Well, neither did the few ladies who started Urban Energy's running club... now, 5 weeks into the programme, everyone enjoys a weekly run outside, in the fresh air of Umm Suqueim or Arabian Ranches. Our running class are specifically designed for beginners, but every week brings a different workout to ensure that you progress towards your running goals. Running in a group makes it so much easier ! Contact us if you want to try it... the weather is extraordinary at the moment. It would be a shame to miss out !
Instroducing Emily Estall
Urban Energy is happy to introduce our new fitness instructor. Emily hails from New Zealand and was previously working on a resort on Hamilton Island, Australia. Passionate about health and wellbeing, with a particular interest for nutrition, Emily takes a holistic approach to wellness and loves an outdoor active life. A Les Mills instructor, Emily is keen to get stuck in and join the Urban Energy team. Emily will be available for free consultations in her first few weeks. Please contact us to arrange a suitable timing.

Urban Energy will continue take advantage of the outdoors until the weather no longer permits it. We are in the process of finding a suitable facility for the summer. In the meantime, enjoy the fresh air, the brisk morning, the beautiful sunshine and the greenery around Dubai. TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!
Laurence & Amy
Dear Urban enthusiast
Welcome Urban Energy's second newsletter. We've had a brilliant first month of operations, and February is shaping up to be even better ! Our classes are fully launched now and we are looking to put on more classes to suit everyone's schedules. Amy and I have been recruiting tirelessly as well and we have some good news to announce, with the arrival of Emily our new fitness instructor. More instructors means more classes so be sure to let us know if you are keen to see another class opening near you and we will try to accomodate. Everyone has been so supportive since we started operating, it's a great feeling! So if you haven't tried us yet, give us a chance and see what we can do for your fitness ... Enjoy the light reading and see you soon !
Be a knockout this year !
Everybody is talking about it. It's the new craze in town but what's the fuss all about? Urban Energy's Urban kick class is a fun group exercise class based on thai kickboxing. Armed with boxing gloves, you will punch & kick your way to fitness in a series of combination moves aimed at working both your upper and lower body. Add to that a little cardio and you've got yourself the best way to tone up and get rid of these flabby bits... QUICK! The class is fun & varied so you will never get bored. Each week you learn a new move and improve your technique. Even if you think you are not fit, Urban kick is for you. You will always work to your own level of fitness and improve as you go along. So, go on, give it a try... It's about time you have some fun exercising !
So what exactly is prenatal fitness ?
We all know now that exercising during pregnancy is excellent both for mum and baby. It is difficult to assess, however, the exact do's and don'ts of prenatal exercise. At Urban Energy, we take the guess work out of your hands and put together programmes that are specifically targeted for pregnant ladies. Using light weights, low impact cardio exercises and safe stretches, we aim to help you maitain a healthy level of fitness. Better labour, faster recovery, lower weight gain... Need we say more ? We currently run a prenatal class on Sundays at 9am and hoping to put on a second weekly class very shortly. We also offer one on one training. Our instructors are pre and post natal qualified. Contact us for more information.
Want to join a class ?
Urban Running Sunday 8.30 am - Umm Suqueim Park Monday 8.30 am - Arabian Ranches Thursday 8.15am - Arabian Ranches
Urban Kick Sunday 7pm - Umm Suqueim Park Tuesday 8.30am - Umm Suqueim Park Tuesday 10am - Arabian Ranches Wednesday 8.45am - Arabian Ranches Wednesday 7pm - Umm Suqueim Park
Urban Prenatal Sunday 9am - Umm Suqueim Park Evening class to be launched shortly. Check our website for more information
Urban Storkfit (Postnatal) Schedule is currently changing. check on our website for latest information.
Urban Fitness (circuit) Coming soon! Check on our website for more information.
Mum & baby fitness
Urban Storkfit is our Mother and baby fitness class. More than just a buggy workout, the programme is designed to get you back on the road to fitness, with your baby. Classes are relaxed, baby friendly but above all, they are fitness classes. Using free weights, kettlebells and your baby, you will go through a series of moves working all areas of your upper and lower body. This class is suitable for mums and their babies up to the age of 12 months (or walking).

The Urban Experience
'I moved to Dubai and became a stay at home Mum. At 40ish I needed to exercise to
keep my sanity. I wanted to start running as it's something you can do
anywhere especially outdoors, costs the minimum and you can do it on
your own too. Last year, I met Laurence and started to run with her, I
couldn't run 2kms without thinking I was going to die. She motivated
me, trained with me religiously and I am proud to say we ran the Std
Chartered 10km race in Jan in under an hour and just completed the RAK Half Marathon. I love my running especially with the great ladies I have met. I thoroughly recommend the running classes for absolute beginners because it can be so intimidating and it takes so much
will power to do it on your own in the beginning. Today is a good day!" Bronwyn - Urban Energy Enthusiast !