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Calendar of Events
Community Outreach
Classroom Classifieds
Walk Through thre Grades
Sharkey's Monday Lunches
Journey School CSA Program is here!
Calendar of Events
Friday Morning Assemblies
9:00 AM

 Journey School
CSA Program is here!
Order Your VEGGIE SOUP & PRODUCE BASKET today! Delivered to Journey
School on Wednesdays just for you! For more info, click here.
CLICK HERE to order and pay online! 

All School Work Party
Sunday, October 24
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
click here for details

Parent - Teacher Conferences
continue until 11/1

Garden/Ecology Group
1st Tues. of the month
Next meeting:
Tuesday, November 2
8:35 AM

Friends in the Garden
Join us each Tuesday
at drop-off

Head, Heart & Hands
Select Wednesdays from 9:00-11:00 AM

Parent Book Club
Tuesdays 8:30-9:30 AM
Parent Cottage
click for more info

Jamba Juice
12:30 PM

Recycle Thursdays
click for more info

Lantern Walk
November 10
Details TBA

Click here for our Calendar of Events!

Journey School is committed to providing professional and enriching after-care options for our students.

If there is an after-care program that you would like to bring to Journey School, please
email us.

Our current after-care options include:

JS Orchestra
5th-8th Grade
Thursdays 3-4:00 PM
Click here for info.

Chess with Mr. M
4th-8th Grade
Thurdays 3:15-5:15 PM
Click here for info.

Basketball with Coach Beez
3:00 - 4:00 PM
Click here for info.

Handwork/Craft Class
with Holly Johnson
12:30 - 3:00 PM
Click here for info.

Gardening - Earthroots
Thursdays for K-8
Click here for info.

Kindy Care
Little Acorns
M, Tu, Th, F
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Click here for info.

with Sandy Reid
Click here for Sandy's website.

 Guitar Lessons with
Billy Alexander
 Click here for more info.

Circus Arts
Joy Halverson teaches balance, teamwork, and coordination. Click here for more info.

Homework Help
Support student success in a variety of subjects.
Instructor: TBA

Community Outreach 
The International Rescue Committee

The IRC responds to the world�s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries and in 22 U.S. cities, the IRC restores safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure.  For more information on the IRC click here or to donate click here.

**PLEASE NOTE** This section of the newsletter is intended to promote awareness within our community of our wider world. JS does not intend this as a solicitation or official endorsement, but rather as a source of information and as a reminder that even the smallest of actions can make a difference. All JS community members are welcome to submit information to this section by emailing

Classroom Classifieds
Parents please check the lost and found located in front of the office for jackets, lunch boxes, water bottles, food containers, shoes, etc.

HELP NEEDED to organize the lost & found (check for names on items, empty lunch boxes). Please contact Shoon if you can help.

FOUND: a gold, Marine ring w/ USMC engraved on top and bottom and "Semper Fidelis" engraved inside. Please see Shoon in the front office for information.

MUSIC PROGRAM is requesting grant writers and donations including hand percussion instruments, chime bars and glockenspiels. For info, click here.

VIOLIN PARENT HELPERS NEEDED! Ms. Poth needs two helpers on Tues/Thurs from 11:45-12:35. Please email email Diana if you can help one or both days!

CIRCUS ARTS is in need of a shed. To donate, click here.

About Us
Journey Logo
School Website

Enrollment Info



Good Things Are Happening!
October 29, 2010

Dear Journey School Friends and Families,

When I'm not too busy chasing after kids or causing trouble in the front office, one of my favorite pastimes is reading historical biographies. This week, Thomas Edison and I crossed paths. Did you know that over the course of his career Edison was issued 1,093 patents? His impressive list of inventions include: The electric light bulb, the storage battery, the motion picture, the electric generator, the sound microphone, the phonograph, and electric power generation. How's that for leaving a legacy?
lightbulb 2

But, what impressed me most about Edison was not his science. Rather, it was his passion for teamwork. In spite of popular mythology, Edison was not a "lone tinkerer" working on inventions in a small workshop in isolation. Rather, Edison constantly collaborated with a large team of scientists on every invention. He did not go at it alone! Edison understood that the path to success is through teamwork and tenacity. He empowered those around him, and embraced their errors as opportunities for growth. In fact, 10,000 mistakes were made before his team illuminated our lives with the light bulb!


Teamwork at Journey
As Journey School's Administrator, I am so grateful to the many committed people pulling together behind the scenes to ensure our Waldorf-inspired "project" is a resounding success. Consider these examples of effective teamwork:

  • Over 40 families, students, staff, and community members pitched in to beautify campus on yet another Sunday--check out the photos below!
  • Teachers are meeting with every family to focus on the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs of each child in the school. Thank you so much for honoring these crucial conversations.
  • Teachers continue to support one another every day by exchanging best teaching practices and tips so your children truly thrive.
  • Parents continue to invest hundreds of volunteer hours on the playgrounds, in the classrooms, on committees, and as we gear-up for fabulous fall festivals!
  • And, the Journey School Council continues to make supportive decisions that empower teachers--including Waldorf-certification training opportunities.

Work Day 10.23.10

Work Day

Work Day

Work Day


Thank you all so much for your contributions. Although we may not yet have it all together, together we really do have it all!


Onwards and Upwards!

Shaheer Faltas
School Administrator

HF Community email 10.27.10

Enrollment, Classroom Walkthroughs and Attendance



  • Enrollment demand continues to rise!
  • Nearly every class is entirely full!
  • Signficant wait lists are building--a clear sign of overall school improvement.


  • Families representing more than 50 prospective students are already participating in weekly classroom walkthroughs.
  • In fact, due to very high demand, we have happily added two additional dates for our "Walk Through the Grades" tours.
  • Please RSVP soon, as the tours fill quickly:
    • November 3, 2010
    • December 8, 2010
  • The tours begin at 9:00 AM sharp and runs until 10:30 AM.
  • All other tour dates listed in previous newsletters are full.
  • We will continue to schedule additional tours after January 1, 2011.


  • Finally, attendance for Month 1 was nearly 97%. This is good!
  • Attendance for Month 2 -- which closed yesterday (Oct. 28) was 95%.
  • We need to be at 98% for Month 3!
  • If your child is ill, keep him or her home.
  • Otherwise, please send your child to school.
  • Do not take vacations on school days!

Journey's Garden/Ecology Group
Lend a Hand! We need you help next week to distribute mulch through out the gardens and outdoor theatre space.

Parents... you're invited to come with your children THIS weekend as well as next week to help spread the mulch. No garden experience needed and all ages are welcome! Just use a shovel, a rake and maybe a wheel barrel and spread the mulch in the garden. Mulch will be delivered today, Friday, Oct. 29.

If you'd like to help with the wattle fence, contact Monica Andersen at Harvest Day is Wednesday, Nov. 3 and Weaving Fence Days are Thursday and Friday, Nov. 4 and 5. We're working hard to get our garden looking good for the Harvest Faire.

Garden Pic 10.29.10

Thank you everyone for an awesome work day! And, a big thank you to Erik, master gardener for your time and the donated fruit trees! RecycleThursdays

For information contact Michelle at

ad Sharkys Flyer Nov

Click here to download order form
CSA VRGF Soup flierCSA
HHH Flyer OctNov 2010

After-CareInfoJourney School After-Care
HandworkHandwork flyer NovDec 2010
LittleAcornsLittle Acorns Flyer Revise 4

Chess picJourney Chess & Puzzle Club by Mr. M (Roger Manderscheid -- California Credentialed teacher) 714-549-2898

Who:4th - 8th grade Journey School students

What:Learning and improving chess playing skills, classical games ( Backgammon, Cribbage, Yatzee, etc.), puzzles (Tangrams, Pentominoes, Soma cube, etc.), and magic tricks.

Where:Journey School lunch tables (first meeting - room TBA)

When:Thursdays, 3:15-5:15 (may leave early)

1) fun
2) explore, discover, learn, and share
3) develop good sportsmanship
4) develop non-electronic motor & dexterity skills

How much?
First Meeting is free, monthly fee TBA (it will be reasonable and fair) ChessFlier
BasketballBasketball Flyer Fall 2010
GUITAR pilot program with Billy Alexander

WHEN? Tuesday/Thursday afternoons from 3 to 4pm.
WHERE? In the music room
WHO? Five students per class only

? The focus of the program is to advance guitar playing skills in rock, pop, blues, etc. and develop songwriting skills.

Due to high demand, in addition to our Tuesday class, the after school guitar program will also be offered on Thursdays from 3 to 4. Space is limited to only 5 students on a first come, first served basis. Tuition is $80 per month.

Contact Billy Alexander for more information at:
(949) 295-0513 or

EarthrootsEarthroots KINDY Fall 2010 flier
Sandy Art Flier 03