Do one thing ...
| I recently read a blog from a friend of mine, entitled 'do one thing'. it was an inspiring view point making changes in your life one thing at a time. This really hit the nail on the head for me. So many people try to change their life around in one go and decide to stop smoking, start exercising and go on a diet all at one. For most, this is going straight to failure.... Why not take it one step at a time instead, and each week, do one thing. Eg, this week, drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning. The following week, take the stairs up in the mall, instead of the escalators. No exceptions. The week after, force yourself to do 5 or 10 tricep dips against your bathtub every time your go to the bathroom ! Set yourself little challenges every week and enjoy ticking the boxes each day... it won't be long until you have trained your mind to overcome obstacles and will be ready for bigger challenges ! Do one thing.... one thing at a time....
Update on classes
As we enjoy the last few weeks of lovely weather before we get hit by the Dubai heat, we thought we would update you on our plans for the forthcoming months:
Urban Prenatal and Storkfit daytime classes will be the first classes to move indoors, most likely mid to end of April.
Soon to follow will be the evening classes.
Sometimes during the month of May, daytime boost, Boost light and Kick will also move indoors.
In June, we will move all other classes, including evening classes indoors for the whole summer.
We had a great experience with Star International school last summer and we are hoping to be able to run our classes from their premises in Umm Suqueim again. We will let you know when we have finalised details. In the meantime, please do check on our website for any changes. |
Dear Urban Enthusiast,
We love the month of March. Glorious weather, loads of sporting action, It's the concert season, the time for barbecues, camping , parties in the parks and on the beach. There a great vibe about the month ! We've certainly felt it. We are busier than ever and we are seeing some amazing results in our clients. There's only a few weeks left until the weather warms up again so we are taking advantage of all the good things Dubai has to offer... the Urban Energy of a town that doesn't want to rest.... We look forward to great Spring and an amazing summer and hope we continue to offer you health and fitness over the next few months !
Laurence & Amy
Emily's health & nutrition corner
|  It's tough work getting into a regular exercise routine, and once you're there it's difficult to take too much time off for fear of slipping back into old bad habits. So what happens when you wake up feeling under the weather? How do you decide that sticking to your routine and training anyway will do more harm than good? When you exercise, your body systems are put under considerably more stress than normal. Your heart rate and core temperature rise, your body starts to burn fuel faster than usual and you lose a lot of water through perspiration. When you are completely healthy, this stress can be dealt with and you are able to gain the fitness benefits you're after. When there is an infection or illness present however, the body is already working hard to clear the pathogens causing the problem. Adding extra stress on top of this (i.e training) can set you back even further in the long run. For example, core temperature will be higher than normal if you have a fever. If you exercise, your core temperature will rise even further and you run the risk of hyperthermia. Adequate hydration is very important in keeping core temperature regulated during this time, and as we know exercise causes an increased loss of water. Now, sometimes you just have to be honest with yourself, admit that you feel terrible and REST. But sometimes it's not so easy to gauge and I understand this predicament. A general rule of thumb to go by is "the neck check". If it's training day, you're not feeling 100% and the symptoms are above the neck - i.e. slight headache, sniffles, scratchy throat - it may be OK to do some light exercise. Sometimes, the old saying "sweating out a cold" does apply, and a light jog or brisk walk can help to shake a headache or the sniffles, but usually only when the symptoms are very light. Start off with an easy warm-up for 10 minutes and then stop. If you're feeling worse I would recommend that you take the day off. If you're feeling good, feel free to continue your session but take it easy. If the symptoms you're feeling are below the neck - fever, coughing, stomach cramps and/or achey muscles - rest. It's better to take a couple of days off to fully recover now then to push yourself through training when you're not as strong as usual, cause yourself injury and prolong or worsen sickness. Being fit and healthy isn't just about going to Run Club or joining Boost class or Storkfit, it's about looking after your body and having a good balance of activity and rest. There really is no positive to dragging yourself out of bed and pushing through your favourite class only to hate every second of it. Don't be afraid to take the day off if you feel your body needs it - It will thank you in the long run and you'll be able to continue enjoying your training sessions sickness-free. |
Women's Health and Fitness April issue !
In this month's issue of WH&F, you can read about the benefits of working outdoors, get some tips on how to get through the dreaded Easter chocolate season temptation-free, get the low down on working outdoors and read a great article on working out with your mates featuring Toa Dubai Ladies Rugby Team, the most succesful ladies team on the league, who also happen to be proudly sponsored by Urban Energy Fitness.
If you wish to follow WH&F, get their tips, and stay abreast of all things fitness in the UAE, click 'like' on their WH&F Facebook page.
Make sure you get your complimentary copy from your instructor over the next couple of weeks ! Happy reading ! |
The Urban Experience
| 'I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the classes and the motivation to get fit for my big day, I can honestly say that I was in the best shape of my life & the compliments I received were remarkable! You and the girls were great fun to train with & each lesson gave me new ideas to use in the gym when I went alone.'
Louise, Urban enthusiast
The 5km Women's run is back ... | ...And Urban Energy has been chosen as the main partner for training ! This very succesful event will take place on the 11.11.11 this year, so plenty of time to get some training under your belt. A 10km race has been added to the events for those of you who want a bigger challenge. Urban Energy will offer a number of free entries into the race to existing customers. As of September, we will increase the number of Urban Running sessions we offer and will start again with complete beginners and intermediate classes. In the meantime, we will continue to run our classes on Monday mornings and Monday Evenings until the weather stops us. Join us, get started and we guarantee you a fantastic event this year. The location has been finalised at the Palm Jumeirah which promises to be a great setting. We encourage everyone to join and register and will let you know soon how to go about it !