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Healthier Holiday Treats
Healthy Gift Suggestions
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The Winter holidays are officially here!

The festivities are on.  This month's newsletter will provide you with some great tips on staying healthy during the smorgasboard of parties.

I am also excited to announce that I am now teaching Yoga at Mind the Mat in Delray on Thursdays at 8:30am and in the New Year will be adding another class - details below.

Also, I will be offering a 2010 New Year, New You group health and weight management course to ring in the New Year.

And, if you are looking for healthy holiday ideas I offer health & nutrition coaching, yoga gift certificates.  Additional ideas follow.

The 30-Day gratitude challenge was a great success!  There were over 1,000 people participating and I received many comments on how the challenge positively affected their lives.  I view it as a great starting point and look forward to continuing to exercise this "gratitude" muscle throughout the holidays and beyond. 

As we continue to be grateful for all we have in our lives, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and would like to wish you and yours a very happy and healthy holiday season!

In gratitude,

Amy Arnold
President & Founder, VitalSelf
Empower Yourself, for Life!
apple beet greens

Holidays, parties and temptations everywhere! What may be treats for you could mean disaster for your body AND mind. Avoid those dreaded pounds and the carb roller coaster that creates New Year's depression: instead of gorging on all the holiday foods, try to be selective. Save your indulging for those few special foods and occasions that you look forward to all year and make healthier choices along the way.

Below are a number of healthier alternatives that highlight the best flavors of the season while minimizing some of the most decadent ingredients. You'll also find a few recipes for healthier treats you can make when you are hosting or offer to take when you're a guest.

The term healthy holidays might seem like an oxymoron, but you can have fun eating this season without sacrificing nutrition. Eating healthier during the holiday season supports your immune system and hopefully helps to fend off colds and flu's this time of year.

Healthier treat suggestions great for entertaining:

Fruit and Nut Cacao Balls
[pictured above]
Real energy balls that taste scrumptious!  Packed with fiber, protein, vitamin c and stress-fighting antioxidants.  Use a quarter cup of the following: dates, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried cherries, dried cranberries, unsweetened coconut, dried pineapple, ground almonds and 2 tablespoons of cacao powder.  I also added a teaspoon of spirulina to mine for added nutrients including omega 3's and all your essential amino acids.

Place all ingredients except ground almonds in a food processor and grind. Roll into balls and roll in the ground almonds. Keep in an airtight container.
Fresh fruit with yogurt dip
Cut up some fresh fruit, put it on a kebab, or simply lay it on a plate and offer some yogurt dip. The flavored yogurts tend to have a lot of added sugars, so try plain yogurt and squeeze some fresh juice from an orange or berries with some cinnamon.  Dip and enjoy!
Raw veggies plate with Tzatziki dip - create an array of color with baby carrots, celery, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, nori (seaweed) squares, sliced zucchini, broccoli, snow peas, etc. 
16 oz organic plain yogurt (2% or non-fat - I prefer 2%)
1 cucumber
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 tsp olive oil
2 tablespoons chives
1 teaspoon of fresh mint
Dash of salt

Peel and grate cucumber (strain allowing excess liquid to drain).  Finely chop or press garlic.  Place yogurt into a bowl, add garlic, olive oil and cucumber.  Stir well and refrigerate.  Spice it up!  Add a bit of paprika, cayenne or jalapeno pepper ;-)

Celery with almond butter & garnished with unsweetened cranberries & a dash of cinnamon
Organic holiday snack mix - Combine goji berries, raw cacao, walnuts, almonds, cranberries - it's a great holiday snack bursting with antioxidants, protein, fiber and great taste!
Warmed Fruit
Slice baked apples or pears on a plate, sprinkled with nutmeg and cinnamon and/or drizzle with a tiny bit of agave syrup or raw honey.
Coconut Cacao Freezer Fudge
This fudge is truly yummy - rave reviews - reminds me a bit of the taste of my Mom's German Chocolate Cake and her Chocolate Oatmeal cookies.
1 cup water
1 cup dates (chopped)
1/4 cup raw cacao powder
1 cup organic unsweetened almond butter
1 cup walnuts (chopped)
� cup unsweetened cranberries
1 t. vanilla
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut (shredded)
Bring 1/2-cup water to a boil; turn down heat; add dates, stirring until thick and almost smooth. Bring other 1/2-cup water to a boil in another saucepan. Lower heat; add cacao powder. Stir five minutes until smooth paste forms.  Mix softened dates and rest of ingredients into cacao paste. Pour mixture into pan and cover. Place in refrigerator until cool, cut into squares and then put in freezer until ready to serve.  Best stored in freezer.
Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita Wedges
Packed with fiber and protein
Servings: 6
�         2 cups garbanzo beans, cooked
�         2 tablespoons unroasted tahini
�         1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
�         2 cloves garlic (I do 3 ;-)
�         1/4 teaspoon cumin
�         1/4 teaspoon coriander
�         1/4 cup fresh parsley
�         dash salt
�         dash pepper
�         olive oil
�         fresh whole wheat pita bread cut into wedges (look for pita with no added sugars and hydrogenated oils)

Directions: Throw everything except the olive oil into a blender or food processor, hit the button, and voila! it's done. It should have a nice creamy/fluffy texture. If it's not quite the consistency you want after blending without the oil, add olive oil in small amounts and blend, checking consistency each time. Cut the pita into wedges. Put the hummus in a serving bowl in the middle of a plate and surround with the pita wedges. This is loads healthier than chips and dip!
Healthier Holiday Eating Tips: Recipe substitutions
If you are the chef of the party, try the following healthier recipe substitutions.

Sugar - stevia or agave
White Flour - try whole wheat, brown rice or coconut flour
Chocolate - try chocolate with a high amount of cacao 70%+
Salt - try a bit of sea salt, tamari sauce, nori flakes
Sour cream - lowfat organic plain yogurt or Tzatziki yogurt dip
Roasted salted nuts - raw nuts tossed with saut�ed garlic in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and seasoned with paprika, cayenne pepper, turmeric.
Potato and tortilla chips - look for upgraded all natural chips with no hydrogenated oils, added sugars that are higher in fiber (3 grams or more) and protein - check out the brand FoodShouldTasteGood.

Moderation is the key! 

Questions?  Feel free to email me - [email protected].

There's nothing like giving gifts when you're inspired. The holidays are a perfect time to present coworkers, friends and family members with some fun and healthy gift-giving alternatives:
--Nothing says how much you care as when you make delicious and nutritious homemade treats - leverage the list above.  Place your goody in a gift bag with a ribbon and you have a lovely, healthy and thoughtful gift!
--Along the lines of the treats, make a special coupon good for a yummy home-cooked meal for a stressed-out friend.
--The gift of massage can go a long way with friends, family and loved ones.  Give it yourself or present a gift certificate to melt their worries away ;-)
--If you know of someone who wants to get a jump start on their new year's resolution?  Give them a gift certificate for a VitalSelf health and nutrition consultation or 2010 New Year, New You package - email me for details.
--A private yoga or yogilates (yoga and pilates combined) class is an excellent gift for anyone who is interested in getting in shape and reducing their stress in a more intimate setting.  If they are in the DC area, I make house calls - email me for details.

Yoga Flow I/II
- Thursdays at 8:30am beginning December 3rd at Mind the Mat in Delray.  Both beginning and intermediate yoga students are welcome.

2010 New Year, New You health and weight-management group program. Give Yourself A Powerful Way to Kick Off the New Year!  Transform your relationship with food and yourself! 

We'll discuss how and what to eat - truly unravel the mysteries behind eating well, balancing your overall life and feeling great.  Your personalized program will include a private health consultation, the creation of a 2010 personal vision board, customized notebook organized to support you throughout the course.
We'll discuss the myths of diets, the true culprits of weight gain, eating for energy, deconstructing cravings & what do about them. The class is packed with tools to help you live a life full of health and vitality!

This is a 3 month program of 7-two hour classes starting mid-January.  Program cost is just $280, register by the New Year and receive a special discount.  Space is limited.
Email [email protected] today to see if this program is right for you. 

Moms, Pops & Tots Yoga - Thursdays at 10:15am beginning January 7th at Mind the Mat in Delray - see to register and get directions.
VitalSelf is a health and wellness company providing holistic health counseling, nutrition and life coaching, yoga classes, health & wellness programs and workshops.  We work with busy professionals (individuals, couples, groups and companies) in the Washington, DC Metro area and world-wide who desire to feel healthy, connected, energized and balanced.
Empower yourself, for life.
For more information, contact [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter:  VitalSelf
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