and Mrs. Ariel Avishai on the birth of a baby boy

Rabbi  and Mrs. Grossberg on the upcoming bar mitzva of their son  
Mr. Mendel Grossberg on his upcoming bar mitzva - Rabbi and Mrs. Grossberg would like to invite the entire community to a kiddish in honor of their simcha, at the Kollel this Shabbos, Parshas Vayechi, January 7, 2012. Davening is at 8:30 a.m. kiddish to follow.


Dr. Yitzchok and Mrs. Marcia Zlochower on the marriage of their son Avrumi to Meryl Sava

Dr. Manny and Mrs. Judi Kanal on the birth of granddaughter


Mr. Yonaton and Mrs. Gila Zarbiv on the birth of a daughter 


Mr. Irwin and Mrs. Judy Stein on celebrating their 50th Anniversary


Dr. Alex and Mrs. Jackie Sax on the engagement of their son Matthew to Jennifer Draiman


Mr. Matthew Sax on his engagement to Jennifer Draiman
Dr. Alan and Mrs. Leslie Itskowitz on the engagement of their granddaughter Shaina Cohn to Aaron Rafkin 




Mr. Danny Kraut on the loss of his grandmother Pearle Goldman

Mrs. Sharon Klein on the loss of her mother Pearle Goldman

Dr. George Szymanski on the loss of his mother Mrs. Blanche Szymanski,


Food Zone
Around Town


HILLEL ACADEMY: Coming in 2012, Power Yoga during the week at 7pm for women at Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh's Beacon Street Campus. Yoga will be taught by our very own Elizabeth Clay on Tuesdays. Participants will be required to bring their own mats. Sessions will last 45 minutes and cost $5 a session. Be sure to bring water for each class and wear comfortable clothing. Please click www.hillelpgh.org for Ms. Clay's bio. Contact eclay@hillelpgh.org for questions about Power Yoga.


BNEI AKIVA: There will be snif this Shabbos from 3:30-4:30 pm at Shaare Torah.


GIRLS ONEG: Girls Oneg in PZ will meet this Shabbos from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. All girls in grades K - 7 are invited! For more information call Devorah (412-867-7751) and Leah (412-586-8488).
Want More Hillel Happenings?

Hillel Academy Thanks This Year's Athletic Sponsors   
Leah'Spa and Salon and Mordy Brown Catering  


Mark  Sindler, Criminal Defense Attorney 

Dr. Jeffrey W.  Martz, DMD



5685 Beacon Street 
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
(P) 412-521-8131 
(F) 412-521-5150
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Create an everlasting legacy with a gift or bequest to the Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh Endowment Fund. The Hillel Academy Endowment Fund insures Jewish Continuity by providing a Jewish education to all children regardless of their financial capabilities. Additional dedications and opportunities are available.