Hillel Academy
of Pittsburgh
5685 Beacon Street
Pittsburgh, PA
P: (412) 521-8131
F: (412) 521-5150
May 13, 2011
9 Iyyar 5771
Candle Lighting: 8:08 pm
Havdalah: 9:09 pm
Parshat Behar
Dvar Torah
Why is Jordy Kraut holding a fire extinguisher?
Do you want to know another remedy to keep things cool? How about learning some Torah on a humid day? See for yourself, and keep things cool, by reading this week's Dvar Torah.
The name "Palestine" was given to the land of Israel by the 2nd Century Roman Emperor Hadrian. He named it after the ancient Philistines in order to sever the connection of the Jewish people to the land.
Want more Jewish History?
Email Rabbi Eisen at
Through the Hillel Happenings, we try to provide our readers with a sense of the exciting, engaging, and meaningful work that happens at Hillel Academy. Chizuk, which is Hebrew for strength, is vital to Hillel Academy. This section, thanks to the weekly insights of Rabbi Brodie, is intended to give our readers a little extra strength. Click here to send us your feedback.
Rashi's question at the beginning of the parsha has become classically famous. The question is, "מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני"? "Why does the Torah say "on Har Sinai" specifically in the context of the laws of shemitta, as opposed to other laws?" Rashi answers, "To teach us, just as the laws of shemitta were taught at Har Sinai in full detail, so too were all the laws of the Torah taught in full detail at Sinai."
I recently learned the enormous importance of Rashi's explanation. The Torah is telling us here that the entire body of the oral Torah was given by Hashem at Har Sinai. This knowledge strengthens our commitment to the Shulchan Aruch.
Want more chizuk? Email Rabbi Brodie at abrodie@hillelpgh.org
Syntactical Superheroes
The great minds behind Hillel Academy's exemplary English Department would like you to know:
To hyphenate or not hyphenate?
The phrase "years old" can be used in a few different ways: -As an adjective phrase (adjective follows the noun): My car is fourteen years old. -As a noun: The fourteen-year-olds are sitting in the third row.(the word children is implied) -As an adjective: This is a fourteen-year-old building.
So, the rules are: DO hyphenate, when you are using it as an adjective phrase that follows a noun. DO NOT hyphenate when you are using "years old" as a noun or adjective that precedes a noun.
For more on good grammar, please email sfinder@hillelpgh.org or etipton@hillelpgh.org.
Es Gezunterheyt!
As a special addition to the Hillel Happenings, we are pleased to feature the discriminating palate of fifth grader Boaz Bachrach.
Reflecting upon his glorious Pesach experience, Boaz shares with us his candid review of the holiday's primary staple, matzah:
The night after Pesach, after we had finished a long run of only eating matzah, I said to myself, "Self," because I call myself that, "what do I eat? Should I eat machine matzah or hand made matzah?"
That evening I decided to eat hand made matzah; but now that Pesach is over, I prefer challah.
Teacher Feature
Morah Sharon loves a good plate of ribs. Reb Shaw does too; however, he also likes to visit the farm to discover the origins of each of his meals.
For more details regarding Hillel Academy's talented teachers, please read this week's interview.
Did You Know?
Marc Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks (the NBA team that recently defeated the Los Angeles Lakers in a four game sweep) attended Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh as a student.
New Spring Line of Hillel Gear Available
Shira Day Camp
Yay! An extra week of day camp! Shira Day Camp is adding the week of June 27th - July 1st, making 7 weeks of awesomeness!! There's only a few days left to vote on a t-shirt color on the SDC blog:
http://shiraday camp.blogspot.com/
What was your favorite part of Shira Day Camp 2010?
Rachel Luzer - Color War!
Rachel Cohen - Balloon day!
Elisheva Unger - Color War!
Chana Kaminsky - Reily's Summer Seat Farm!
Nechama Rodkin - Kennywood!
Elisheva Rosenberg - Swimming!
More Reminders
U turns in front of the building are a No No and potentially very dangerous.
Help Hillel
Please donate new items to Hillel Academy's Silent Auction. It is never too early to donate, and now is a great time to get it out of your house. Please bring your tax deductible donations to Hillel Academy.
Don't have the time, or need an item picked up in the Pittsburgh area? Please contact Aviva Kelsey at 412-421-5589. Thank you in advance for your support!
Mazel Tov
Carolyn and Stanley Greenfield on the birth of a grandson to Eric and Liz Greenfield
Mazel Tov to Alumni Eric Greenfield and Liz Greenfield on the birth of a son
The fourth grade on finishing Sefer Bereishis
The fourth grade boys on finishing Mesechta Sukka
Refuah Shleima
Mrs. Jackie Stein - Yetta Dina bas Rivka
Would you like to share something with the Hillel Academy family?
If so, please email us at
Around Town
Community Wide Lag B'Omer Carnival and Bonfire at Community Day School on Sunday, May 22nd from 12-3 pm. Everyone is invited to attend. There will also be a parade starting at the corner of Yeshiva Schools, at 11 am, on the corner of Wightman and Hobart. Everyone is also invited to attend.
NCSY Lag B'Omer Bonfire at Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh on Motzei Shabbos, May 21st, at 10:00 pm. Food will be available for purchase.
NCSY Spring Regional Convention is for grades 8-12, and will occur May 27th-30th. For more information please visit www.ncsyce.com
Girls Oneg at PZ
Come join us for an hour of Shabbos afternoon fun! Oneg is for girls in Kindergarten through 8th grade at PZ from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm. Can't wait to see you there!
No snif this week due to high school retreat.
Next week, Shabbat, 4:30 at Shaare Torah!
Upcoming movie nights for Chevraya Aleph Boys and Girls!
Interested in attending Shira Day Camp this summer?
If so, click "camp" for an application.
Check out Shira Day Camp's awesome blog
Who Wants an Awesome Kippah?
Mordy Brown Catering
Every Thursday night, Mordy Brown Catering will be selling pizza for $16.00 a pie. $1.00 of each sale will be donated to Hillel Academy. Help support our school! Click here for a menu and more details.
Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh Administration and Staff
Mr. Daniel J. Kraut Chief Executive Officer dkraut@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Avrumi Sacks Principal and Education Director asacks@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Elky Langer Assistant Principal GHS elanger@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Sam Weinberg Assistant Principal BHS sweinberg@hillelpgh.org
Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky Judaic Studies Coordinator Elementary/Middle School
Mrs. Deborah Oz-Halbritter General Studies Coordinator Elementary/Middle School doz@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Yikara Levari Administrator and Student Activities Coordinator ylevari@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Phyllis Harris Director of Support Services pharris@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Selma Aronson Executive Administrator saronson@hillelpgh.org
Ms. Hadar Glazer Administrative Assistant hglazer@hillelpgh.org
Mrs. Adina Shayowitz Administrative Assistant ashayowitz@hillelpgh.org
Ms. Sarah Hartman Finance Manager finmgr@hillelpgh.org
Mr. Adam Reinherz Director of Community Relations areinherz@hillelpgh.org
Dvar Torah
Zev Kraut - 8th Grade
Paraphrased Dvar Torah given by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Green
"One should not overcharge his brothers."
Vayikra: Parshat Behar: 25:14
The land of Eretz Yisrael was originally divided into twelve parts, one for each of the twelve tribes. Therefore, even when land is sold it still truly belongs to that tribe. So, every fifty years, in Prophetical times (when there are nevi'im), we have yovel (the jubilee year), where all land is given back to its original ancestral owners. In this context, the Torah explains that a man may not overcharge his fellow. The Gemara in Tamid discusses how one should live life. One opinion is that one should practice his faith to the extreme. However, Rashi says, one should do business faithfully and not cheat people. The Slonimer Rebbe points out the difficulty of this statement. The laws pertaining to conducting business faithfully and not cheating come directly from the Torah. Also, doing business faithfully and not cheating are redundant because doing business faithfully includes not cheating. The Slonimer Rebbe explains that there are some character traits that are appropriate at some times, but inappropriate at other times. One example of this is jealousy. Jealousy is only good if it motivates one to learn Torah or do kindness. It is bad, if it motivates one towards hatred or bitterness. Truth and faith, however, are always good.
The following story happened to Rav Safra and is an example of truth. Rav Safra was reciting Shema when a man came to buy an item from him. Rav Safra was not able to speak during Shema, but the man was clueless of that fact. When Rav Safra did not answer his first offer, he raised his offer. When Rav Safra completed the Shema, he told the man that he would sell it for the original offer. One should strive for this type of truth. The Be'er Moshe says, "One may think that if he is dishonest in business he will make profit. However, The Almighty determines how much money he will receive. Once one has accepted that, he knows that he won't make more than he is supposed to whether he cheats or not. Accordingly, doing business faithfully and honestly is not just a Torah law, it is a way of life that shows trust in the Almighty.
Good Shabbos!
The Hillel Minute
With each section of the Hillel Happenings, we try to convey the excitement and energy that fills the classrooms and hallways of Hillel Academy. While we all know that Hillel Academy is the greatest school in the world, there are certain aspects of Hillel Academy that are largely unknown. In this section, titled "The Hillel Minute," we present a minute long video dedicated to a particular aspect of Hillel Academy. The objective of "The Hillel Minute" is to provide our readers/viewers an opportunity to enjoyably learn more about one component of Hillel Academy. If you would like to see something featured in an upcoming "Hillel Minute," please email hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org .
Please click above to learn more about Yom Ha'atzmaut at Hillel Academy.
Please remember that if your normal dismissal arrangements change, please notify the office by noon of that day, by phone or email.
Volcanic Lessons Excite
Mrs. Lederer - clederer@hillelpgh.org
The Third Grade recently studied about various matters pertaining to Pompeii, Italy. Over the course of our study, we discussed life in ancient Pompeii, why a volcano erupts, and what happens when gases, ash, and lava fall upon a city. The students learned that archeologists have been slowly and carefully unearthing Pompeii and finding remains of an ancient life. The students saw that some of these remains were mosaics used in pictures on floors. The class also saw a mosaic from an ancient temple floor, which was discovered on a kibbutz in northern Israel. Afterward, we created our own mosaics and discovered how how much skill is involved in creating this form of art.
Mrs. Lederer is seen explaining the principles of volcanic eruptions.
Hiking Club Reaches New Heights
"One day during dismissal," recounted Mrs. Kirk, "we came up with an idea that seemed like a long shot, a Hillel Girls Hiking club." Sure enough, a few weeks ago six girls, in grades 6 and 7, braved the cold and rain to follow their fearless leader, Mrs. Kirk through scenic Schenley Park. Mrs. Kirk is a competitive hiker, often hiking for hours on end at speeds most people could not even run. The students enjoyed themselves so much that they could not wait until the following Tuesday. Much to our suprise, when the following Tuesday came, two more girls joined the hiking club, bringing the total to eight. With their water bottles in hand, the group worked hard to complete the hike. "They were exhausted after this one. Last week was a walk in the park; I really brought it this time. I hope we don't lose any from the club," remarked Mrs. Kirk. Upon returning to school, the girls were asked for comments about their hike. The group remarked in unison, "We'd rather be hiking!"
Members of the Hillel Academy Girls Hiking Club are seen here (wherever in Schenley "here" is).
Sixth Grade Gemara Update
Michael Sohnen - 6th Grade
In my sixth grade Gemara Shiur (class), we are in the midst of learning the sugyah (section) of Alu Metzios. This sugyah discusses finding and retuning lost objects. According to what I have learned thus far, when a person finds an object with a siman, (distinguishable sign), he must announce it. For example, if a person on his way to work finds a basket of fruit, what could be a possible siman for this item? A possible siman could be the makom (the place where the finder found the item). Having said that makom is where the finder found it, the Mishna we are currently studying in class explains makom in a different manner. The Mishna explains that the makom discussed above is not necessarily a siman, but rather a level of protection that changes the halacha completely. It discusses a place which is completely protected and a place which is not completely protected. The reason the level of protection is significant is because the owner might return to take the item if there is the certain level of protection that's required. However, if there is a siman, there is a chance that it fell there; thereby forcing you to announce it. This halacha only applies to a partially protected place. The Mishna states, "If you find pigeons next to a wooden fence or a brick wall (which is partially protected) you may not touch them. If you find something covered in a garbage dump, which is fully protected, you may not touch it either." We assume that the owner put it there, and if you take and announce it, it will be a loss to the owner, because he hadn't put a siman on it.
In conclusion, if the item is in a partially protected place, and it doesn't have a siman, you may not touch it. This is because the owner didn't suspect that someone would take it, and he didn't put a siman on it. Ergo, it would be a loss to him. If the object has a siman, it could have fallen, and you would have to return it. If the object is fully protected, it was obviously put there, and you may not touch it siman or no siman.
Michael Sohnen is seen refueling for Torah study in the Hillel Academy Cafeteria.
State Representative Visits Hillel Academy
Leora Posin - Girls High School, 11th Grade
The high school girls had the privilege of hearing State Representative Dan Frankel speak last week. Mr. Frankel discussed Pennyslvania's budget plan and explained how it would impact our school and education. After giving a detailed and interesting speech, State Representative Frankel took the time to answer all of our questions. "It was incredible," said Tamar Skaist. "I was glad State Representative Frankel stayed and had the time to inform us of the state's plan. It was very interesting," commented Sossie Brown. State Representative Frankel's visit came at a time when the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is considering its stance on EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credits). Mr. Frankel's visit to Hillel Academy enabled him to see firsthand the exceptional educational efforts undertaken by students at Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh. Our thanks again to State Representative Dan Frankel for sharing so much time and expertise with us.
State Rep. Dan Frankel is seen here with members of the Hillel Academy GHS in the Pfeffer Beis Medrash.
Book Blast 2011
Ms. Oz - doz@hillelpgh.org
BOOK BLAST 2011 was another booming success! Hillel students could not wait to find out who this year's readers would be, since it was such a well-kept secret! They were anxious to begin their adventures with each of the special readers-seniors from our own Girls' High School! The students in grades K-6 were delighted when they realized they would have an opportunity to read with Dina Biton, Chasya Cowen, Leah Fuhrman, Talia Landerman, Rosie Lauer, Gitty Sussman, Libby Stein and Rachel Wiesenfeld. In addition, Mrs. Dorsey, Ms. Morris, Mrs. Levari, Mrs. Berelowitz, Mrs. Lederer, and Mr. Werber also joined the reading ranks.
The students and our guest readers embarked on an exciting journey into the magnificent world of books! The sixth grade boys and girls served as gracious chaperones to kindergarten, first and second grade students as each group wound their way around the lunchroom, following the colorful floor tape which led them to each reader. Some students wore costumes reflecting their favorite books, and many wore their slippers while gliding from reader to reader on their magic carpets. In addition, students and teachers alike wore beautifully decorated crowns to complement this year's theme, REGAL READERS!
The centerpiece for this year's event was an elaborate gold crown, made by Mrs. Lederer, surrounded by rice crispy bookworm treats that the students enjoyed at the end of the blast.
After the guest readers were finished reading to each class, everyone gathered together to sing The Grand Old Duke of York, with a Book Blast twist, thanks to Sir Reginald of Reading, this year's mascot.
Next the winners of the Bookmark Contest were announced and prizes awarded. The winners were Bluma Rodkin, (1st grade), Leah Joshowitz, (6th grade) and Adina Morgan (3rd grade). The judges had a difficult time choosing winners because there were so many spectacular bookmarks this year. Every student who participated should be proud of his/her work.
Each teacher involved in this spectacular event is to be commended for their tireless dedication to the project. The many jobs tackled by everyone are too numerous to list!! Special thanks, however, to Mr. Steve Werber for being this year's mascot, Sir Reginald of Reading , and to Mrs. Berelowitz, Morah Chana, Mrs. Greenberger and the 6th grade girls for making the book worm treats, and Mrs. Kirk and the 6th grade girls for the creation of the Regal Readers banner.
Book Blast has been an integral part of the elementary program for over ten years and we look forward to next year's extravaganza! We already have our theme selected-but we won't reveal it until next year!!! You'll just have to wait and see.....
Hillel Academy students and teachers unite through Book Blast 2011.
Intramural Floor Hockey League Update
Boaz Bachrach - 5th Grade
In week two action of the HIHL, Tuesday's first game featured the Fairy Princesses against the Fountain of Youth. The game started off with a bang as the Fairy Princesses got on the board with a goal from 4th grader, Isaac Brown, his first of the season. Moshe Wasserman, 5th grade, tied the game at one, his fifth goal of the season; this is how the period ended, tied at one. The second period ended with a tie as well, 2-2. The third period began with Ezra Kraut scoring. It appeared as if the Fountain of Youth would earn their first win of the short season, when Ezra Kraut (6th grade) netted his fourth goal of the season to tie the game at 4 with two minutes to go. The game was tense, and just got tenser, as the final whistle blew and Mr. Peters announced a five minute sudden death overtime period. The overtime period rolled along with both goalies, Yosef Cohen Melamed (5th grade, Fountain of Youth) and Daniel Nimchinsky (8th grade, Fairy Princesses) keeping their teams alive. But, just as it seemed the game would go into a shootout, sharpshooter, Akiva Skaist, 6th grade, came down the middle of the floor with 20 seconds to go in OT and wristed a shot right through the five-hole to win the game for his team, the Fairy Princesses. The final score was 5-4, and the three stars of the game were: Captain Akiva Skaist, Ezra Kraut, and Moshe Wasserman.
Game two, on Thursday, saw the Thunderbolts versus the Bobcats. The Thunderbolts began the game on a power-play, due to one of the opposing players neglecting to bring his jersey to the game. Although they were unable to score at first, 7th grader Ben Unger scored a short handed goal to make the score 1-0. In the first two periods, the Bobcats seemed as if they would run away with the game, as the score was 5-1 in their favor heading into the third period. Midway through the third, team captain and 8th grader, Yaakov Posin called a timeout to regroup his team and attempt to motivate them for the final five minutes. During that timeout, one of the Bobcat players had to leave, which put them short-handed for the remainder of the game. Posin did his part by coming up with key saves. Jacob Wiesenfeld did as well, until that motivation speech from Posin. Evan Jacobs, 7th grader, got his second and third goals of the season, which made the game interesting. However, much to Posin's dismay, Ben Unger and his team held off the Thunderbolt surge for their second win of the season, with a final score of 5-3. The three stars of the game were: Jacob Wiesenfeld, Ben Unger, and Yaacov Posin.
Stay tuned for week three action.
Interview with Morah Sharon
Perhaps with the arrival of Yom Ha'atzmaut, perhaps due to the fact that she's a star in the Isadore Joshowitz Early Childhood Center, reader interest in Morah Sharon surged this past week. Following a series of emails requesting an interview with this talented teacher, Reb Shaw sat down to learn more about Morah Sharon. Over the course of their conversation, Reb Shaw and Morah Sharon discussed stickers, Israeli cuisine, and Google Docs (how could any interview not include this). For the benefit of our readers, excerpts of this conversation have been reproduced below:
Reb Shaw: Hey, Morah Sharon, thanks so much for meeting with me. How long have you worked at Hillel Academy?
Morah Sharon: This is my first year working at Hillel Academy. Reb Shaw: Google Docs have been transformative for our school. Equally instrumental in the health and well being of those around is the fact that, as of May 10th, the Buccos are a game over .500 for the first time in a while. How could things at Hillel Academy get any better? Morah Sharon: We could have an endless supply of glue sticks.
Reb Shaw: Early childhood teachers love "circle" time. Throughout my years of education, I've spent considerable time with shapes. Why doesn't the triangle get more love?
Morah Sharon: It is hard to love something that pokes you every time you try to embrace it.
Reb Shaw: Which seat is least desirable on a flight to Israel: the middle seat of a five passenger row, or an aisle seat without a TV or air conditioning? Morah Sharon: This is a hard one. I would say the aisle seat. At this stage of my life I need air conditioning.
Reb Shaw: Squirrel Hill Trivia (because our readers love this stuff): If you walked from Murray and Forward to Murray and Forbes, how many places could you get your hair cut?
Morah Sharon: I walk that route quite often. I'll give you my answer tomorrow after I've walked it one more time.
Reb Shaw: This past week featured a delicious meal celebrating Yom Haatzmaut. It was fantastic, but who's got more credibility, an American making falafel or an Israeli cooking a hot dog?
Morah Sharon: An American making falafel definitely. Have you ever tasted Israeli hot dogs? Anyway, an American can always buy falafel mix.
Reb Shaw: What's the best part about Google Apps for education?
Morah Sharon: Sign out.
Reb Shaw: Everyone loves our weekly Oneg, partially because of the amazing student solos. If we could bring in a big name to sing with Rabbi Sacks, who's your pick? Morah Sharon: Shwekey.
Reb Shaw: What's your hope for each of your students? Morah Sharon: I see that each one of my students is already a person of quality. I hope they use their talents to contribute something to others which will in turn give them true happiness. I hope that they continue to learn Torah and appreciate the gifts Hashem has given them and find comfort in Torah when they need it.
Reb Shaw: Through a strange set of circumstances, I came up with 15,000 Mr. Yuk stickers. Any ideas? Morah Sharon: Put them on any media outlet which encourages false ideals of self-image and encourages children to grow up too fast.
Morah Sharon is seen with happy Hillel Academy students.
The Hillel Grid
This week, Leora Kelsey, guest columnist for the The Hillel Happenings, sat down with students from Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh (who are of course the brightest, wittiest, talented students in the world). Take a look at what our students have to say.
Students in the Mix
What motivates you to succeed at Hillel Academy?
How many games over .500 will the Buccos be when school lets out in June?
What is the most interesting thing you learned in Navi this year?
Asher Sohnen
Two games over
Shimshon's riddle of lion and the honey
Moshe Wasserman 5th
To try to skip a grade
10 games over and Rayna Domit will have ten home-runs by then
Even though Shimshon's eyes were gouged out, he still pulled down the pillars
Ben Kohane
Success is the only option
32 games, you have to be optimistic
The transfer of power from Dovid to Shlomo
Aaron Kraut
My wonderful parents and teachers
Five more good games
I didn't learn Navi yet
Yoni Cohen-Melamed
Getting into a good college and getting a good job
Ten more times by then
The building of the Bais Hamikdash
Jack Sacks
The teachers
Four and second in the division
Devorah's palm tree
Nate Itskowitz
Because I love my parents
Not sure, why?
What did you just say?
Do you want to see someone/something featured in an upcoming grid? Email The Hillel Happenings at hillelhappenings@hilellpgh.org and let us know.
Hillel Gear Spotted Here
Over the recent break, Chef Brown traveled to Phoenix, Arizona to lend his masterful culinary services to countless Pesach observant vacationers. While it is certain that the Pesach program participants enjoyed a delicious cuisine, they also benefited immensely by observing some incredible Hillel gear. Way to go Chef Brown!
| First, Pesach hotels. Next, Iron Chef America. |
Hey, Hillel Happenings readers, we all know that Hillel nation extends well beyond Squirrel Hill. So here's our chance to prove it. Send a picture of yourself in Hillel gear (uniform, t-shirt, etc.) to hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org, and each week we'll select the best picture for inclusion in the Hillel Happenings.