 Visit Our PartnerRemember Urban Energy gets 20% discount on all equipment and apparel from Reebok. If you are looking for high quality sports equipment, or just amazing technology in your shoes, get a reference code, a colour and your size and ask your instructor for the next step! |
5km Women Fun run
|  Urban Energy and Reebok were the proud supporter of the first 5km women fun run on October 22nd. 60 Urban runners registered and the turnout at the race was fantastic. It was a hot, hot day but the smiles at the finish line meant the world to us. Everyone who started the race finished it and some of you managed to pull some amazing times ! The night prior to the race, Urban Energy hosted a pasta night, a great way for runners to get to know each other and to find confort in pain! The race was a great success and we have already agreed to be part of next year's race which will be held in November. All of you runners congratulation, and a particular mention to our inspirational instructors Nicola (21:08), Emily (22:43) and Marie (23:56) who did a grand job of leading the troops to the finish line!

Finally help with the grocery shopping!
| Okay, so maybe you have known about this for a long time, but the key to proper nutrition, is an organised shopping list and recipe catalogue. And we think we have found the perfect tool... As food websites go, it really doesn't get any better than Log on, launch the application, chose from a great selection of recipes, drop your selection down in a calendar for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and the thing builds up your shopping list and writes a PDF of each recipe. We are well impressed and reckon you should try it as well ... let us know what you think !
Update on all Urban Classes | All classes except for Urban Storkfit are now outdoors - Please keep checking our website for location updates. As soon as the weather cools down a bit, we will get our new mums and babes out for fresh air !
Dear Urban Enthusiast,
Et Voila! Another month has just flown
by! And what a busy month it has been for everyone! We have finally returned to our beloved parks and outdoor spaces... after months indoors, it feels good to get some fresh air ! Our running radio competition winners started their training for the 5km fun run, our Dubai 92 World War contestants finished their 3 months long training, We were filmed by Dubai One TV conducting one of our Urban Running classes, and we welcomed to the world Urban baby Tyler ! On world Osteoporosis day, all our instructors distributed those yummy ellactiva calcium supplements. We also launched our Aqua class this month. Some 60 of you registered for free under the Urban Energy banner for the 5km fun run and 35 of you attended our fun pasta night before the race. Phew, all in a month work !... No rest for the wicked though, and November looks like it will be another busy month for everyone !
We continue to love transforming bodies and lives every day and more of you every day tell us we're on the right track ! thanks for your support, as usual, and enjoy the reading.... TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!
Laurence & Amy
Emily's Nutrition corner
Baked potato or sweet potato ?
A question I was faced with the other day, and a valid one. Regular potatoes and sweet potatoes are virtually identical when comparing their protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre content. So why go for the sweet version ? Sweet potatoes have a lower GI (glycemic index), meaning that the energy is released at a slower rate and our blood-sugar stays relatively stable (avoiding the dreaded spike which usually has us crashing and craving soon after). They also have more vitamins, including vitamin A, C and B6.
When buying sweet potatoes, select sound, firm roots. Handle them carefully to prevent bruising. Store them in a dry, unrefrigerated area. Most sweet potato dishes freeze well. Save time and energy by making a sweet potato dish to serve and one to store in the freezer. Like potatoes, sweet potatoes are always eaten cooked, but their sweetness makes them versatile. They can be used in a wide variety of dishes, both savoury and sweet, and go well with cinnamon, honey, lime, ginger, coconut and nutmeg. Enjoy them in baked desserts and quick breads, puddings and custards, casseroles, stews or croquettes. The options are endless so give it a try and let us know how you get on !
For that special gift...

Impression47 specialises in Fingerprint & Artwork Jewellery in fine silver. Shannon & Sheridan, two Urban Energy enthusiasts have been operating in Dubai since the beginning of the year and can make your gift giving this year truly special.
By taking fingerprints, handprints or footprints from your child or, if your little angel can write or draw they can recreate it in stunning pieces of jewellery that you will cherish forever.
Just imagine Christmas morning when Granny opens her gift to find a fine silver Christmas Tree with her beautiful grandchildren's fingerprints captured forever on it, or, dads surprise at finding an "I love you" note imprinted on a special sterling silver keyring just for him! The possibilities are endless.
Give them a call or check out their website, they're centrally located in Umm Suqeim and more than happy to meet up with you at a time & place that suits you best! You can also catch them in our Urban Boost classes, although they may not be as chatty then!
Shannon - 050 5534017
Sheridan - 050 5533571
Ready for a 10km ? |  We have been so overwhelmed by the success of the 5km race that we have decided to open up 2 classes dedicated to 5-10km distances. Wednesday mornings at 8.30am and thursday mornings at 6am are now dedicated to intermediate runners. so register for these 10km races and start training with us !

want a blast ? Try Tabata
| Tabata training was developed by Dr Tabata, and is considered as one of the most effective type of high intensity interval training. It is also one of the most intense by far whilst being, surprisingly, the shortest in duration, lasting only for four minutes... but those four minutes produce remarkable effects.
Tabata intervals follow this structure:
- Push hard for 20 seconds - Rest for 10 seconds. - Repeat this eight times.The secret to making this effective is in your hard interval. You have to go all out, so do as many reps as you can in the 20 seconds, put it down for 10, then pick it up again and go hell for leather for another 20 seconds. If you are training with our instructors, ask them to incorporate one session of Tabata training and try it out... You may curse us for it, but the results will be worth it !
The Urban Experience
| 'I still cant believe I ran the 5K and in a good time. It would not have been possible without the training and support of Nicola, she was fab and I really enjoyed the training session, however hard! I am planning to enter the 10K in Jan now - thanks so much' Sally, Urban Running competition winner.