Hillel Academy
of Pittsburgh
5685 Beacon Street
Pittsburgh, PA
P: (412) 521-8131
F: (412) 521-5150
May 27, 2011
23 Iyyar 5771
Candle Lighting: 8:21 pm
Havdalah: 9:22 pm
Parshat Bamidbar
Dvar Torah
No, you're not seeing double. This week, we have two Divrei Torah. A special thanks to Hillel Academy 12th Grader Ben Kohane and Hillel Academy 5th Grader Meir Rodkin for giving us an extra dose of Torah.
The Nazis conquered a small part of Great Britain during WW II - British islands off the coast of France known as the Channel Islands. They found three Jews there and sent them to Auschwitz, where they were killed.
Want more Jewish History?
Email Rabbi Eisen at
Through the Hillel Happenings, we try to provide our readers with a sense of the exciting, engaging, and meaningful work that happens at Hillel Academy. Chizuk, which is Hebrew for strength, is vital to Hillel Academy. This section, thanks to the weekly insights of Rabbi Brodie, is intended to give our readers a little extra strength. Click here to send us your feedback.
The Chofetz Chaim teaches something amazing. He tells that the soul needs nourishment in Olam Haba (the World to Come). The soul, which is eternal, needs an eternal nourishment. This is achieved now, through learning Torah and fulfilling Mitzvos. The Chofetz Chaim, therefore, encourages us to exert our best effort to learn and do mitzvos, not only that we not suffer eternal malnutrition, but even better, that we receive the maximum benefit in Olam Haba.
Want more chizuk? Email Rabbi Brodie at abrodie@hillelpgh.org
Syntactical Superheroes
The great minds behind Hillel Academy's exemplary English Department would like you to know: comma usage
Students are always confused about comma usage when listing items in a series.
The basic rule is: when listing 3 or more items in a series, use a comma between each item.
Students always want to know if the final comma- the one that comes before the conjunctions and, or, and nor is necessary.
Here's an example: Don't forget to pack sunscreen, sandals, and sunglasses for the class trip. The comma that comes before the conjunction is called a serial comma. Many argue whether or not it is necessary. Many book and newspaper publishers omit this comma, perhaps to save ink or space. As a result, many have come to think of the serial comma as optional. However, omitting this comma can cause confusion and ambiguity. So, unless you're writing for an editor that asks you to omit it, use it! For more on good grammar, please email sfinder@hillelpgh.org or etipton@hillelpgh.org.
Did You Know?
The 64th annual Hillel Academy Dinner is next week (we hope that you knew this already).
New Spring Line of Hillel Gear Available
Shira Day Camp
Yay! An extra week of day camp! Shira Day Camp is adding the week of June 27th - July 1st, making 7 weeks of awesomeness!! There's only a few days left to vote on a t-shirt color on the SDC blog:
http://shiraday camp.blogspot.com/
What was your favorite part of Shira Day Camp 2010?
Rachel Luzer - Color War!
Rachel Cohen - Balloon day!
Elisheva Unger - Color War!
Chana Kaminsky - Reily's Summer Seat Farm!
Nechama Rodkin - Kennywood!
Elisheva Rosenberg - Swimming!
More Reminders
U turns in front of the building are a No No and potentially very dangerous.
Help Hillel
Please donate new items to Hillel Academy's Silent Auction. It is never too early to donate, and now is a great time to get it out of your house. Please bring your tax deductible donations to Hillel Academy.
Don't have the time, or need an item picked up in the Pittsburgh area? Please contact Aviva Kelsey at 412-421-5589. Thank you in advance for your support!
Mazel Tov
Mrs. Carol Lederer on the birth of a granddaughter to alumnus Pam Lederer Helman and husband Michael
Mr. Joshua and Morah Sharon Ifrah on the marriage of their daughter Deana Michelle to Ezra David Weinblatt Mr. Barry Faigen and Mrs. Debra Eisner on the upcoming marriage of their son Seth to Leba Grussgott
Dr. Carey and Naomi Balaban on the birth of a granddaughter
Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Hadassa Kamensky on the bar mitzvah of their son Yechezkel Refuah Shleima
Mrs. Jackie Stein - Yetta Dina bas Rivka
Fayth Aronson - Faygie Devorah bas Shulamit
Would you like to share something with the Hillel Academy family?
If so, please email us at
Around Town
Bnos Melochim presents "Pathways of Protection" on Monday, May 30, 2011 at the Kollel starting at 7:30 PM, $10 admission $5 for students.
Women and girls are invited to join Israeli dancing at Hillel Academy. The costs are $3 for adults and $1 student. Beginners are welcome. Classes do not meet every week - please email pittsburgh.israeli.dance
Girls Oneg at PZ
Come join us for an hour of Shabbos afternoon fun! Oneg is for girls in Kindergarten through 8th grade at PZ from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm. Can't wait to see you there!
Interested in attending Shira Day Camp this summer?
If so, click "camp" for an application.
Check out Shira Day Camp's awesome blog
Who Wants an Awesome Kippah?
Mordy Brown Catering
Every Thursday night, Mordy Brown Catering will be selling pizza for $16.00 a pie. $1.00 of each sale will be donated to Hillel Academy. Help support our school! Click here for a menu and more details.
Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh Administration and Staff
Mr. Daniel J. Kraut Chief Executive Officer dkraut@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Avrumi Sacks Principal and Education Director asacks@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Elky Langer Assistant Principal GHS elanger@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Sam Weinberg Assistant Principal BHS sweinberg@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky Judaic Studies Coordinator Elementary/Middle School
Mrs. Deborah Oz-Halbritter General Studies Coordinator Elementary/Middle School doz@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Yikara Levari Administrator and Student Activities Coordinator ylevari@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Phyllis Harris Director of Support Services pharris@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Selma Aronson Executive Administrator saronson@hillelpgh.org
Ms. Hadar Glazer Administrative Assistant hglazer@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Adina Shayowitz Administrative Assistant ashayowitz@hillelpgh.org
Ms. Sarah Hartman Finance Manager finmgr@hillelpgh.org
Mr. Adam Reinherz Director of Community Relations areinherz@hillelpgh.org
Dvar Torah
Ben Kohane - 12th Grade
This week's parsha, parshat Bamidbar, describes how the twelve tribes journeyed in the Wilderness. The nation was divided into four groups, each consisting of three tribes.The leading group contained the tribes of Yehudah, Yissachar, and Zevulun. It is interesting to discuss why these three tribes were chosen to lead the rest of the nation for almost forty years. The tribe of Yehuda stood for leadership. Yehuda had proven himself when he stood up for Binyamin in the face of the viceroy of Egypt and his descendants were destined to become the kings of Israel, to lead the people. The tribe of Yissachar represented the study of Torah. According to Chazal, Yissachar's tribe possessed the scholars, the erudite, of the nation. The tribe of Zevulun were comprised of businessmen. They were merchants and salesmen who supported the students of Yissachar, so that the latter could continue learning, undisturbed by financial issues. One can easily see the reason why these three tribes were the members of the leading group. The traits of Yehudah, Yissachar, and Zevulun represent core Jewish values. Leadership, Torah study, and support of study are the most respected attributes a Jewish person can possess. Luckily, Hillel Academy provides some of the tools that are necessary in the development and cultivation of these traits within each and every one of us. From the options provided in leading extracurricular activities (see all the clubs we have), to the abundance of academic opportunities (see our participation in the PZ Purim Learning Project) and savvy real-world training (see Hillel High School Career Days), Hillel is a perfect place for aspiring leaders.
The Hillel Minute
With each section of the Hillel Happenings, we try to convey the excitement and energy that fills the classrooms and hallways of Hillel Academy. While we all know that Hillel Academy is the greatest school in the world, there are certain aspects of Hillel Academy that are largely unknown. In this section, titled "The Hillel Minute," we present a minute long video dedicated to a particular aspect of Hillel Academy. The objective of "The Hillel Minute" is to provide our readers/viewers an opportunity to enjoyably learn more about one component of Hillel Academy. If you would like to see something featured in an upcoming "Hillel Minute," please email hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org .
Click above to learn more about the 8th Grade Boys Trip to Washington, D.C.
Another Dvar Torah
Meir Rodkin - 6th Grade
In this week's Parsha, Parshas Bamidbar, the Torah says that the count of the Levi'im was 22,000. Next, the Torah tells us the sum of the Bechorim (firstborn males) was 22,273. Based on this, two major questions arise. First, if the sum of the Levi'im is 22,300, why does it say the total was 22,000? Second, if there were 22,273 Bechorim, how are they replaced by the Levi'im who were 22,000? The answer to the first question is that the extra 300 were both Levi'im and Bechorim and were able to redeem themselves. The answer to the second question is that Moshe made a raffle and the 273 Bechorim that picked a ticket labeled five shekel coins had to pay to redeem themselves. Even though the Levi'im/Bechorim did not sin, their group did, and therefore, they had to redeem themselves. We can learn from this that you must be concerned that you do not sin, and that others do not sin because it will ultimately affect you. From the second answer, you see that Moshe made a lottery because he did not want to have a dispute as to who would be required to pay for redemption. Here at Hillel Academy, we learn that one must care about fellow students and do as much as one can to prevent arguments. Have a wonderful shabbos!
Middle School Girls Hiking Club Update
6th Grade Girls
Three weeks ago, in the pouring rain, the Middle School Hiking Club began. The first hike was an enormous success. By the second hike, excitement grew even more, as almost all of the middle school girls were in attendance. It is unanimous; everyone loves the hiking club! The hiking club is a great way to get exercise while having fun. Exercise is also great for getting stress off your mind. It is also fun spending time with friends, especially in the peaceful forest.
On our most recent hike, led by Mrs. Kirk, our fearless leader, we walked 3 miles! We are fortunate enough to have gotten a sponsor to buy our middle school girls hiking t-shirts, and we want to wear them as much as possible. We decided to petition Rabbi Sacks to let us wear them on Tuesdays, the day of our hikes, so that people would be aware of what an awesome club we have. After much discussion, he finally agreed. So, for the next three Tuesdays left in the year, you will see us, the sixth and seventh grade girls, proudly wearing our shirts. And yes, we would rather be hiking! |
Please remember that if your normal dismissal arrangements change, please notify the office by noon of that day, by phone or email.
Flat Kindergarten Travels the World
We have recently read a read-a-loud story, our first Chapter Book in Kindergarten, called Flat Stanley. It is about a boy, who becomes flat, and his adventures. One of his adventures involves mailing himself to California! We made flat versions of ourselves to see how far away each flat child could be mailed. Our Flat Kindergarten is currently in the mail, each traveling to a different undisclosed location. Even I won't know where they have gone until they come back! The children are choosing their own destination with their families! We will update you, and let you know all of the wonderful places our Flat Kindergarten travels. In the meantime, please check out our "Flat Kindergarten" bulletin board in the main hallway. We made a Flat Self to share with our Hillel friends too! |
What better way to publicize the Flat Kindergarten project than with a flat bulletin board?
6th Grade Gemara Update
Michael Sohnen - 6th Grade
In my 6th grade Gemara shiur, we are learning the sugyah (topic) of Elu Metzios. We find that the halacha (law) regarding an item found in a garbage dump depends upon how that item appears. Specifically, the appearance of the object indicates to the finder what might have happened. For instance, if the object is discovered covered, then it appears that the owner hid the object and will return to retrieve it. Conversely, if the object is uncovered, then it probably fell. The main chidush (new idea) is that when a hidden item is about to be destroyed, you are obligated to publicize it.
From this we learn that not everything that is found in an odd place is a lost item. Rather, we must be careful to check whether the owner might retrun to retrieve his item. Have a wonderful shabbos and please feel free to stop me on the street and discuss this topic further. Thanks. |
Look what we found, another happy Hillel Academy student.
Lag B'Omer Nursery Style
Morah Leah - lbrown@hillelpgh.org Morah Devorah - dkohanbash@hillelpgh.org
The Nursery celebrated Lag B'Omer with Ahavas Yisrael (love of Israel). First, the children learned about outside safety, by listening to stories and engaging in an interactive safety book. The children graduated safety school by receiving a driver's license and a key to their shiny new car. Each child decorated his or her own boxcar with the help of a buddy. The students painted the car and then decorated it with various pictures. Next, the children had a car parade outside, using traffic light signals and safety signs. Finally, the children shared in an Ahavas Yisrael picnic lunch of hot dogs, corn, watermelon, and love!
"Look at us, we can drive (safely, thanks to Hillel Academy)."
Intramural Hockey Update
Boaz Bachrach - 5th Grade
Game one of the Intramural Hockey Playoffs saw the Fairy Princess against theThunderbolts. The winner would play in the Hillel Cup, May 31st. The heavy favorites, the Fairies Princesses, made a big change in goal. Instead of Dan Nimchinsky, (8th grade) Ezra Kraut (6th grade) was given the net minder position. At the end of the first period, the score was 2-0 Fairies. But it went downhill from there. Evan Jacobs, 7th grade, was an unstoppable force, scoring four goals in a row - a playoff record! To put the cherry on the cake, Yitzchok Grossberg (5th grade) scored to make the final score 5-2. Congratulation Thunderbolts! The three stars of the game were Evan Jacobs, Yaakov Posin, and Boaz Bachrach. Hope to see you at the Hillel Cup.
In game two of the HIHL, the Bobcats took on the Fountain of Youth. With a battle cry, "Miracles Do Happen," the game quickly got to 6-3. It appeared that the the Youth had a chance thanks to Tuvia Jacob's, (5th grade) three goals in the first period. But things quickly went south from there. Jacob Wiesenfeld, native Canadian, showed his true colors by scoring nine goals, despite Yosef Cohen-Melamed (5th grade) saving 83 shots. Ben Unger (7th grade) added five goals of his own to make the score a whopping blowout, 14-3. The three stars of the game were Jacob Wiesenfeld, Ben Unger, and Tuvia Jacobs. See you at the Hillel Cup!
The Hillel Grid
This week, The Hillel Grid probed the minds of Hillel Academy hockey players. Check out the great things that Hillel Academy students said by reading below.
Students in the Mix
How do you prepare for such a big game?
Which NHL player do you model your style of play after?
After winning, what is the first thing that you are going to do?
Ben Ungar
7th - Bobcats
I get everyone from the team to go to the gym
All of them
Hug Jacob
Moshe Luzer
5th - Bobcats
Practice with my brother; he's good
Jordan Staal
(Pittsburgh Penguins)
Jump for joy!
Boaz Bachrach
5th - Tbolts
I eat 24 baby carrots and do ten push-ups
Stevie Zimmerman (former Detroit Red Wings Captain)
and Marc Andre Fleury (Pittsburgh Penguins)
I will be going to Kennywood!
Yaakov Posin
8th - Tbolts
I practice and prep my players
I don't really model after anyone, I just do what I have to do
Scream and have fun
Efriam Marizan
4th - Tbolts
Practice and decide on a good strategy to beat the 'Cats
Alexander Ovechkin
(Washington Capitals)
Possibly buy pizza for the team!
Yaakov Brown
4th - Tbolts
I eat lots of food that is good for me and that gives me energy. Right before the game, I eat oranges and spalsh cold water on my face
I don't really follow the NHL
I will dance a victory dance
Hillel Gear Spotted Here
During the recent 8th Grade Boys Trip to Washington, D.C., Hillel Academy student Yaakov Posin was spotted admiring the rotors of a Sikorsky UH-34D Seahorse. Way to go Yaakov!
After showing up in Hillel Gear, Yaakov managed to get a giant "YP" on the chopper. When you're good, you're good.
Hey, Hillel Happenings readers, we all know that Hillel nation extends well beyond Squirrel Hill. So here's our chance to prove it. Send a picture of yourself in Hillel gear (uniform, t-shirt, etc.) to hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org, and each week we'll select the best picture for inclusion in the Hillel Happenings.